import streamlit as st import re import requests from newspaper import Article from newspaper import Config import preprocessor as p import pandas as pd import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F from goose3 import Goose from goose3.configuration import Configuration from bs4 import BeautifulSoup st.write(""" # ESG Prediction App This is a Proof of Concept for a company ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) risk prediction application. """) company = st.text_input("Company", placeholder="PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk") GOOGLE = '' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Cafari/537.36'} API_KEY = 'AIzaSyDCfIltnvAQ3lvpovRXydRMhGQ-VxkboQ4' SEARCH_ENGINE_ID = 'e586ee8a6c7e64d7b' from googleapiclient.discovery import build import math def google_search(search_term, api_key, cse_id, **kwargs): service = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key) num_search_results = kwargs['num'] if num_search_results > 100: raise NotImplementedError('Google Custom Search API supports max of 100 results') elif num_search_results > 10: kwargs['num'] = 10 # this cannot be > 10 in API call calls_to_make = math.ceil(num_search_results / 10) else: calls_to_make = 1 kwargs['start'] = start_item = 1 items_to_return = [] while calls_to_make > 0: res = service.cse().list(q=search_term, cx=cse_id, **kwargs).execute() items_to_return.extend(res['items']) calls_to_make -= 1 start_item += 10 kwargs['start'] = start_item leftover = num_search_results - start_item + 1 if 0 < leftover < 10: kwargs['num'] = leftover return items_to_return if company: # print(f'Run: {company}') links = [] news_text = [] query = f'{company}' response = google_search(query, API_KEY, SEARCH_ENGINE_ID, num=50) url_collection = [item['link'] for item in response] import os os.environ['ST_USER_AGENT'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' config = Config() config.browser_user_agent = user_agent config.request_timeout = 60 config.fetch_images = False config.memoize_articles = True config.language = 'id' # p.set_options(p.OPT.MENTION, p.OPT.EMOJI, p.OPT.HASHTAG, p.OPT.RESERVED, p.OPT.SMILEY, p.OPT.URL) def cleaner(text): text = re.sub("@[A-Za-z0-9]+", "", text) #Remove @ sign text = text.replace("#", "").replace("_", "") #Remove hashtag sign but keep the text # text = p.clean(text) # Clean text from any mention, emoji, hashtag, reserve words(such as FAV, RT), smiley, and url text = text.strip().replace("\n","") return text for url in url_collection: if "http" not in url: continue lang = "id" if "" in url or "" in url or "" in url or "" in url: lang = "en" ### Selenium # from selenium import webdriver # from import Options # from goose3 import Goose # options = Options() # options.headless = True # options.add_argument("user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36") # driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options) # # url = '' # driver.get(url) # html = driver.page_source # driver.quit() # g = Goose() # article = g.extract(raw_html=html) # print(article.cleaned_text) # news_text.append(article.cleaned_text) ### # article = Article(url, language=lang, config=config) # # article.parse() # article_clean = cleaner(article.text) # url = '' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36'} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # html = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') g = Goose() article = g.extract(raw_html=str(soup)) # print(url) # print(soup) # news_empty = True possible_class = ['detail', 'body-content', 'article-content', 'detail-konten', 'DetailBlock'] excluded_sentence = ['Komentar menjadi tanggung-jawab Anda sesuai UU ITE', 'Dapatkan berita terbaru dari kami Ikuti langkah ini untuk mendapatkan notifikasi:'] if not article.cleaned_text: article_content = soup.find('div', class_=possible_class) if article_content and article_content.get_text() not in excluded_sentence: news_text.append(article_content.get_text()) news_empty = False # print(f'{url} News Exist using POSSIBLE CLASS') else: if article.cleaned_text not in excluded_sentence: news_text.append(article.cleaned_text) news_empty = False # print(f'{url} News Exist using ARTICLE CLEANED TEXT') # if news_empty: # print(f'Cannot Get URL: {url}') # print(soup) # print(article.cleaned_text) # goose = Goose() # config = Configuration() # config.strict = False # turn of strict exception handling # config.browser_user_agent = 'Mozilla 5.0' # set the browser agent string # config.http_timeout = 5.05 # set http timeout in seconds # with Goose(config) as g: # article = goose.extract(url=url) # news_text.append(article.cleaned_text) df = pd.DataFrame({ 'news': news_text }) # Load the tokenizer and model tokenizer_esg = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("didev007/ESG-indobert-model") model_esg = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("didev007/ESG-indobert-model") # Load the tokenizer and model tokenizer_sentiment = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("adhityaprimandhika/distillbert_sentiment_analysis") model_sentiment = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("adhityaprimandhika/distillbert_sentiment_analysis") def get_chunk_weights(num_chunks): center = num_chunks / 2 sigma = num_chunks / 4 weights = [np.exp(-0.5 * ((i - center) / sigma) ** 2) for i in range(num_chunks)] weights = np.array(weights) return weights / weights.sum() def tokenize_and_chunk(text, tokenizer, chunk_size=512): inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True) input_ids = inputs['input_ids'][0] chunks = [input_ids[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(input_ids), chunk_size)] return chunks def esg_category(chunks, model): num_chunks = len(chunks) weights = get_chunk_weights(num_chunks) esg_scores = np.zeros(4) labels = ["none", "E", "S", "G"] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): inputs = {'input_ids': chunk.unsqueeze(0)} outputs = model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=1).detach().numpy()[0] esg_scores += weights[i] * probs predicted_class = esg_scores.argmax() aggregated_esg = labels[predicted_class] return aggregated_esg def sentiment_analysis(text, tokenizer, model): inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True) outputs = model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits predicted_class = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1).item() labels = ["positive", "neutral", "negative"] predicted_sentiment = labels[predicted_class] return predicted_sentiment def apply_model_to_dataframe(df, tokenizer_esg, model_esg, tokenizer_sentiment, model_sentiment, text_column='news'): esg_categories = [] sentiments = [] for text in df[text_column]: if isinstance(text, str): chunks = tokenize_and_chunk(text, tokenizer_esg) esg = esg_category(chunks, model_esg) sentiment = sentiment_analysis(text, tokenizer_sentiment, model_sentiment) esg_categories.append(esg) sentiments.append(sentiment) else: esg_categories.append("none") sentiments.append("neutral") df['aggregated_esg'] = esg_categories df['sentiment'] = sentiments return df result_data = apply_model_to_dataframe(df, tokenizer_esg, model_esg, tokenizer_sentiment, model_sentiment) grouped_counts = df.groupby(['aggregated_esg', 'sentiment']).size().reset_index(name='count') data = grouped_counts.pivot(index='aggregated_esg', columns='sentiment', values='count') required_columns_sentiment = ['negative', 'positive', 'neutral'] for col in required_columns_sentiment: if col not in data.columns: data[col] = 0 # Handle potential missing values data['negative'] = data['negative'].fillna(0) data['positive'] = data['positive'].fillna(0) data['neutral'] = data['neutral'].fillna(0) # print(data) data['count'] = (data['negative']+data['positive']+data['neutral']) data['total'] = data['negative']/data['count'] + data['positive']*(-0.2)/data['count'] # data['total'] = data['negative'] + data['positive']*(-1) if 'none' in data: data = data.drop('none') # data total = data['total'].sum() # Min-max normalization min_esg = -1 max_esg = 2 min_score = 0 max_score = 60 ESG_score = ((total - min_esg) / (max_esg - min_esg)) * (max_score - min_score) + min_score def esg_risk_categorization(esg_score): if esg_score <= 10: return 'Negligible' elif 10 < esg_score <= 20: return 'Low' elif 20 < esg_score <= 30: return 'Medium' elif 30 < esg_score <= 40: return 'High' else: return 'Severe' risk = esg_risk_categorization(ESG_score) st.write(company) log_detail = """ Company: {} ESG Score Prediction: {} ESG Category Risk Prediction: {} """.format(company, ESG_score, risk) print(log_detail) st.write(f'ESG Category Risk Prediction: {risk}')