File size: 6,423 Bytes
42a477c b44faa3 3b0c90a 42a477c fea83a4 16cdb78 42a477c 4587ee9 16cdb78 3b0c90a 42a477c e1a8e3a 42a477c 3b0c90a e1a8e3a 3b0c90a 42a477c 16cdb78 42a477c 3b0c90a 42a477c 3b0c90a 42a477c 6bbca28 42a477c 3b0c90a 6bbca28 3b0c90a 4587ee9 3b0c90a 6bbca28 42a477c 4587ee9 42a477c 3b0c90a 42a477c 6bbca28 42a477c 4587ee9 3b0c90a 42a477c 3b0c90a b44faa3 42a477c 3b0c90a 42a477c |
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # Bibliothek
#!pip install PyMySQL
import pprint
import json
import pymysql.cursors
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, HTMLResponse
import time
from dbutils.pooled_db import PooledDB
import os
import logging
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
AUSLEIHE_TABLE = os.environ.get('AUSLEIHE_TABLE', 'ausleihe_test')
PAGE_TITLE = os.environ.get('PAGE_TITLE', 'Murmel Bibliothek TEST')
# Create a connection pool
db_config = {
'host': os.environ['MURMEL_DB_HOST'],
'user': os.environ['MURMEL_DB_USER'],
'password': os.environ['MURMEL_DB_PASSWORD'],
'database': 'murmel',
'cursorclass': pymysql.cursors.DictCursor
pool = PooledDB(pymysql, maxconnections=5, **db_config)
app = FastAPI()
LOG = logging.getLogger('uvicorn.error')
def execute_query(sql, params=None, max_retries=3, retry_delay=1):
LOG.debug("executing query " + sql + "with params" + str(params))
for attempt in range(max_retries):
connection = pool.connection()
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute(sql, params or ())
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
except pymysql.OperationalError as e:
if attempt == max_retries - 1:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Database connection error")
if 'connection' in locals():
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=".")
def get_groups():
sql = "SELECT Gruppe, idGruppe FROM `gruppe` WHERE aktuell is True ORDER BY idGruppe ASC;"
return execute_query(sql)
def get_students(idGruppe):
if idGruppe == 'all':
sql = """
SELECT DISTINCT concat(`ki`.`Vorname`,' ',`ki`.`Nachnamen`) AS `Kind`, `ki`.`idKind` AS `idKind`
FROM `kind` `ki`
JOIN `kind_x_gruppe_x_schuljahr` `kgs` ON `ki`.`idKind` = `kgs`.`x_kind`
JOIN `schuljahr` `sch` ON `sch`.`idschuljahr` = `kgs`.`x_schuljahr`
WHERE `sch`.`aktuell` = 1
return execute_query(sql)
sql = """
SELECT concat(`ki`.`Vorname`,' ',`ki`.`Nachnamen`) AS `Kind`, `ki`.`idKind` AS `idKind`
FROM `kind` `ki`
JOIN `kind_x_gruppe_x_schuljahr` `kgs` ON `ki`.`idKind` = `kgs`.`x_kind`
JOIN `schuljahr` `sch` ON `sch`.`idschuljahr` = `kgs`.`x_schuljahr`
JOIN `gruppe` `gr` ON `gr`.`idGruppe` = `kgs`.`x_gruppe`
WHERE `sch`.`aktuell` = 1 AND (`gr`.`Gruppe` = %s OR `gr`.`idGruppe` = %s)
return execute_query(sql, (idGruppe, idGruppe))
def rueckgabe(idBuch, grund='rueckgabe'):
Updates the database to mark a book as returned.
- idBuch (int): The ID of the book to be returned.
- grund (str): The reason for the return (default: 'rueckgabe').
- dict: Information about the return, including the students who had the book.
sql = f"""
SELECT a.`idBuch`, a.`idKind`, a.`ausleihe`, a.`rueckgabe`, a.`rueckGrund`,
CONCAT(k.`Vorname`, ' ', k.`Nachnamen`) AS student_name
JOIN `kind` k ON a.`idKind` = k.`idKind`
WHERE a.`idBuch` = %s AND a.`rueckgabe` is NULL;
result = execute_query(sql, (idBuch,))
if len(result) == 0:
return {"success": False, "message": "Buch nicht gefunden oder bereits zurückgegeben"}
# return the book
sql = f"UPDATE `{AUSLEIHE_TABLE}` SET `rueckgabe` = NOW(), `rueckGrund` = %s WHERE `idBuch` = %s AND `rueckgabe` is NULL;"
execute_query(sql, (grund, idBuch))
student_names = [row['student_name'] for row in result]
students_str = ", ".join(student_names)
return {
"success": True,
"message": f"Buch zurückgegeben von: {students_str}",
"student_names": student_names
def ausleihe(idBuch, idKind):
Performs a book loan operation by inserting a new record into 'ausleihe_test' or the table defined by the AUSLEIHE_TABLE environment variable.
- idBuch (int): The ID of the book being loaned.
- idKind (int): The ID of the child borrowing the book.
- dict: A dictionary containing the result of the borrowing operation.
rueckgabe_result = rueckgabe(idBuch, grund="neu-ausleihe")
message = "Buch erfolgreich ausgeliehen"
if rueckgabe_result.get("success", False):
# Get the name of the previous borrower
prev_borrower_id = rueckgabe_result["student_names"][0]
sql = "SELECT CONCAT(Vorname, ' ', Nachnamen) AS full_name FROM kind WHERE idKind = %s;"
prev_borrower_name = execute_query(sql, (prev_borrower_id,))[0]['full_name']
message += f". Zuvor ausgeliehen von {prev_borrower_name}"
# Insert new borrowing record
sql = f"INSERT INTO `{AUSLEIHE_TABLE}` (`idBuch`, `idKind`, `ausleihe`) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW());"
execute_query(sql, (idBuch, idKind))
return {"success": True, "message": message}
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(f"Error in ausleihe: {str(e)}")
return {"success": False, "message": f"Fehler beim Ausleihen des Buches: {str(e)}"}
def ausgeliehen(idKind):
Retrieves the books that are currently borrowed by a specific child.
idKind (int): The ID of the child.
list: A list of tuples containing the book ID and the borrowing date for each book that is currently borrowed by the child.
sql = f"SELECT `idBuch`, `ausleihe` FROM `{AUSLEIHE_TABLE}` WHERE `idKind` = %s AND `rueckgabe` IS NULL;"
result = execute_query(sql, (idKind,))
return result
@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def read_root(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "page_title": PAGE_TITLE})
# run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn, host='localhost', port=5000)
# %%