/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ 'use client' import type { FC } from 'react' import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import cn from 'classnames' import useSWR from 'swr' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { useContext } from 'use-context-selector' import produce, { setAutoFreeze } from 'immer' import { useBoolean, useGetState } from 'ahooks' import AppUnavailable from '../../base/app-unavailable' import { checkOrSetAccessToken } from '../utils' import { addFileInfos, sortAgentSorts } from '../../tools/utils' import useConversation from './hooks/use-conversation' import { ToastContext } from '@/app/components/base/toast' import Sidebar from '@/app/components/share/chat/sidebar' import ConfigSence from '@/app/components/share/chat/config-scence' import Header from '@/app/components/share/header' import { delConversation, fetchAppInfo, fetchAppMeta, fetchAppParams, fetchChatList, fetchConversations, fetchSuggestedQuestions, generationConversationName, pinConversation, sendChatMessage, stopChatMessageResponding, unpinConversation, updateFeedback, } from '@/service/share' import type { AppMeta, ConversationItem, SiteInfo } from '@/models/share' import type { CitationConfig, PromptConfig, SpeechToTextConfig, SuggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig, TextToSpeechConfig, } from '@/models/debug' import type { Feedbacktype, IChatItem } from '@/app/components/app/chat/type' import Chat from '@/app/components/app/chat' import { changeLanguage } from '@/i18n/i18next-config' import useBreakpoints, { MediaType } from '@/hooks/use-breakpoints' import Loading from '@/app/components/base/loading' import { replaceStringWithValues } from '@/app/components/app/configuration/prompt-value-panel' import { userInputsFormToPromptVariables } from '@/utils/model-config' import type { InstalledApp } from '@/models/explore' import Confirm from '@/app/components/base/confirm' import type { VisionFile, VisionSettings } from '@/types/app' import { Resolution, TransferMethod } from '@/types/app' import { fetchFileUploadConfig } from '@/service/common' import type { Annotation as AnnotationType } from '@/models/log' export type IMainProps = { isInstalledApp?: boolean installedAppInfo?: InstalledApp isSupportPlugin?: boolean } const Main: FC = ({ isInstalledApp = false, installedAppInfo, }) => { const { t } = useTranslation() const { notify } = useContext(ToastContext) const media = useBreakpoints() const isMobile = media === MediaType.mobile /* * app info */ const [appUnavailable, setAppUnavailable] = useState(false) const [isUnknwonReason, setIsUnknwonReason] = useState(false) const [appId, setAppId] = useState('') const [isPublicVersion, setIsPublicVersion] = useState(true) const [siteInfo, setSiteInfo] = useState() const [promptConfig, setPromptConfig] = useState(null) const [inited, setInited] = useState(false) const [plan, setPlan] = useState('basic') // basic/plus/pro const [canReplaceLogo, setCanReplaceLogo] = useState(false) const [customConfig, setCustomConfig] = useState(null) const [appMeta, setAppMeta] = useState(null) // in mobile, show sidebar by click button const [isShowSidebar, { setTrue: showSidebar, setFalse: hideSidebar }] = useBoolean(false) // Can Use metadata(https://beta.nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/metadata) to set title. But it only works in server side client. useEffect(() => { if (siteInfo?.title) { if (canReplaceLogo) document.title = `${siteInfo.title}` else document.title = `${siteInfo.title} - Powered by Dify` } }, [siteInfo?.title, canReplaceLogo]) /* * conversation info */ const [allConversationList, setAllConversationList] = useState([]) const [isClearConversationList, { setTrue: clearConversationListTrue, setFalse: clearConversationListFalse }] = useBoolean(false) const [isClearPinnedConversationList, { setTrue: clearPinnedConversationListTrue, setFalse: clearPinnedConversationListFalse }] = useBoolean(false) const { conversationList, setConversationList, pinnedConversationList, setPinnedConversationList, currConversationId, getCurrConversationId, setCurrConversationId, getConversationIdFromStorage, isNewConversation, currConversationInfo, currInputs, newConversationInputs, // existConversationInputs, resetNewConversationInputs, setCurrInputs, setNewConversationInfo, existConversationInfo, setExistConversationInfo, } = useConversation() const [suggestedQuestions, setSuggestQuestions] = useState([]) const [hasMore, setHasMore] = useState(true) const [hasPinnedMore, setHasPinnedMore] = useState(true) const [isShowSuggestion, setIsShowSuggestion] = useState(false) const onMoreLoaded = useCallback(({ data: conversations, has_more }: any) => { setHasMore(has_more) if (isClearConversationList) { setConversationList(conversations) clearConversationListFalse() } else { setConversationList([...conversationList, ...conversations]) } }, [conversationList, setConversationList, isClearConversationList, clearConversationListFalse]) const onPinnedMoreLoaded = useCallback(({ data: conversations, has_more }: any) => { setHasPinnedMore(has_more) if (isClearPinnedConversationList) { setPinnedConversationList(conversations) clearPinnedConversationListFalse() } else { setPinnedConversationList([...pinnedConversationList, ...conversations]) } }, [pinnedConversationList, setPinnedConversationList, isClearPinnedConversationList, clearPinnedConversationListFalse]) const [controlUpdateConversationList, setControlUpdateConversationList] = useState(0) const noticeUpdateList = useCallback(() => { setHasMore(true) clearConversationListTrue() setHasPinnedMore(true) clearPinnedConversationListTrue() setControlUpdateConversationList(Date.now()) }, [clearConversationListTrue, clearPinnedConversationListTrue]) const handlePin = useCallback(async (id: string) => { await pinConversation(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, id) notify({ type: 'success', message: t('common.api.success') }) noticeUpdateList() }, [isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, t, notify, noticeUpdateList]) const handleUnpin = useCallback(async (id: string) => { await unpinConversation(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, id) notify({ type: 'success', message: t('common.api.success') }) noticeUpdateList() }, [isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, t, notify, noticeUpdateList]) const [isShowConfirm, { setTrue: showConfirm, setFalse: hideConfirm }] = useBoolean(false) const [toDeleteConversationId, setToDeleteConversationId] = useState('') const handleDelete = useCallback((id: string) => { setToDeleteConversationId(id) hideSidebar() // mobile showConfirm() }, [hideSidebar, showConfirm]) const didDelete = async () => { await delConversation(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, toDeleteConversationId) notify({ type: 'success', message: t('common.api.success') }) hideConfirm() if (currConversationId === toDeleteConversationId) handleConversationIdChange('-1') noticeUpdateList() } const [suggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig, setSuggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig] = useState(null) const [speechToTextConfig, setSpeechToTextConfig] = useState(null) const [textToSpeechConfig, setTextToSpeechConfig] = useState(null) const [citationConfig, setCitationConfig] = useState(null) const [chatList, setChatList, getChatList] = useGetState([]) const chatListDomRef = useRef(null) const [isResponding, { setTrue: setRespondingTrue, setFalse: setRespondingFalse }] = useBoolean(false) const [abortController, setAbortController] = useState(null) const [conversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew, setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew, getConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew] = useGetState(false) const [isChatStarted, { setTrue: setChatStarted, setFalse: setChatNotStarted }] = useBoolean(false) const conversationIntroduction = currConversationInfo?.introduction || '' const createNewChat = useCallback(async () => { // if new chat is already exist, do not create new chat abortController?.abort() setRespondingFalse() if (conversationList.some(item => item.id === '-1')) return setConversationList(produce(conversationList, (draft) => { draft.unshift({ id: '-1', name: t('share.chat.newChatDefaultName'), inputs: newConversationInputs, introduction: conversationIntroduction, }) })) }, [ abortController, setRespondingFalse, setConversationList, conversationList, newConversationInputs, conversationIntroduction, t, ]) const handleStartChat = useCallback((inputs: Record) => { createNewChat() setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew(true) setCurrInputs(inputs) setChatStarted() // parse variables in introduction