const translation = { pageTitle: 'Hey, let\'s get started!👋', welcome: 'Welcome to Dify, please log in to continue.', email: 'Email address', emailPlaceholder: 'Your email', password: 'Password', passwordPlaceholder: 'Your password', name: 'Username', namePlaceholder: 'Your username', forget: 'Forgot your password?', signBtn: 'Sign in', sso: 'Continue with SSO', installBtn: 'Set up', setAdminAccount: 'Setting up an admin account', setAdminAccountDesc: 'Maximum privileges for admin account, which can be used to create applications and manage LLM providers, etc.', createAndSignIn: 'Create and sign in', oneMoreStep: 'One more step', createSample: 'Based on this information, we’ll create sample application for you', invitationCode: 'Invitation Code', invitationCodePlaceholder: 'Your invitation code', interfaceLanguage: 'Interface Language', timezone: 'Time zone', go: 'Go to Dify', sendUsMail: 'Email us your introduction, and we\'ll handle the invitation request.', acceptPP: 'I have read and accept the privacy policy', reset: 'Please run following command to reset your password', withGitHub: 'Continue with GitHub', withGoogle: 'Continue with Google', rightTitle: 'Unlock the full potential of LLM', rightDesc: 'Effortlessly build visually captivating, operable, and improvable AI applications.', tos: 'Terms of Service', pp: 'Privacy Policy', tosDesc: 'By signing up, you agree to our', goToInit: 'If you have not initialized the account, please go to the initialization page', donthave: 'Don\'t have?', invalidInvitationCode: 'Invalid invitation code', accountAlreadyInited: 'Account already initialized', error: { emailEmpty: 'Email address is required', emailInValid: 'Please enter a valid email address', nameEmpty: 'Name is required', passwordEmpty: 'Password is required', passwordLengthInValid: 'Password must be at least 8 characters', passwordInvalid: 'Password must contain letters and numbers, and the length must be greater than 8', }, license: { tip: 'Before starting Dify Community Edition, read the GitHub', link: 'Open-source License', }, join: 'Join', joinTipStart: 'Invite you join', joinTipEnd: 'team on Dify', invalid: 'The link has expired', explore: 'Explore Dify', activatedTipStart: 'You have joined the', activatedTipEnd: 'team', activated: 'Sign in now', adminInitPassword: 'Admin initialization password', validate: 'Validate', } export default translation