from import Callable import traceback from typing import List, Union from datasets import Dataset import re import pickle import os from transformers.pipelines.pt_utils import KeyDataset from transformers import AutoTokenizer from import tqdm URL_REGEX = r"\b(https?://\S+)\b" EMAIL_REGEX = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)" TAG_REGEX = r"<[^>]+>" HANDLE_REGEX = r"[^a-zA-Z](@\w+)" class Translator: def __init__( self, pipe: Callable, max_length: int = 500, batch_size: int = 16, save_every_step=100, text_key="text", save_filename=None, replace_chinese_puncts=False, verbose=False, ): self.pipe = pipe self.max_length = max_length self.batch_size = batch_size self.save_every_step = save_every_step self.save_filename = save_filename self.text_key = text_key self.replace_chinese_puncts = replace_chinese_puncts self.verbose = verbose if max_length == None and hasattr(pipe.model.config, "max_length"): self.max_length = pipe.model.config.max_length def _is_chinese(self, text: str) -> bool: return ( r"[\u4e00-\u9fff\u3400-\u4dbf\U00020000-\U0002a6df\U0002a700-\U0002ebef\U00030000-\U000323af\ufa0e\ufa0f\ufa11\ufa13\ufa14\ufa1f\ufa21\ufa23\ufa24\ufa27\ufa28\ufa29\u3006\u3007][\ufe00-\ufe0f\U000e0100-\U000e01ef]?", text, ) is not None ) def _split_sentences(self, text: str) -> List[str]: tokens = self.pipe.tokenizer(text, add_special_tokens=False) token_size = len(tokens.input_ids) if len(text) <= self.max_length: return [text] delimiter = set() delimiter.update("。!?;…!?;") sent_list = [] sent = text while token_size > self.max_length: orig_sent_len = token_size # find the index of delimiter near the max_length for i in range(token_size - 2, 0, -1): token = tokens.token_to_chars(0, i) char = sent[token.start : token.end] if char in delimiter: split_char_index = token.end next_sent = sent[split_char_index:] if len(next_sent) == 1: continue sent_list = [next_sent] + sent_list sent = sent[0:split_char_index] break tokens = self.pipe.tokenizer(sent, add_special_tokens=False) token_size = len(tokens.input_ids) # no delimiter found, leave the sentence as it is if token_size == orig_sent_len: sent_list = [sent] + sent_list sent = "" break if len(sent) > 0: sent_list = [sent] + sent_list return sent_list def _preprocess(self, text: str) -> (str, str): # extract entities tags = re.findall(TAG_REGEX, text) handles = re.findall(HANDLE_REGEX, text) urls = re.findall(URL_REGEX, text) emails = re.findall(EMAIL_REGEX, text) entities = urls + emails + tags + handles # TODO: escape entity placeholders for i, entity in enumerate(entities): text = text.replace(entity, "eeee[%d]" % i, 1) lines = text.split("\n") sentences = [] num_tokens = [] template = text.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") chunk_index = 0 for line in lines: sentence = line.strip() if len(sentence) > 0 and self._is_chinese(sentence): chunks = self._split_sentences(sentence) for chunk in chunks: sentences.append(chunk) tokens = self.pipe.tokenizer(chunk, add_special_tokens=False) num_tokens.append(len(tokens.input_ids)) chunk = chunk.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") template = template.replace(chunk, "{%d}" % chunk_index, 1) chunk_index += 1 return sentences, template, num_tokens, entities def _postprocess( self, template: str, src_sentences: List[str], translations: List[str], entities: List[str], ) -> str: processed = [] alphanumeric_regex = re.compile( "([a-zA-Za-zA-Z0-9\d+'\",,(\()\)::;;“”。·\.\??\!!‘’$\[\]<>/]+)" ) def hash_text(text: List[str]) -> str: text = "|".join(text) puncts_map = str.maketrans(",;:()。?!“”‘’", ",;:().?!