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import argparse
import csv
import re
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from common.log import logger
from common.tts_model import Model
from config import config
mos_result_dir = Path("mos_results")
test_texts = [
# JVNVコーパスのテキスト
# CC BY-SA 4.0
# 以下app.pyの説明文章
predictor = torch.hub.load(
"tarepan/SpeechMOS:v1.2.0", "utmos22_strong", trust_repo=True
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--model_name", "-m", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("--device", "-d", type=str, default="cuda")
args = parser.parse_args()
model_name: str = args.model_name
device: str = args.device
model_path = Path(config.assets_root) / model_name
# .safetensorsファイルを検索
safetensors_files = model_path.glob("*.safetensors")
def get_model(model_file: Path):
return Model(
config_path=str(model_file.parent / "config.json"),
style_vec_path=str(model_file.parent / "style_vectors.npy"),
results = []
safetensors_files = list(safetensors_files)"There are {len(safetensors_files)} models.")
for model_file in tqdm(safetensors_files):
# `test_e10_s1000.safetensors`` -> 1000を取り出す
match ="_s(\d+)\.safetensors$",
if match:
step = int(
logger.warning(f"Step count not found in {}, so skip it.")
model = get_model(model_file)
scores = []
for i, text in enumerate(test_texts):
sr, audio = model.infer(text)
audio = audio.astype("float32")
score = predictor(torch.from_numpy(audio).unsqueeze(0), sr).item()
scores.append(score)"score: {score}")
results.append((, step, scores))
del model
logger.success("All models have been evaluated:")
# meanを計算
results = [
(model_file, step, scores + [np.mean(scores)])
for model_file, step, scores in results
# meanでソートして表示
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[2][-1], reverse=True)
for model_file, step, scores in results:"{model_file}: {scores[-1]}")
with open(
mos_result_dir / f"mos_{model_name}.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline=""
) as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(["model_path"] + ["step"] + test_texts + ["mean"])
for model_file, step, scores in results:
writer.writerow([model_file] + [step] + scores)"mos_{model_name}.csv has been saved.")
# step countと各MOSの値を格納するリストを初期化
steps = []
mos_values = []
# resultsからデータを抽出
for _, step, scores in results:
mos_values.append(scores) # scores は MOS1, MOS2, MOS3,..., mean のリスト
# DataFrame形式に変換
df = pd.DataFrame(mos_values, index=steps)
# ステップ数でソート
df = df.sort_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
# 各MOSについての折れ線グラフを描画(最後の平均値の列は除外)
for col in range(len(df.columns) - 1):
plt.plot(df.index, df.iloc[:, col], label=f"MOS{col + 1}")
# 既存の平均値の列を使用
plt.plot(df.index, df.iloc[:, -1], label="Mean", color="black", linewidth=2)
# グラフのタイトルと軸ラベルを設定
plt.title("TTS Model Naturalness MOS")
plt.xlabel("Step Count")
# ステップ数の軸ラベルを1000単位で表示するように調整
ticks=np.arange(0, max(steps) + 1000, 2000),
labels=[f"{int(x/1000)}" for x in np.arange(0, max(steps) + 1000, 2000)],
# 縦の補助線を追加
plt.grid(True, axis="x")
# 凡例をグラフの右外側に配置
plt.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
# グラフを画像として保存( の前に実行する)
plt.savefig(mos_result_dir / f"mos_{model_name}.png")
# グラフを表示