File size: 12,036 Bytes
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const translation = {
common: {
editing: 'Editing',
autoSaved: 'Auto-Saved',
unpublished: 'Unpublished',
published: 'Published',
publish: 'Publish',
update: 'Update',
run: 'Run',
running: 'Running',
inRunMode: 'In Run Mode',
inPreview: 'In Preview',
inPreviewMode: 'In Preview Mode',
preview: 'Preview',
viewRunHistory: 'View run history',
runHistory: 'Run History',
goBackToEdit: 'Go back to editor',
conversationLog: 'Conversation Log',
features: 'Features',
debugAndPreview: 'Debug and Preview',
restart: 'Restart',
currentDraft: 'Current Draft',
currentDraftUnpublished: 'Current Draft Unpublished',
latestPublished: 'Latest Published',
publishedAt: 'Published',
restore: 'Restore',
runApp: 'Run App',
batchRunApp: 'Batch Run App',
accessAPIReference: 'Access API Reference',
embedIntoSite: 'Embed Into Site',
addTitle: 'Add title...',
addDescription: 'Add description...',
noVar: 'No variable',
searchVar: 'Search variable',
variableNamePlaceholder: 'Variable name',
setVarValuePlaceholder: 'Set variable',
needConnecttip: 'This step is not connected to anything',
maxTreeDepth: 'Maximum limit of {{depth}} nodes per branch',
needEndNode: 'The End block must be added',
needAnswerNode: 'The Answer block must be added',
workflowProcess: 'Workflow Process',
notRunning: 'Not running yet',
previewPlaceholder: 'Enter content in the box below to start debugging the Chatbot',
effectVarConfirm: {
title: 'Remove Variable',
content: 'The variable is used in other nodes. Do you still want to remove it?',
insertVarTip: 'Press the \'/\' key to insert quickly',
processData: 'Process Data',
input: 'Input',
output: 'Output',
jinjaEditorPlaceholder: 'Type \'/\' or \'{\' to insert variable',
viewOnly: 'View Only',
showRunHistory: 'Show Run History',
enableJinja: 'Enable Jinja template support',
learnMore: 'Learn More',
copy: 'Copy',
duplicate: 'Duplicate',
addBlock: 'Add Block',
pasteHere: 'Paste Here',
pointerMode: 'Pointer Mode',
handMode: 'Hand Mode',
errorMsg: {
fieldRequired: '{{field}} is required',
authRequired: 'Authorization is required',
invalidJson: '{{field}} is invalid JSON',
fields: {
variable: 'Variable Name',
variableValue: 'Variable Value',
code: 'Code',
model: 'Model',
rerankModel: 'Rerank Model',
invalidVariable: 'Invalid variable',
singleRun: {
testRun: 'Test Run ',
startRun: 'Start Run',
running: 'Running',
tabs: {
'searchBlock': 'Search block',
'blocks': 'Blocks',
'builtInTool': 'Built-in Tool',
'customTool': 'Custom Tool',
'question-understand': 'Question Understand',
'logic': 'Logic',
'transform': 'Transform',
'utilities': 'Utilities',
'noResult': 'No match found',
blocks: {
'start': 'Start',
'end': 'End',
'answer': 'Answer',
'llm': 'LLM',
'knowledge-retrieval': 'Knowledge Retrieval',
'question-classifier': 'Question Classifier',
'if-else': 'IF/ELSE',
'code': 'Code',
'template-transform': 'Template',
'http-request': 'HTTP Request',
'variable-assigner': 'Variable Assigner',
blocksAbout: {
'start': 'Define the initial parameters for launching a workflow',
'end': 'Define the end and result type of a workflow',
'answer': 'Define the reply content of a chat conversation',
'llm': 'Invoking large language models to answer questions or process natural language',
'knowledge-retrieval': 'Allows you to query text content related to user questions from the Knowledge',
'question-classifier': 'Define the classification conditions of user questions, LLM can define how the conversation progresses based on the classification description',
'if-else': 'Allows you to split the workflow into two branches based on if/else conditions',
'code': 'Execute a piece of Python or NodeJS code to implement custom logic',
'template-transform': 'Convert data to string using Jinja template syntax',
'http-request': 'Allow server requests to be sent over the HTTP protocol',
'variable-assigner': 'Assign variables in different branches to the same variable to achieve unified configuration of post-nodes',
operator: {
zoomIn: 'Zoom In',
zoomOut: 'Zoom Out',
zoomTo50: 'Zoom to 50%',
zoomTo100: 'Zoom to 100%',
zoomToFit: 'Zoom to Fit',
panel: {
userInputField: 'User Input Field',
changeBlock: 'Change Block',
helpLink: 'Help Link',
about: 'About',
createdBy: 'Created By ',
nextStep: 'Next Step',
addNextStep: 'Add the next block in this workflow',
selectNextStep: 'Select Next Block',
runThisStep: 'Run this step',
checklist: 'Checklist',
checklistTip: 'Make sure all issues are resolved before publishing',
checklistResolved: 'All issues are resolved',
organizeBlocks: 'Organize blocks',
change: 'Change',
nodes: {
common: {
outputVars: 'Output Variables',
insertVarTip: 'Insert Variable',
memory: {
memory: 'Memory',
memoryTip: 'Chat memory settings',
windowSize: 'Window Size',
conversationRoleName: 'Conversation Role Name',