setChatList(generateNewChatListWithOpenstatement('', inputs)) }, [ createNewChat, setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew, setCurrInputs, setChatStarted, setChatList, ]) const hasSetInputs = (() => { if (!isNewConversation) return true return isChatStarted })() const conversationName = currConversationInfo?.name || t('share.chat.newChatDefaultName') as string const [controlChatUpdateAllConversation, setControlChatUpdateAllConversation] = useState(0) // onData change thought (the produce obj). https://github.com/immerjs/immer/issues/576 useEffect(() => { setAutoFreeze(false) return () => { setAutoFreeze(true) } }, []) useEffect(() => { (async () => { if (controlChatUpdateAllConversation && !isNewConversation) { const { data: allConversations } = await fetchAllConversations() as { data: ConversationItem[]; has_more: boolean } const item = allConversations.find(item => item.id === currConversationId) setAllConversationList(allConversations) if (item) { setExistConversationInfo({ ...existConversationInfo, name: item?.name || '', } as any) } } })() }, [controlChatUpdateAllConversation]) const handleConversationSwitch = () => { if (!inited) return if (!appId) { // wait for appId setTimeout(handleConversationSwitch, 100) return } // update inputs of current conversation let notSyncToStateIntroduction = '' let notSyncToStateInputs: Record | undefined | null = {} if (!isNewConversation) { const item = allConversationList.find(item => item.id === currConversationId) notSyncToStateInputs = item?.inputs || {} setCurrInputs(notSyncToStateInputs) notSyncToStateIntroduction = item?.introduction || '' setExistConversationInfo({ name: item?.name || '', introduction: notSyncToStateIntroduction, }) } else { notSyncToStateInputs = newConversationInputs setCurrInputs(notSyncToStateInputs) } // update chat list of current conversation if (!isNewConversation && !conversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew) { fetchChatList(currConversationId, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id).then((res: any) => { const { data } = res const newChatList: IChatItem[] = generateNewChatListWithOpenstatement(notSyncToStateIntroduction, notSyncToStateInputs) data.forEach((item: any) => { newChatList.push({ id: `question-${item.id}`, content: item.query, isAnswer: false, message_files: item.message_files?.filter((file: any) => file.belongs_to === 'user') || [], }) newChatList.push({ id: item.id, content: item.answer, agent_thoughts: addFileInfos(item.agent_thoughts ? sortAgentSorts(item.agent_thoughts) : item.agent_thoughts, item.message_files), feedback: item.feedback, isAnswer: true, citation: item.retriever_resources, message_files: item.message_files?.filter((file: any) => file.belongs_to === 'assistant') || [], }) }) setChatList(newChatList) }) } if (isNewConversation && isChatStarted) setChatList(generateNewChatListWithOpenstatement()) setControlFocus(Date.now()) } useEffect(handleConversationSwitch, [currConversationId, inited]) /* * chat info. chat is under conversation. */ useEffect(() => { // scroll to bottom if (chatListDomRef.current) chatListDomRef.current.scrollTop = chatListDomRef.current.scrollHeight }, [chatList, currConversationId]) // user can not edit inputs if user had send message const canEditInpus = !chatList.some(item => item.isAnswer === false) && isNewConversation const handleConversationIdChange = useCallback((id: string) => { if (id === '-1') { createNewChat() setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew(true) } else { setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew(false) } // trigger handleConversationSwitch setCurrConversationId(id, appId) setIsShowSuggestion(false) hideSidebar() }, [ appId, createNewChat, hideSidebar, setCurrConversationId, setIsShowSuggestion, setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew, ]) // sometime introduction is not applied to state const generateNewChatListWithOpenstatement = (introduction?: string, inputs?: Record | null) => { let caculatedIntroduction = introduction || conversationIntroduction || '' const caculatedPromptVariables = inputs || currInputs || null if (caculatedIntroduction && caculatedPromptVariables) caculatedIntroduction = replaceStringWithValues(caculatedIntroduction, promptConfig?.prompt_variables || [], caculatedPromptVariables) const openstatement = { id: `${Date.now()}`, content: caculatedIntroduction, isAnswer: true, feedbackDisabled: