import argparse | |
def parse_args(): | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="encode the librilight dataset using encodec model") | |
parser.add_argument("--dataset_size", type=str, default='xs', help='sizes of gigaspeech, xs, s, m, l, xl. we use xl for VoiceCraft training, xs is good for debugging') | |
parser.add_argument('--download_to', type=str, default="/data/scratch/pyp/datasets/gigaspeech_debug", help="dir where you want the huggingface gigaspeech dataset to be downloaded to") | |
parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, default="/data/scratch/pyp/datasets/gigaspeech_phn_enc_manifest_debug", help="path to the manifest, phonemes, and encodec codes dirs") | |
parser.add_argument('--encodec_model_path', type=str, default="/data/scratch/pyp/exp_pyp/audiocraft/encodec/xps/6f79c6a8/") | |
parser.add_argument('--n_workers', type=int, default=4, help="Number of parallel worker processes") | |
parser.add_argument('--mega_batch_size', type=int, default=100, help="Number of samples in each mega batch for multiprocess dataloading") | |
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help="batch size for encodec encoding, decrease it if OOM. This is the sum of batch size *over each gpu*, so increase it if you are using more gpus") | |
parser.add_argument('--model_sr', type=int, default=16000, help='encodec input audio sample rate') | |
parser.add_argument('--downsample_rate', type=int, default=320, help='encodec downsample rate') | |
parser.add_argument('--model_code_sr', type=int, default=50, help='encodec model code sample rate') | |
parser.add_argument('--len_cap', type=float, default=35.0, help='will drop audios that are longer than this number') | |
parser.add_argument('--max_len', type=int, default=30000, help='max length of audio in samples, if exceed, will cut a batch into half to process, decrease this number if OOM on your machine') | |
return parser.parse_args() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
import logging | |
formatter = ( | |
"%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(filename)s:%(lineno)d || %(message)s" | |
) | |
logging.basicConfig(format=formatter, level=logging.INFO) | |
args = parse_args() | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import tqdm | |
import time | |
from datasets import load_dataset, DownloadConfig | |
from tokenizer import TextTokenizer, tokenize_text | |
# get the path | |
phn_save_root = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.dataset_size, "phonemes") | |
codes_save_root = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.dataset_size, "encodec_16khz_4codebooks") | |
vocab_fn = os.path.join(args.save_dir, args.dataset_size, "vocab.txt") | |
os.makedirs(phn_save_root, exist_ok=True) | |
os.makedirs(codes_save_root, exist_ok=True) | |
def sort_by_audio_len(lens): | |
inds = np.argsort(lens).tolist() | |"longest: {lens[inds[-1]]*args.model_code_sr} encodec codes, {lens[inds[-1]]:.2f} sec.") | |"shortest: {lens[inds[0]]*args.model_code_sr} encodec codes, {lens[inds[0]]:.2f} sec.") | |"median: {lens[inds[len(inds)//2]]*args.model_code_sr} encodec codes, {lens[inds[len(inds)//2]]:.2f} sec.") | |"95 percentile longest: {lens[inds[int(len(inds)*0.95)]]*args.model_code_sr} encodec codes, {lens[inds[int(len(inds)*0.95)]]:.2f} sec.") | |
return inds[::-1] | |
def write_array_to_txt_file(array, filename): | |
with open(filename, 'w') as f: | |
for a in array[:-1]: | |
f.write(' '.join(map(str, a))+'\n') | |
f.write(' '.join(map(str, array[-1]))) | |
### phonemization | |
# load tokenizer | |
# load the encodec model | |
from audiocraft.solvers import CompressionSolver | |
model = CompressionSolver.model_from_checkpoint(args.encodec_model_path) | |
model = model.cuda() | |
model = model.eval() | |
text_tokenizer = TextTokenizer() | |
# | |
# there are only four different punctuations | |
# need to check whether there are other < started strings | |
punc2sym = {" <COMMA>": ",", " <PERIOD>": ".", " <QUESTIONMARK>": "?", " <EXCLAMATIONPOINT>": "!"} # note the space in front of each punc name | |
gar2sym = {"<SIL>": "#%#", "<MUSIC>": "##%", "<NOISE>": "%%#", "<OTHER>":"%#%"} # so that they are savely keep as the original sym when using tokenize_text | |
punc2sym.update(gar2sym) | |
word2sym = { "h æ ʃ h ɐ ʃ p ɚ s ɛ n t": "<MUSIC>", "h æ ʃ p ɚ s ɛ n t h æ ʃ": "<SIL>", "p ɚ s ɛ n t h ɐ ʃ p ɚ s ɛ n t": "<OTHER>", "p ɚ s ɛ n t p ɚ s ɛ n t h æ ʃ": "<NOISE>"} | |
forbidden_words = set(['#%#', '##%', '%%#', '%#%']) | |
dc = DownloadConfig(cache_dir=args.download_to) | |
stime = time.time() | |"loading the dataset...") | |
gs = load_dataset("speechcolab/gigaspeech", args.dataset_size, use_auth_token=True, cache_dir = args.download_to, download_config=dc) | |"time spend on loading the dataset: {time.time() - stime:.2f} seconds") | |
splits = ['validation', 'test', 'train'] | |"gigaspeech dataset {args.dataset_size} info: {gs}") | |"phonemizing...") | |
phn_vocab = set() | |
all_lens = [] | |
# you will see a ton of [WARNING], it's not a issue | |
for split in tqdm.tqdm(splits): | |
skip = 0 | |"now processing split {split}...") | |
for item in tqdm.tqdm(gs[split]): | |
save_fn = os.path.join(phn_save_root, item['segment_id']+".txt") | |
