import os import sys import threading import time import tkinter as tk from multiprocessing import Queue from typing import List from PIL import Image, ImageTk from streamv2v.image_utils import postprocess_image sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) def update_image(image_data: Image.Image, label: tk.Label) -> None: """ Update the image displayed on a Tkinter label. Parameters ---------- image_data : Image.Image The image to be displayed. label : tk.Label The labels where the image will be updated. """ width = 512 height = 512 tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image_data, size=width) label.configure(image=tk_image, width=width, height=height) label.image = tk_image # keep a reference def _receive_images( queue: Queue, fps_queue: Queue, label: tk.Label, fps_label: tk.Label ) -> None: """ Continuously receive images from a queue and update the labels. Parameters ---------- queue : Queue The queue to receive images from. fps_queue : Queue The queue to put the calculated fps. label : tk.Label The label to update with images. fps_label : tk.Label The label to show fps. """ while True: try: if not queue.empty(): label.after( 0, update_image, postprocess_image(queue.get(block=False), output_type="pil")[0], label, ) if not fps_queue.empty(): fps_label.config(text=f"FPS: {fps_queue.get(block=False):.2f}") time.sleep(0.0005) except KeyboardInterrupt: return def receive_images(queue: Queue, fps_queue: Queue) -> None: """ Setup the Tkinter window and start the thread to receive images. Parameters ---------- queue : Queue The queue to receive images from. fps_queue : Queue The queue to put the calculated fps. """ root = tk.Tk() root.title("Image Viewer") label = tk.Label(root) fps_label = tk.Label(root, text="FPS: 0") label.grid(column=0) fps_label.grid(column=1) def on_closing(): print("window closed") root.quit() # stop event loop return thread = threading.Thread( target=_receive_images, args=(queue, fps_queue, label, fps_label), daemon=True ) thread.start() try: root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) root.mainloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: return