true, isOpeningStatement: true, suggestedQuestions: openingSuggestedQuestions, } if (caculatedIntroduction) return [openstatement] return [] } const fetchAllConversations = () => { return fetchConversations(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, undefined, undefined, 100) } const fetchInitData = async () => { if (!isInstalledApp) await checkOrSetAccessToken() return Promise.all([isInstalledApp ? { app_id: installedAppInfo?.id, site: { title: installedAppInfo?.app.name, icon: installedAppInfo?.app.icon, icon_background: installedAppInfo?.app.icon_background, prompt_public: false, copyright: '', }, plan: 'basic', } : fetchAppInfo(), fetchAllConversations(), fetchAppParams(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id), fetchAppMeta(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id)]) } const { data: fileUploadConfigResponse } = useSWR(isInstalledApp ? { url: '/files/upload' } : null, fetchFileUploadConfig) // init useEffect(() => { (async () => { try { const [appData, conversationData, appParams, appMeta]: any = await fetchInitData() setAppMeta(appMeta) const { app_id: appId, site: siteInfo, plan, can_replace_logo, custom_config }: any = appData setAppId(appId) setPlan(plan) setCanReplaceLogo(can_replace_logo) setCustomConfig(custom_config) const tempIsPublicVersion = siteInfo.prompt_public setIsPublicVersion(tempIsPublicVersion) const prompt_template = '' // handle current conversation id const { data: allConversations } = conversationData as { data: ConversationItem[]; has_more: boolean } const _conversationId = getConversationIdFromStorage(appId) const isNotNewConversation = allConversations.some(item => item.id === _conversationId) setAllConversationList(allConversations) // fetch new conversation info const { user_input_form, opening_statement: introduction, suggested_questions, suggested_questions_after_answer, speech_to_text, text_to_speech, retriever_resource, file_upload, sensitive_word_avoidance }: any = appParams setVisionConfig({ ...file_upload.image, image_file_size_limit: appParams?.system_parameters?.image_file_size_limit, }) const prompt_variables = userInputsFormToPromptVariables(user_input_form) if (siteInfo.default_language) changeLanguage(siteInfo.default_language) setNewConversationInfo({ name: t('share.chat.newChatDefaultName'), introduction, }) setOpeningSuggestedQuestions(suggested_questions || []) setSiteInfo(siteInfo as SiteInfo) setPromptConfig({ prompt_template, prompt_variables, } as PromptConfig) setSuggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig(suggested_questions_after_answer) setSpeechToTextConfig(speech_to_text) setTextToSpeechConfig(text_to_speech) setCitationConfig(retriever_resource) // setConversationList(conversations as ConversationItem[]) if (isNotNewConversation) setCurrConversationId(_conversationId, appId, false) setInited(true) } catch (e: any) { if (e.status === 404) { setAppUnavailable(true) } else { setIsUnknwonReason(true) setAppUnavailable(true) } } })() }, []) const logError = useCallback((message: string) => { notify({ type: 'error', message }) }, [notify]) const checkCanSend = useCallback(() => { if (currConversationId !== '-1') return true const prompt_variables = promptConfig?.prompt_variables const inputs = currInputs if (!inputs || !prompt_variables || prompt_variables?.length === 0) return true let hasEmptyInput = '' const requiredVars = prompt_variables?.filter(({ key, name, required }) => { const res = (!key || !key.trim()) || (!name || !name.trim()) || (required || required === undefined || required === null) return res }) || [] // compatible with old version requiredVars.forEach(({ key, name }) => { if (hasEmptyInput) return if (!inputs?.[key]) hasEmptyInput = name }) if (hasEmptyInput) { logError(t('appDebug.errorMessage.valueOfVarRequired', { key: hasEmptyInput })) return false } return !hasEmptyInput }, [currConversationId, currInputs, promptConfig, t, logError]) const [controlFocus, setControlFocus] = useState(0) const doShowSuggestion = isShowSuggestion && !isResponding const [openingSuggestedQuestions, setOpeningSuggestedQuestions] = useState([]) const [messageTaskId, setMessageTaskId] = useState('') const [hasStopResponded, setHasStopResponded, getHasStopResponded] = useGetState(false) const [isRespondingConIsCurrCon, setIsRespondingConCurrCon, getIsRespondingConIsCurrCon] = useGetState(true) const [userQuery, setUserQuery] = useState('') const [visionConfig, setVisionConfig] = useState({ enabled: false, number_limits: 2, detail: Resolution.low, transfer_methods: [TransferMethod.local_file], }) const updateCurrentQA = ({ responseItem, questionId, placeholderAnswerId, questionItem, }: { responseItem: IChatItem questionId: string placeholderAnswerId: string questionItem: IChatItem }) => { // closesure new list is outdated. const newListWithAnswer = produce( getChatList().filter(item => item.id !