'''Streamlit app for Student Name Detection models.''' import json import os import warnings from json import JSONEncoder import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from annotated_text import annotated_text from piilo.engines.analyzer import prepare_analyzer from piilo.engines.anonymizer import surrogate_anonymizer os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'false' warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Helper methods @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def analyzer_engine(): '''Return AnalyzerEngine and cache with Streamlit.''' configuration = { 'nlp_engine_name': 'spacy', 'models': [ {'lang_code': 'en', 'model_name': 'en_student_name_detector'}], } analyzer = prepare_analyzer(configuration) return analyzer @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def anonymizer_engine(): '''Return generate surrogate anonymizer.''' return surrogate_anonymizer() def annotate(text, st_analyze_results, st_entities): tokens = [] # sort by start index results = sorted(st_analyze_results, key=lambda x: x.start) for i, res in enumerate(results): if i == 0: tokens.append(text[:res.start]) # append entity text and entity type tokens.append((text[res.start: res.end], res.entity_type)) # if another entity coming i.e. we're not at the last results element, add text up to next entity if i != len(results) - 1: tokens.append(text[res.end:results[i+1].start]) # if no more entities coming, add all remaining text else: tokens.append(text[res.end:]) return tokens st.set_page_config(page_title='Student Name Detector (English)', layout='wide') # Side bar st.sidebar.markdown( '''Detect and anonymize PII in text using an [NLP model](https://huggingface.co./langdonholmes/en_student_name_detector) [trained](https://github.com/aialoe/deidentification-pipeline) on student-generated text collected from a massive online open-enrollment course. ''' ) st_entities = st.sidebar.multiselect( label='Which entities to look for?', options=analyzer_engine().get_supported_entities(), default=list(analyzer_engine().get_supported_entities()), ) st_threshold = st.sidebar.slider( label='Acceptance threshold', min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.35 ) st_return_decision_process = st.sidebar.checkbox( 'Add analysis explanations in json') st.sidebar.info( 'This is part of a project to develop new anonymization systems that are appropriate for student-generated text.' ) # Main panel analyzer_load_state = st.info( 'Starting Presidio analyzer and loading Longformer-based model...') engine = analyzer_engine() analyzer_load_state.empty() st_text = st.text_area( label='Type in some text', value='Learning Reflection\n\nWritten by John Williams and Samantha Morales\n\nIn this course I learned many things. As Liedtke (2004) said, \"Students grow when they learn\" (Erickson et al. 1998).\n\nBy John H. Williams -- (714) 328-9989 -- johnwilliams@yahoo.com', height=200, ) button = st.button('Detect PII') if 'first_load' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['first_load'] = True # After st.subheader('Analyzed') with st.spinner('Analyzing...'): if button or st.session_state.first_load: st_analyze_results = analyzer_engine().analyze( text=st_text, entities=st_entities, language='en', score_threshold=st_threshold, return_decision_process=st_return_decision_process, ) annotated_tokens = annotate(st_text, st_analyze_results, st_entities) # annotated_tokens annotated_text(*annotated_tokens) # vertical space st.text('') st.subheader('Anonymized') with st.spinner('Anonymizing...'): if button or st.session_state.first_load: st_anonymize_results = anonymizer_engine().anonymize( st_text, st_analyze_results) st_anonymize_results # table result st.subheader('Detailed Findings') if st_analyze_results: res_dicts = [r.to_dict() for r in st_analyze_results] for d in res_dicts: d['Value'] = st_text[d['start']:d['end']] df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(res_dicts) df = df[['entity_type', 'Value', 'score', 'start', 'end']].rename( { 'entity_type': 'Entity type', 'start': 'Start', 'end': 'End', 'score': 'Confidence', }, axis=1, ) st.dataframe(df, width=1000) else: st.text('No findings') st.session_state['first_load'] = True # json result class ToDictListEncoder(JSONEncoder): '''Encode dict to json.''' def default(self, o): '''Encode to JSON using to_dict.''' if o: return o.to_dict() return [] if st_return_decision_process: st.json(json.dumps(st_analyze_results, cls=ToDictListEncoder))