import streamlit as st import re import sys from crewai import Crew, Process import os import asyncio from agents import ( news_research_agent, precaution_agent, report_generation_agent, generate_report_and_send_email ) from tasks import ( news_research_task, precaution_task, report_generation_task, ) # Used to stream sys output on the Streamlit frontend class StreamToContainer: def __init__(self, container): self.container = container self.buffer = [] self.colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange'] self.color_index = 0 def write(self, data): # Filter out ANSI escape codes using a regular expression cleaned_data = re.sub(r'\x1B\[[0-9;]*[mK]', '', data) # Check if the text contains the specified phrase and apply color if "Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain" in cleaned_data: self.color_index = (self.color_index + 1) % len(self.colors) cleaned_data = cleaned_data.replace( "Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain", f":{self.colors[self.color_index]}[Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain]", ) # Apply colors to agent names for agent_name in ["News Research and Summarization Agent", "Precaution Recommendation Agent", "Comprehensive Report Generation Agent"]: if agent_name in cleaned_data: cleaned_data = cleaned_data.replace(agent_name, f":{self.colors[self.color_index]}[{agent_name}]") if "Finished chain." in cleaned_data: cleaned_data = cleaned_data.replace("Finished chain.", f":{self.colors[self.color_index]}[Finished chain.]") self.buffer.append(cleaned_data) if "\n" in data: self.container.markdown(''.join(self.buffer), unsafe_allow_html=True) self.buffer = [] # Streamlit UI st.header("News Summarization & Precaution Recommendation System") st.subheader("Generate a comprehensive report based on news articles!", divider="rainbow", anchor=False) # User input form with st.form("form"): input_text = st.text_input("Enter a topic or keyword", key="input_text") email = st.text_input("Enter your email address", key="email") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") # Process the submission if submitted: with st.status("🤖 **Agents at work...**", expanded=True, state="running") as status: with st.container(height=300): sys.stdout = StreamToContainer(st) # Defining the crew comprising of different agents crew = Crew( agents=[news_research_agent, precaution_agent, report_generation_agent], tasks=[news_research_task, precaution_task, report_generation_task], process=Process.sequential, verbose=True ) result = crew.kickoff(inputs={"input_text": input_text, "email": email}) status.update(label="✅ Your Report is ready", state="complete", expanded=False) st.subheader("Comprehensive Report is ready!", anchor=False, divider="rainbow"), email)) st.markdown(result) # Enable file download st.download_button( label="Download Report", data=result, file_name=f"{input_text}_News_Report.txt", mime="text/plain", )