== responseItem.id && item.id !== placeholderAnswerId), (draft) => { if (!draft.find(item => item.id === questionId)) draft.push({ ...questionItem }) draft.push({ ...responseItem }) }) setChatList(newListWithAnswer) } const handleSend = async (message: string, files?: VisionFile[]) => { if (isResponding) { notify({ type: 'info', message: t('appDebug.errorMessage.waitForResponse') }) return } if (files?.find(item => item.transfer_method === TransferMethod.local_file && !item.upload_file_id)) { notify({ type: 'info', message: t('appDebug.errorMessage.waitForImgUpload') }) return false } const data: Record = { inputs: currInputs, query: message, conversation_id: isNewConversation ? null : currConversationId, } if (visionConfig?.enabled && files && files?.length > 0) { data.files = files.map((item) => { if (item.transfer_method === TransferMethod.local_file) { return { ...item, url: '', } } return item }) } // qustion const questionId = `question-${Date.now()}` const questionItem = { id: questionId, content: message, isAnswer: false, message_files: files, } const placeholderAnswerId = `answer-placeholder-${Date.now()}` const placeholderAnswerItem = { id: placeholderAnswerId, content: '', isAnswer: true, } const newList = [...getChatList(), questionItem, placeholderAnswerItem] setChatList(newList) let isAgentMode = false // answer const responseItem: IChatItem = { id: `${Date.now()}`, content: '', agent_thoughts: [], message_files: [], isAnswer: true, } let hasSetResponseId = false const prevTempNewConversationId = getCurrConversationId() || '-1' let tempNewConversationId = prevTempNewConversationId setHasStopResponded(false) setRespondingTrue() setIsShowSuggestion(false) setIsRespondingConCurrCon(true) sendChatMessage(data, { getAbortController: (abortController) => { setAbortController(abortController) }, onData: (message: string, isFirstMessage: boolean, { conversationId: newConversationId, messageId, taskId }: any) => { if (!isAgentMode) { responseItem.content = responseItem.content + message } else { const lastThought = responseItem.agent_thoughts?.[responseItem.agent_thoughts?.length - 1] if (lastThought) lastThought.thought = lastThought.thought + message // need immer setAutoFreeze } if (messageId && !hasSetResponseId) { responseItem.id = messageId hasSetResponseId = true } if (isFirstMessage && newConversationId) tempNewConversationId = newConversationId setMessageTaskId(taskId) // has switched to other conversation if (prevTempNewConversationId !== getCurrConversationId()) { setIsRespondingConCurrCon(false) return } updateCurrentQA({ responseItem, questionId, placeholderAnswerId, questionItem, }) }, async onCompleted(hasError?: boolean) { if (hasError) return if (getConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew()) { const { data: allConversations }: any = await fetchAllConversations() const newItem: any = await generationConversationName(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, allConversations[0].id) const newAllConversations = produce(allConversations, (draft: any) => { draft[0].name = newItem.name }) setAllConversationList(newAllConversations as any) noticeUpdateList() } setConversationIdChangeBecauseOfNew(false) resetNewConversationInputs() setChatNotStarted() setCurrConversationId(tempNewConversationId, appId, true) if (getIsRespondingConIsCurrCon() && suggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig?.enabled && !getHasStopResponded()) { const { data }: any = await fetchSuggestedQuestions(responseItem.id, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) setSuggestQuestions(data) setIsShowSuggestion(true) } setRespondingFalse() }, onFile(file) { const lastThought = responseItem.agent_thoughts?.[responseItem.agent_thoughts?.length - 1] if (lastThought) lastThought.message_files = [...