Runtime error
Runtime error
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import streamlit as st
import GPTHelper
from sentence_transformers import CrossEncoder
from pymed import PubMed
import pandas as pd
import as px
import logging
from langdetect import detect
from typing import Dict, List
if "valid_inputs_received" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["valid_inputs_received"] = False
def get_articles(query, fetcher) -> Dict[List[str], List[str]]:
# Fetches articles using pymed. Increasing max_results results in longer loading times.
results = fetcher.query(query, max_results=50)
conclusions = []
titles = []
links = []
for article in results:
article_id = 0 # If PubMed search fails to return anything
article_id = article.pubmed_id[:8] # Sometimes pymed wrongly returns a long list of ids. Use only the firstpip freeze >
title = article.title
conclusion = article.conclusions
abstract = article.abstract
article_url = f'{article_id}/'
article_link = f'<a href="{article_url}" style="color: black; font-size: 16px; ' \
f'text-decoration: underline;">PubMed ID: {article_id}</a>' # Injects a link to plotly
if conclusion:
# Not all articles come with the provided conclusions. Abstract is used alternatively.
titles.append(title) # Title is added to the conclusion to improve relevance ranking.
elif abstract:
conclusions.append(title + '\n' + abstract)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f"Error reading article: {article_id}: ", exc_info=e)
return {
"Conclusions": conclusions,
"Links": links
def load_cross_encoder():
# The pretrained cross-encoder model used for reranking. Can be substituted with a different one.
cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2')
return cross_encoder
def load_pubmed_fetcher():
pubmed = PubMed(tool="PubmedFactChecker", email="[email protected]")
return pubmed
def run_ui():
# This function controls the whole app flow.
st.set_page_config(page_title="PUBMED FACT-CHECKER", page_icon="📖")
sidebar = st.sidebar
The PubMed fact-checker app enables users to verify biomedical claims by comparing them against
research papers available on PubMed. \n
As the number of self-proclaimed experts continues to rise,
so does the risk of harmful misinformation. This app showcases the potential of Large Language Models
to provide accurate and valuable information to people.
sidebar.write('Try one of the below examples to see PubMed fact-checker in action.')
st.title('PubMed FACT CHECKER')
with st.form(key="fact_form"):
fact = st.text_input('Fact:', placeholder='Enter your fact')
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Fact-Check")
if sidebar.button('Mediterranean diet helps with weight loss.', use_container_width=250):
submitted = True
fact = 'Mediterranean diet helps with weight loss.'
if sidebar.button('Low Carb High Fat diet is healthy in long term.', use_container_width=250):
submitted = True
fact = 'Low Carb High Fat diet is healthy in long term.'
if sidebar.button('Vaccines are a cause of autism.', use_container_width=250):
submitted = True
fact = 'Vaccines are a cause of autism.'
sidebar.title('HOW IT WORKS')
sidebar.write('Source code and in-depth app description available at:')'**GitHub: [@jacinthes](**', icon="💻")
if not submitted and not st.session_state.valid_inputs_received:
elif submitted and not fact:
st.warning('Please enter your fact before fact-checking.')
st.session_state.valid_inputs_received = False
elif submitted and not detect(fact) == 'en':
st.warning('Please enter valid text in English. For short inputs, language detection is sometimes inaccurate.')
st.session_state.valid_inputs_received = False
elif submitted and not len(fact) < 75:
st.warning('To ensure accurate searching, please keep your fact under 75 characters.')
st.session_state.valid_inputs_received = False
elif submitted or st.session_state.valid_inputs_received:
pubmed_query = GPTHelper.gpt35_rephrase(fact) # Call gpt3.5 turbo to rephrase fact as a PubMed query.
pubmed = load_pubmed_fetcher()
with st.spinner('Fetching articles...'):
articles = get_articles(pubmed_query, pubmed)
article_conclusions = articles['Conclusions']
article_links = articles['Links']
cross_inp = [[fact, conclusions] for conclusions in article_conclusions]
with st.spinner('Assessing article relevancy...'):
cross_encoder = load_cross_encoder()
cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp) # Calculate relevancy using the defined cross-encoder.
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Link': article_links,
'Conclusion': article_conclusions,
'Score': cross_scores
df.sort_values(by=['Score'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
df = df[df['Score'] > 0] # Only keep articles with relevancy score above 0.
if df.shape[0] == 0: # If no relevant article si found, inform the user.
"Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything for your search.\n"
"Don't let that discourage you, I have over 35 million citations in my database.\n"
"I am sure your next search will be more successful."
df = df.head(10) # Keep only 10 most relevant articles. This is done to control OpenAI costs and load time.
progress_text = "Assessing the validity of the fact based on relevant research papers."
fact_checking_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text)
step = 100/df.shape[0]
percent_complete = 0
predictions = []
for index, row in df.iterrows():
predictions.append(GPTHelper.check_fact(row['Conclusion'], fact)) # Prompt to GPT3.5 to fact-check
percent_complete += step/100
fact_checking_bar.progress(round(percent_complete, 2), text=progress_text)
df['Prediction'] = predictions
# Prepare DataFrame for plotly sunburst chart.
totals = df.groupby('Prediction').size().to_dict()
df['Total'] = df['Prediction'].map(totals)
fig = px.sunburst(df, path=['Prediction', 'Link'], values='Total', height=600, width=600, color='Prediction',
'False': "#FF8384",
'True': "#A5D46A",
'Undetermined': "#FFDF80"
margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=20, b=20),
st.write(f'According to PubMed "{fact}" is:')
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":