import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox import pickle import os from PIL import Image, ImageTk class Login: window = None right = 0 # 登录函数 def usr_log_in(self): # 输入框获取用户名密码 usr_name = self.var_usr_name.get() usr_pwd = self.var_usr_pwd.get() # 从本地字典获取用户信息,如果没有则新建本地数据库 try: with open('usr_info.pickle', 'rb') as usr_file: usrs_info = pickle.load(usr_file) except FileNotFoundError: with open('usr_info.pickle', 'wb') as usr_file: usrs_info = {'admin': 'admin'} pickle.dump(usrs_info, usr_file) # 判断用户名和密码是否匹配 if usr_name in usrs_info: if usr_pwd == usrs_info[usr_name]: tk.messagebox.showinfo(title='welcome', message='欢迎您:' + usr_name) self.window.destroy() self.right = True else: tk.messagebox.showerror(message='密码错误') # 用户名密码不能为空 elif usr_name == '' or usr_pwd == '': tk.messagebox.showerror(message='用户名或密码为空') # 不在数据库中弹出是否注册的框 else: is_signup = tk.messagebox.askyesno('欢迎', '您还没有注册,是否现在注册') if is_signup: self.usr_sign_up() # 注册函数 def usr_sign_up(self): # 确认注册时的相应函数 def signtowcg(): # 获取输入框内的内容 nn = new_name.get() np = new_pwd.get() npf = new_pwd_confirm.get() # 本地加载已有用户信息,如果没有则已有用户信息为空 try: with open('usr_info.pickle', 'rb') as usr_file: exist_usr_info = pickle.load(usr_file) except FileNotFoundError: exist_usr_info = {} # 检查用户名存在、密码为空、密码前后不一致 if nn in exist_usr_info: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '用户名已存在') elif np == '' or nn == '': tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '用户名或密码为空') elif np != npf: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '密码前后不一致') # 注册信息没有问题则将用户名密码写入数据库 else: exist_usr_info[nn] = np with open('usr_info.pickle', 'wb') as usr_file: pickle.dump(exist_usr_info, usr_file) tk.messagebox.showinfo('欢迎', '注册成功') # 注册成功关闭注册框 window_sign_up.destroy() # 新建注册界面 window_sign_up = tk.Toplevel(self.window) window_sign_up.geometry('350x200') window_sign_up.title('注册') # 用户名变量及标签、输入框 new_name = tk.StringVar() tk.Label(window_sign_up, text='用户名:').place(x=10, y=10) tk.Entry(window_sign_up, textvariable=new_name).place(x=150, y=10) # 密码变量及标签、输入框 new_pwd = tk.StringVar() tk.Label(window_sign_up, text='请输入密码:').place(x=10, y=50) tk.Entry(window_sign_up, textvariable=new_pwd, show='*').place(x=150, y=50) # 重复密码变量及标签、输入框 new_pwd_confirm = tk.StringVar() tk.Label(window_sign_up, text='请再次输入密码:').place(x=10, y=90) tk.Entry(window_sign_up, textvariable=new_pwd_confirm, show='*').place(x=150, y=90) # 确认注册按钮及位置 bt_confirm_sign_up = tk.Button(window_sign_up, text='确认注册', command=signtowcg), y=130) # 退出的函数 def usr_sign_quit(self): self.window.destroy() self.right = False def __init__(self): # 窗口 self.window = tk.Tk() self.window.title('花卉识别系统') self.window.geometry('450x300') self.topWidth = 450 self.topheight = 300 # 窗口居中 screenwidth = self.window.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = self.window.winfo_screenheight() alignstr = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % ( self.topWidth, self.topheight, (screenwidth - self.topWidth) / 2, (screenheight - self.topheight) / 2) self.window.geometry(alignstr) ima = + '/bg.jpg').resize((500, 300)) ima = ImageTk.PhotoImage(ima) # 画布放置图片 canvas = tk.Canvas(self.window, height=300, width=500, ) image = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=ima) canvas.pack(side='top') # 标签 用户名密码 tk.Label(self.window, text='用户名:').place(x=100, y=150) tk.Label(self.window, text='密码:').place(x=100, y=190) # 用户名输入框 self.var_usr_name = tk.StringVar() self.entry_usr_name = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.var_usr_name), y=150) #, y=230) # 密码输入框 self.var_usr_pwd = tk.StringVar() self.entry_usr_pwd = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.var_usr_pwd, show='*'), y=190) # 登录 注册按钮 self.bt_login = tk.Button(self.window, text='登录', command=self.usr_log_in), y=230) self.bt_logup = tk.Button(self.window, text='注册', command=self.usr_sign_up), y=230) self.bt_logquit = tk.Button(self.window, text='退出', command=self.usr_sign_quit), y=230) # 主循环 self.window.mainloop()