(lastThought as any).message_files, { ...file }] updateCurrentQA({ responseItem, questionId, placeholderAnswerId, questionItem, }) }, onThought(thought) { isAgentMode = true const response = responseItem as any if (thought.message_id && !hasSetResponseId) { response.id = thought.message_id hasSetResponseId = true } // responseItem.id = thought.message_id; if (response.agent_thoughts.length === 0) { response.agent_thoughts.push(thought) } else { const lastThought = response.agent_thoughts[response.agent_thoughts.length - 1] // thought changed but still the same thought, so update. if (lastThought.id === thought.id) { thought.thought = lastThought.thought thought.message_files = lastThought.message_files responseItem.agent_thoughts![response.agent_thoughts.length - 1] = thought } else { responseItem.agent_thoughts!.push(thought) } } // has switched to other conversation if (prevTempNewConversationId !== getCurrConversationId()) { setIsRespondingConCurrCon(false) return false } updateCurrentQA({ responseItem, questionId, placeholderAnswerId, questionItem, }) }, onMessageEnd: (messageEnd) => { if (messageEnd.metadata?.annotation_reply) { responseItem.id = messageEnd.id responseItem.annotation = ({ id: messageEnd.metadata.annotation_reply.id, authorName: messageEnd.metadata.annotation_reply.account.name, } as AnnotationType) const newListWithAnswer = produce( getChatList().filter(item => item.id !== responseItem.id && item.id !== placeholderAnswerId), (draft) => { if (!draft.find(item => item.id === questionId)) draft.push({ ...questionItem }) draft.push({ ...responseItem, }) }) setChatList(newListWithAnswer) return } // not support show citation // responseItem.citation = messageEnd.retriever_resources if (!isInstalledApp) return const newListWithAnswer = produce( getChatList().filter(item => item.id !== responseItem.id && item.id !== placeholderAnswerId), (draft) => { if (!draft.find(item => item.id === questionId)) draft.push({ ...questionItem }) draft.push({ ...responseItem }) }) setChatList(newListWithAnswer) }, onMessageReplace: (messageReplace) => { if (isInstalledApp) { responseItem.content = messageReplace.answer } else { setChatList(produce( getChatList(), (draft) => { const current = draft.find(item => item.id === messageReplace.id) if (current) current.content = messageReplace.answer }, )) } }, onError() { setRespondingFalse() // role back placeholder answer setChatList(produce(getChatList(), (draft) => { draft.splice(draft.findIndex(item => item.id === placeholderAnswerId), 1) })) }, }, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) } const handleFeedback = useCallback(async (messageId: string, feedback: Feedbacktype) => { await updateFeedback({ url: `/messages/${messageId}/feedbacks`, body: { rating: feedback.rating } }, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) const newChatList = chatList.map((item) => { if (item.id === messageId) { return { ...item, feedback, } } return item }) setChatList(newChatList) notify({ type: 'success', message: t('common.api.success') }) }, [isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id, chatList, t, notify, setChatList]) const handleListChanged = useCallback((list: ConversationItem[]) => { setConversationList(list) setControlChatUpdateAllConversation(Date.now()) }, [setConversationList, setControlChatUpdateAllConversation]) const handlePinnedListChanged = useCallback((list: ConversationItem[]) => { setPinnedConversationList(list) setControlChatUpdateAllConversation(Date.now()) }, [setPinnedConversationList, setControlChatUpdateAllConversation]) const handleStartChatOnSidebar = useCallback(() => { handleConversationIdChange('-1') }, [handleConversationIdChange]) const renderSidebar = () => { if (!appId || !siteInfo || !promptConfig) return null return ( ) } const handleAbortResponding = useCallback(async () => { await stopChatMessageResponding(appId, messageTaskId, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) setHasStopResponded(true) setRespondingFalse() }, [appId, messageTaskId, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id]) if (appUnavailable) return if (!appId || !siteInfo || !promptConfig) { return
} return (
{!isInstalledApp && (
{/* sidebar */} {!isMobile && renderSidebar()} {isMobile && isShowSidebar && (
e.stopPropagation()}> {renderSidebar()}
)} {/* main */}
} onInputsChange={setCurrInputs} plan={plan} canReplaceLogo={canReplaceLogo} customConfig={customConfig} > { hasSetInputs && (
) } {isShowConfirm && ( )}
) } export default React.memo(Main)