File size: 11,063 Bytes
4304c6d |
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const translation = {
list: {
title: 'Documents',
desc: 'All files of the Knowledge are shown here, and the entire Knowledge can be linked to Dify citations or indexed via the Chat plugin.',
addFile: 'add file',
addPages: 'Add Pages',
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fileName: 'FILE NAME',
words: 'WORDS',
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uploadFile: 'Upload new file',
settings: 'Segment settings',
addButton: 'Add chunk',
add: 'Add a chunk',
batchAdd: 'Batch add',
archive: 'Archive',
unarchive: 'Unarchive',
delete: 'Delete',
enableWarning: 'Archived file cannot be enabled',
sync: 'Sync',
index: {
enable: 'Enable',
disable: 'Disable',
all: 'All',
enableTip: 'The file can be indexed',
disableTip: 'The file cannot be indexed',
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queuing: 'Queuing',
indexing: 'Indexing',
paused: 'Paused',
error: 'Error',
available: 'Available',
enabled: 'Enabled',
disabled: 'Disabled',
archived: 'Archived',
empty: {
title: 'There is no documentation yet',
upload: {
tip: 'You can upload files, sync from the website, or from webb apps like Notion, GitHub, etc.',
sync: {
tip: 'Dify will periodically download files from your Notion and complete processing.',
delete: {
title: 'Are you sure Delete?',
content: 'If you need to resume processing later, you will continue from where you left off',
batchModal: {
title: 'Batch add chunks',
csvUploadTitle: 'Drag and drop your CSV file here, or ',
browse: 'browse',
tip: 'The CSV file must conform to the following structure:',
question: 'question',
answer: 'answer',
contentTitle: 'chunk content',
content: 'content',
template: 'Download the template here',
cancel: 'Cancel',
run: 'Run Batch',
runError: 'Run batch failed',
processing: 'In batch processing',
completed: 'Import completed',
error: 'Import Error',
ok: 'OK',
metadata: {
title: 'Metadata',
desc: 'Labeling metadata for documents allows AI to access them in a timely manner and exposes the source of references for users.',
dateTimeFormat: 'MMMM D, YYYY hh:mm A',
docTypeSelectTitle: 'Please select a document type',
docTypeChangeTitle: 'Change document type',
'If the document type is changed, the now filled metadata will no longer be preserved',
firstMetaAction: 'Let\'s go',
placeholder: {
add: 'Add ',
select: 'Select ',
source: {
upload_file: 'Upload File',
notion: 'Sync form Notion',
github: 'Sync form Github',
type: {
book: 'Book',
webPage: 'Web Page',
paper: 'Paper',
socialMediaPost: 'Social Media Post',
personalDocument: 'Personal Document',
businessDocument: 'Business Document',
IMChat: 'IM Chat',
wikipediaEntry: 'Wikipedia Entry',
notion: 'Sync form Notion',
github: 'Sync form Github',
technicalParameters: 'Technical Parameters',
field: {
processRule: {
processDoc: 'Process Document',
segmentRule: 'Chunk Rule',
segmentLength: 'Chunks Length',
processClean: 'Text Process Clean',
book: {
title: 'Title',
language: 'Language',
author: 'Author',
publisher: 'Publisher',
publicationDate: 'Publication Date',
category: 'Category',
webPage: {
title: 'Title',
url: 'URL',
language: 'Language',
authorPublisher: 'Author/Publisher',
publishDate: 'Publish Date',
topicsKeywords: 'Topics/Keywords',
description: 'Description',
paper: {
title: 'Title',
language: 'Language',
author: 'Author',
publishDate: 'Publish Date',
journalConferenceName: 'Journal/Conference Name',
volumeIssuePage: 'Volume/Issue/Page',
topicsKeywords: 'Topics/Keywords',
abstract: 'Abstract',
socialMediaPost: {
platform: 'Platform',
authorUsername: 'Author/Username',
publishDate: 'Publish Date',
postURL: 'Post URL',
topicsTags: 'Topics/Tags',
personalDocument: {
title: 'Title',
author: 'Author',
creationDate: 'Creation Date',
lastModifiedDate: 'Last Modified Date',
documentType: 'Document Type',
tagsCategory: 'Tags/Category',
businessDocument: {
title: 'Title',
author: 'Author',
creationDate: 'Creation Date',
lastModifiedDate: 'Last Modified Date',
documentType: 'Document Type',
departmentTeam: 'Department/Team',
IMChat: {
chatPlatform: 'Chat Platform',
chatPartiesGroupName: 'Chat Parties/Group Name',
participants: 'Participants',
startDate: 'Start Date',
endDate: 'End Date',
