Configuration error
Configuration error
from crewai_tools import BaseTool | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import yfinance as yf | |
import yahooquery | |
import tensorflow_hub as hub | |
import requests | |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity | |
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans | |
import os | |
class CompetitorAnalysisTool(BaseTool): | |
name: str = "Competitor Analysis Tool" | |
description: str = "Identify competitors in a specific industry and perform clustering based on business model descriptions." | |
def _run(self, company_name: str) -> str: | |
def get_ticker(company_name): | |
yfinance = "" | |
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' | |
params = {"q": company_name, "quotes_count": 1, "country": "United States"} | |
res = requests.get(url=yfinance, params=params, headers={'User-Agent': user_agent}) | |
data = res.json() | |
company_code = data['quotes'][0]['symbol'] | |
return company_code | |
""" | |
Initialises the class based on the requested company given as a command-line variable. | |
self.ticker is a string representing the ticker symbol for the company. | | saves all the basic information about the company from the yfinance api. | |
""" | |
try: | |
self.ticker = get_ticker(company_name) | | = yf.Ticker(self.ticker).info | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
raise | |
def similar_group(self) -> str : | |
""" | |
AVAILABLE_SCREENS is a constant that stores the categories that the available stocks are sorted into. | |
In this method, we use the industry of our chosen company and work out which of the categories of stocks best fits the industry. | |
To compute the 'best fit', we encode the screen names and industry name using the Google Universal Sentence Encoder as it captures the semantics of the sentence as well. | |
The method then returns the stocks obtained from the resultant category. | |
""" | |
screener = yahooquery.Screener() | |
use_model = hub.KerasLayer("") | |
screeners_embedded = use_model(AVAILABLE_SCREENS) | |
information = pd.DataFrame({'screeners':AVAILABLE_SCREENS, 'embeddings':np.array(x.numpy() for x in screeners_embedded)}) | |
industry_vector = use_model([['industry']])[0].numpy() | |
compute_similarity = lambda x: cosine_similarity([x], [industry_vector])[0][0] | |
information['similarity'] = information['embeddings'].map(compute_similarity) | |
maximum_similarity = max(information['similarity']) | |
predicted_screen = information[information['similarity'] == maximum_similarity] | |
return list(predicted_screen['screeners'])[0] | |
def identify_market_competition(self) -> pd.DataFrame : | |
""" | |
This method processes the result of the similar_group method. | |
The list of stocks obtained from the similar_group method are all potential competitors to our chosen company. | |
So, it collects all companies in a pandas dataframe and attaches the description of the business model of each to the dataframe. | |
This dataframe is then the output of the method. | |
""" | |
screener = yahooquery.Screener() | |
most_likely_category = self.similar_group() | |
potential_competition = screener.get_screeners(most_likely_category)[most_likely_category]['quotes'] | |
competitor_list = list(x['symbol'] for x in potential_competition) | |
if self.ticker not in competitor_list: | |
competitor_list.append(self.ticker) | |
competitor_list = yahooquery.Ticker(competitor_list) | |
data = pd.DataFrame(competitor_list.asset_profile).T | |
relevent_data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['longBusinessSummary']) | |
return relevent_data | |
def prepare_clustering_data(self, paragraphs:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame : | |
""" | |
This method takes as input, the dataframe outputted by the self.identify_market_competition method. | |
The next step is to process the description of the business model but any ML algorithm cannot process string-like data. | |
So, this method uses the Google Universal Sentence Encoder to encode each description as a vector and attaches this to the dataframe. | |
The method then outputs this modified dataframe. | |
""" | |
paragraph_embedder = hub.KerasLayer("") | |
business_description_embedded = paragraph_embedder(paragraphs['longBusinessSummary']) | |
paragraphs['summaryEncoded'] = list(x.numpy() for x in business_description_embedded) | |
return paragraphs | |
def kmeans_clustering(self, descriptions:pd.DataFrame, clusters:int) -> np.ndarray : | |
""" | |
Takes the set of vectors representing the business model and runs a kmeans clustering algorithm to group together similar business descriptions. | |
This method only runs the algorithm for a given number of clusters and this number is optimized in self.get_optimized_labels to maximise information gain. | |
""" | |
kmeans_object = KMeans(n_clusters=clusters, random_state=1) | |['summaryEncoded']))) | |
return kmeans_object.labels_ | |
def get_optimized_labels(self, descriptions:pd.DataFrame, optimisation_range:tuple) -> np.ndarray : | |
""" | |
This method runs self.kmeans_clustering on a given range of cluster numbers and works out the optimum number to maximise the quality of clusters. | |
This is done via maximising the silhouette score. | |
The cluster associated with each description is then outputted. | |
""" | |
k_values = range(optimisation_range[0], optimisation_range[1]) | |
max_silhouette_score = [0,0] | |
for k in k_values: | |
current_labels = self.kmeans_clustering(descriptions, k) | |
silhouette_average = silhouette_score(np.array(list(descriptions['summaryEncoded'])), current_labels) | |
if (silhouette_average > max_silhouette_score[0]): | |
max_silhouette_score = [silhouette_average, current_labels] | |
return max_silhouette_score[1] | |
def obtain_competitors(self, descriptions:pd.DataFrame) -> list : | |
""" | |
Runs the kmeans clustering algorithm on potential competitors and ones which are chosen into the same cluster are assumed to have the most similar business model. | |
So, this methods groups together companies in the same cluster as the chosen one and this list is outputted. | |
""" | |
if (len(descriptions) <= 5): | |
return list(descriptions.index) | |
max_clusters = int(len(descriptions) / 2) + 1 | |
optimum_labels = self.get_optimized_labels(descriptions, (2,max_clusters)) | |
descriptions['clusterLabel'] = optimum_labels | |
select_cluster = int(descriptions.loc[self.ticker]['clusterLabel']) | |
selected_competitors = list(descriptions[descriptions['clusterLabel'] == select_cluster].index) | |
selected_competitors.remove(self.ticker) | |
return selected_competitors | |
def competitor_analysis_report(self): | |
""" | |
Uses the result of self.obtain_competitors and writes a mini summary of results into a text file. | |
""" | |
potential_competitors = self.identify_market_competition() | |
revised_competitors = self.prepare_clustering_data(potential_competitors) | |
final_companies = self.obtain_competitors(revised_competitors) | |
ticker_list = yahooquery.Ticker(final_companies) | |
information_dict = ticker_list.quote_type | |
requested_company = yahooquery.Ticker([self.ticker]).quote_type[self.ticker]['shortName'] | |
file_name = f"competitionAnalysisReport_{self.ticker}.txt" | |
if len(final_companies) > 0: | |
write_string = f"Requested Company : {requested_company} ({self.ticker})\n\nPossible market competitors in current economic landscape based on business model :\n" | |
count = 1 | |
for x in information_dict: | |
write_string += f"\t{count}. {information_dict[x]['shortName']} ({x})\n" | |
count += 1 | |
else: | |
write_string = f"Requested Company : {requested_company} ({self.ticker})\n\nAlgorithm could not find another major company with noticably similar business models.\nLooks like the company chosen has exploited a gap in the market!" | |
with open(file_name, "w") as f: | |
f.write(write_string) | |
return write_string |