user: 'User prefix',
assistant: 'Assistant prefix',
memories: {
title: 'Memories',
tip: 'Chat memory',
builtIn: 'Built-in',
start: {
required: 'required',
inputField: 'Input Field',
builtInVar: 'Built-in Variables',
outputVars: {
query: 'User input',
memories: {
des: 'Conversation history',
type: 'message type',
content: 'message content',
files: 'File list',
noVarTip: 'Set inputs that can be used in the Workflow',
end: {
outputs: 'Outputs',
output: {
type: 'output type',
variable: 'output variable',
type: {
'none': 'None',
'plain-text': 'Plain Text',
'structured': 'Structured',
answer: {
answer: 'Answer',
outputVars: 'Output Variables',
llm: {
model: 'model',
variables: 'variables',
context: 'context',
contextTooltip: 'You can import Knowledge as context',
notSetContextInPromptTip: 'To enable the context feature, please fill in the context variable in PROMPT.',
prompt: 'prompt',
roleDescription: {
system: 'Give high level instructions for the conversation',
user: 'Provide instructions, queries, or any text-based input to the model',
assistant: 'The model’s responses based on the user messages',
addMessage: 'Add Message',
vision: 'vision',
files: 'Files',
resolution: {
name: 'Resolution',
high: 'High',
low: 'Low',
outputVars: {
output: 'Generate content',
usage: 'Model Usage Information',
singleRun: {
variable: 'Variable',
sysQueryInUser: 'sys.query in user message is required',
knowledgeRetrieval: {
queryVariable: 'Query Variable',
knowledge: 'Knowledge',
outputVars: {
output: 'Retrieval segmented data',
content: 'Segmented content',
title: 'Segmented title',
icon: 'Segmented icon',
url: 'Segmented URL',
metadata: 'Other metadata',
http: {
inputVars: 'Input Variables',
api: 'API',
apiPlaceholder: 'Enter URL, type ‘/’ insert variable',
notStartWithHttp: 'API should start with http:// or https://',
key: 'Key',
value: 'Value',
bulkEdit: 'Bulk Edit',
keyValueEdit: 'Key-Value Edit',
headers: 'Headers',
params: 'Params',
body: 'Body',
outputVars: {
body: 'Response Content',
statusCode: 'Response Status Code',
headers: 'Response Header List JSON',
files: 'Files List',
authorization: {
'authorization': 'Authorization',
'authorizationType': 'Authorization Type',
'no-auth': 'None',
'api-key': 'API-Key',
'auth-type': 'Auth Type',
'basic': 'Basic',
'bearer': 'Bearer',
'custom': 'Custom',
'api-key-title': 'API Key',
'header': 'Header',
insertVarPlaceholder: 'type \'/\' to insert variable',
timeout: {
title: 'Timeout',
connectLabel: 'Connection Timeout',
connectPlaceholder: 'Enter connection timeout in seconds',
readLabel: 'Read Timeout',
readPlaceholder: 'Enter read timeout in seconds',
writeLabel: 'Write Timeout',
writePlaceholder: 'Enter write timeout in seconds',
code: {
inputVars: 'Input Variables',
outputVars: 'Output Variables',
advancedDependencies: 'Advanced Dependencies',
advancedDependenciesTip: 'Add some preloaded dependencies that take more time to consume or are not default built-in here',
searchDependencies: 'Search Dependencies',
templateTransform: {
inputVars: 'Input Variables',
code: 'Code',
codeSupportTip: 'Only supports Jinja2',
outputVars: {
output: 'Transformed content',
ifElse: {
if: 'If',
else: 'Else',
elseDescription: 'Used to define the logic that should be executed when the if condition is not met.',
and: 'and',
or: 'or',
operator: 'Operator',
notSetVariable: 'Please set variable first',
comparisonOperator: {
'contains': 'contains',
'not contains': 'not contains',
'start with': 'start with',
'end with': 'end with',
'is': 'is',
'is not': 'is not',
'empty': 'is empty',
'not empty': 'is not empty',
'null': 'is null',
'not null': 'is not null',
enterValue: 'Enter value',
addCondition: 'Add Condition',
conditionNotSetup: 'Condition NOT setup',
variableAssigner: {
title: 'Assign variables',
outputType: 'Output Type',
outputVarType: 'Output Variable Type',
varNotSet: 'Variable not set',
noVarTip: 'Add the variables to be assigned',
type: {
string: 'String',
number: 'Number',
object: 'Object',
array: 'Array',
outputVars: {
output: 'Assigned variable value',
tool: {
toAuthorize: 'To authorize',
inputVars: 'Input Variables',
outputVars: {
text: 'tool generated content',
files: {
title: 'tool generated files',
type: 'Support type. Now only support image',
transfer_method: 'Transfer method.Value is remote_url or local_file',
url: 'Image url',
upload_file_id: 'Upload file id',
questionClassifiers: {
model: 'model',
inputVars: 'Input Variables',
outputVars: {
className: 'Class Name',
class: 'Class',
classNamePlaceholder: 'Write your class name',
advancedSetting: 'Advanced Setting',
topicName: 'Topic Name',
topicPlaceholder: 'Write your topic name',
addClass: 'Add Class',
instruction: 'Instruction',
instructionPlaceholder: 'Write your instruction',
tracing: {
stopBy: 'Stop by {{user}}',
export default translation