topicsKeywords: 'Topics/Keywords',
fileType: 'File Type',
wikipediaEntry: {
title: 'Title',
language: 'Language',
webpageURL: 'Webpage URL',
editorContributor: 'Editor/Contributor',
lastEditDate: 'Last Edit Date',
summaryIntroduction: 'Summary/Introduction',
notion: {
title: 'Title',
language: 'Language',
author: 'Author',
createdTime: 'Created Time',
lastModifiedTime: 'Last Modified Time',
url: 'URL',
tag: 'Tag',
description: 'Description',
github: {
repoName: 'Repo Name',
repoDesc: 'Repo Description',
repoOwner: 'Repo Owner',
fileName: 'File Name',
filePath: 'File Path',
programmingLang: 'Programming Language',
url: 'URL',
license: 'License',
lastCommitTime: 'Last Commit Time',
lastCommitAuthor: 'Last Commit Author',
originInfo: {
originalFilename: 'Original filename',
originalFileSize: 'Original file size',
uploadDate: 'Upload date',
lastUpdateDate: 'Last update date',
source: 'Source',
technicalParameters: {
segmentSpecification: 'Chunks specification',
segmentLength: 'Chunks length',
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paragraphs: 'Paragraphs',
hitCount: 'Retrieval count',
embeddingTime: 'Embedding time',
embeddedSpend: 'Embedded spend',
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zh: 'Chinese',
en: 'English',
es: 'Spanish',
fr: 'French',
de: 'German',
ja: 'Japanese',
ko: 'Korean',
ru: 'Russian',
ar: 'Arabic',
pt: 'Portuguese',
it: 'Italian',
nl: 'Dutch',
pl: 'Polish',
sv: 'Swedish',
tr: 'Turkish',
he: 'Hebrew',
hi: 'Hindi',
da: 'Danish',
fi: 'Finnish',
no: 'Norwegian',
hu: 'Hungarian',
el: 'Greek',
cs: 'Czech',
th: 'Thai',
id: 'Indonesian',
categoryMap: {
book: {
fiction: 'Fiction',
biography: 'Biography',
history: 'History',
science: 'Science',
technology: 'Technology',
education: 'Education',
philosophy: 'Philosophy',
religion: 'Religion',
socialSciences: 'SocialSciences',
art: 'Art',
travel: 'Travel',
health: 'Health',
selfHelp: 'SelfHelp',
businessEconomics: 'BusinessEconomics',
cooking: 'Cooking',
childrenYoungAdults: 'ChildrenYoungAdults',
comicsGraphicNovels: 'ComicsGraphicNovels',
poetry: 'Poetry',
drama: 'Drama',
other: 'Other',
personalDoc: {
notes: 'Notes',
blogDraft: 'Blog Draft',
diary: 'Diary',
researchReport: 'Research Report',
bookExcerpt: 'Book Excerpt',
schedule: 'Schedule',
list: 'List',
projectOverview: 'Project Overview',
photoCollection: 'Photo Collection',
creativeWriting: 'Creative Writing',
codeSnippet: 'Code Snippet',
designDraft: 'Design Draft',
personalResume: 'Personal Resume',
other: 'Other',
businessDoc: {
meetingMinutes: 'Meeting Minutes',
researchReport: 'Research Report',
proposal: 'Proposal',
employeeHandbook: 'Employee Handbook',
trainingMaterials: 'Training Materials',
requirementsDocument: 'Requirements Document',
designDocument: 'Design Document',
productSpecification: 'Product Specification',
financialReport: 'Financial Report',
marketAnalysis: 'Market Analysis',
projectPlan: 'Project Plan',
teamStructure: 'Team Structure',
policiesProcedures: 'Policies & Procedures',
contractsAgreements: 'Contracts & Agreements',
emailCorrespondence: 'Email Correspondence',
other: 'Other',
embedding: {
processing: 'Embedding processing...',
paused: 'Embedding paused',
completed: 'Embedding completed',
error: 'Embedding error',
docName: 'Preprocessing document',
mode: 'Segmentation rule',
segmentLength: 'Chunks length',
textCleaning: 'Text pre-definition and cleaning',
segments: 'Paragraphs',
highQuality: 'High-quality mode',
economy: 'Economy mode',
estimate: 'Estimated consumption',
stop: 'Stop processing',
resume: 'Resume processing',
automatic: 'Automatic',
custom: 'Custom',
previewTip: 'Paragraph preview will be available after embedding is complete',
segment: {
paragraphs: 'Paragraphs',
keywords: 'Key Words',
addKeyWord: 'Add key word',
keywordError: 'The maximum length of keyword is 20',
characters: 'characters',
hitCount: 'Retrieval count',
vectorHash: 'Vector hash: ',
questionPlaceholder: 'add question here',
questionEmpty: 'Question can not be empty',
answerPlaceholder: 'add answer here',
answerEmpty: 'Answer can not be empty',
contentPlaceholder: 'add content here',
contentEmpty: 'Content can not be empty',
newTextSegment: 'New Text Segment',
newQaSegment: 'New Q&A Segment',
delete: 'Delete this chunk ?',
export default translation