text = item['text'] | |
if sum(word in forbidden_words for word in text.split(" ")): | |"skip {item['segment_id']}, because it contains forbiden words. It's transcript: {text}") | |
skip += 1 | |
continue | |
for k, v in punc2sym.items(): | |
text = text.replace(k, v) | |
phn = tokenize_text(text_tokenizer, text) | |
phn_seq = " ".join(phn) | |
for k, v in word2sym.items(): | |
phn_seq = phn_seq.replace(k, v) | |
phn_vocab.update(phn_seq.split(" ")) | |
all_lens.append(len(phn_seq.split(" "))) | |
with open(save_fn, "w") as f: | |
f.write(phn_seq) | |"split {split} has {len(gs[split])} samples in total, skipped {skip} due to forbiden words") | |
print(f"phn vocab size: {len(list(phn_vocab))}") | |
print("phn sequence stats: ") | |
print(f"longest: {max(all_lens)}") | |
print(f"shortest: {min(all_lens)}") | |
print(f"median: {np.quantile(all_lens, 0.5)}") | |
print(f"95 percentile longest: {np.quantile(all_lens, 0.95)}") | |
print("write vocabulary to ", vocab_fn) | |
with open(vocab_fn, "w") as f: | |
for i, phn in enumerate(list(phn_vocab)): | |
if i < len(list(phn_vocab)) - 1: | |
f.write(f"{str(i)} {phn}\n") | |
else: | |
f.write(f"{str(i)} {phn}") | |
class mydataset( | |
def __init__(self, split): | |
super().__init__() | | = gs[split] | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len( | |
def __getitem__(self, ind): | |
try: | |
segment_id, audio, sr, text, begin_time, end_time =[ind]['segment_id'], torch.from_numpy([ind]['audio']['array']).float(),[ind]['audio']['sampling_rate'],[ind]['text'],[ind]['begin_time'],[ind]['end_time'] | |
except: | |
return None, None, None, None, None, None | |
return segment_id, audio, sr, text, begin_time, end_time | |
def collate(self, batch): | |
res = {'segment_id': [], "audio": [], "sr": [], "text": [], "begin_time": [], "end_time": []} | |
for item in batch: | |
if item[0] != None: | |
res['segment_id'].append(item[0]) | |
res['audio'].append(item[1]) | |
res['sr'].append(item[2]) | |
res['text'].append(item[3]) | |
res['begin_time'].append(item[4]) | |
res['end_time'].append(item[5]) | |
return res | |
## encodec codes extraction | |"encodec encoding...") | |
train_dataset = mydataset('train') | |
train_loader =, batch_size=args.mega_batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=args.n_workers, collate_fn=train_dataset.collate) | |
validation_dataset = mydataset('validation') | |
validation_loader =, batch_size=args.mega_batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=args.n_workers, collate_fn=validation_dataset.collate) | |
test_dataset = mydataset('test') | |
test_loader =, batch_size=args.mega_batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, num_workers=args.n_workers, collate_fn=test_dataset.collate) | |
splits = ['validation', 'test', 'train'] | |
loaders = [validation_loader, test_loader, train_loader] | |
# splits = ['validation'] # for debug | |
# loaders = [validation_loader] | |
for split, loader in zip(splits, loaders): | |
skip = 0 | |"now processing split {split}...") | |
mega_n_steps = int(np.ceil(len(gs[split]) / args.mega_batch_size)) | |"partition the split {split} into {mega_n_steps} parts, each has {args.mega_batch_size} samples") | |
for m, mega_batch in enumerate(loader): | |"====================================") | |"====================================") | |"now processing mega step {m+1}/{mega_n_steps}") | |
lengths = np.array(mega_batch['end_time']) - np.array(mega_batch['begin_time']) | |
sorted_inds = sort_by_audio_len(lengths) | |
for j in range(len(sorted_inds))[::-1]: | |
if lengths[sorted_inds[j]] < 0.2 or lengths[sorted_inds[j]] > args.len_cap: # skip samples that are too short (shorter than 0.2s), or too big (bigger than 80s) | |
skip += 1 | |
del sorted_inds[j] | |
n_steps = int(np.ceil(len(sorted_inds) / args.batch_size)) | |
for n in tqdm.tqdm(range(n_steps), disable=True): | |
inds_used = sorted_inds[n*args.batch_size:(n+1)*args.batch_size] | |
audio_batch = [mega_batch['audio'][id] for id in inds_used] | |
sr_batch = [mega_batch['sr'][id] for id in inds_used] | |
segment_id_batch = [mega_batch['segment_id'][id] for id in inds_used] | |
text_batch = [mega_batch['text'][id] for id in inds_used] | |
padded_wav = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(audio_batch, batch_first=True).unsqueeze(1) # [B, T] -> [B, 1, T] | |
all_lens = [lengths[id] for id in inds_used] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
if max(all_lens) > args.max_len and len(all_lens) > 1: # NOTE decrease args.max_len if OOM, or chunk it into more than 2 forward passes | |
codes = [] | |
inwav = padded_wav.cuda() | |
codes.append(model.encode(inwav[:len(inwav)//2])[0].cpu()) | |
codes.append(model.encode(inwav[len(inwav)//2:])[0].cpu()) | |
codes =, dim=0) | |
else: | |
encoded_frames = model.encode(padded_wav.cuda()) | |
#"encoded_frames: {encoded_frames[0].shape}") | |
codes = encoded_frames[0].cpu() | |
for i, length in enumerate(all_lens): | |
save_fn = os.path.join(codes_save_root, segment_id_batch[i]+".txt") | |
actual_len = round(length * args.model_code_sr) # 320 is downsample rate for this model | |
cur_code = codes[i].tolist() if type(codes) == list else codes[i, :, :actual_len].tolist() | |
write_array_to_txt_file(cur_code, save_fn) | |