\"\"''") text = text.translate(puncts_map) return text.lower() for i, p in enumerate(translations): src_sentence = src_sentences[i] if self.replace_chinese_puncts: p = re.sub(",", ",", p) # replace all commas p = re.sub(";", ";", p) # replace semi-colon p = re.sub(":", ":", p) # replace colon p = re.sub("\(", "(", p) # replace round basket p = re.sub("\)", ")", p) # replace round basket p = re.sub(r"([\d]),([\d])", r"\1,\2", p) src_matches = re.findall(alphanumeric_regex, src_sentence) tgt_matches = re.findall(alphanumeric_regex, p) # length not match or no match if ( len(src_matches) != len(tgt_matches) or len(src_matches) == 0 or len(tgt_matches) == 0 ): processed.append(p) continue # normalize full-width to half-width and lower case src_hashes = hash_text(src_matches) translated_hashes = hash_text(tgt_matches) if src_hashes != translated_hashes: # fix unmatched for j in range(len(src_matches)): if src_matches[j] != tgt_matches[j]: p = p.replace(tgt_matches[j], src_matches[j], 1) processed.append(p) output = template.format(*processed) # replace entities for i, entity in enumerate(entities): output = output.replace("eeee[%d]" % i, entity, 1) # TODO: unescape entity placeholders # fix repeated punctuations output = re.sub(r"([「」()『』《》。,:])\1+", r"\1", output) # fix brackets if "“" in output: output = re.sub("“", "「", output) if "”" in output: output = re.sub("”", "」", output) return output def _save(self, translations): with open(self.save_filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(translations, f) def __call__(self, inputs: Union[List[str], Dataset]) -> List[str]: templates = [] sentences = [] num_tokens = [] sentence_indices = [] outputs = [] translations = [] entities_list = [] resume_from_file = None if isinstance(inputs, Dataset): ds = inputs else: if isinstance(inputs, str): inputs = [inputs] ds = Dataset.from_list([{"text": text} for text in inputs]) for i, text_input in tqdm( enumerate(ds), total=len(ds), desc="Preprocessing", disable=not self.verbose ): chunks, template, num_tokens, entities = self._preprocess( text_input["text"] ) templates.append(template) sentence_indices.append([]) entities_list.append(entities) for j, chunk in enumerate(chunks): sentences.append(chunk) sentence_indices[len(sentence_indices) - 1].append(len(sentences) - 1) num_tokens.append(num_tokens[j]) if self.save_filename: resume_from_file = ( self.save_filename if os.path.isfile(self.save_filename) else None ) if resume_from_file != None: translations = pickle.load(open(resume_from_file, "rb")) if self.verbose: print("translated:", len(translations)) print("to translate:", len(sentences) - len(translations)) if resume_from_file != None: print( "Resuming from {}({} records)".format( resume_from_file, len(translations) ) ) ds = Dataset.from_list( [{"text": text} for text in sentences[len(translations) :]] ) max_token_length = max(num_tokens) if self.verbose: print("Max Length:", max_token_length) total_records = len(ds) if total_records > 0: step = 0 with tqdm( disable=not self.verbose, desc="Translating", total=total_records ) as pbar: for out in self.pipe( KeyDataset(ds, self.text_key), batch_size=self.batch_size, max_length=self.max_length, ): translations.append(out[0]) # export generate result every n steps if ( step != 0 and self.save_filename != None and step % self.save_every_step == 0 ): self._save(translations) step += 1 pbar.update(1) if self.save_filename != None and total_records > 0: self._save(translations) for i, template in tqdm( enumerate(templates), total=len(templates), desc="Postprocessing", disable=not self.verbose, ): try: src_sentences = [sentences[index] for index in sentence_indices[i]] tgt_sentences = [ translations[index]["translation_text"] for index in sentence_indices[i] ] output = self._postprocess( template, src_sentences, tgt_sentences, entities_list[i] ) outputs.append(output) except Exception as error: print(error) print(template) traceback.print_exc() # print(template, sentence_indices[i], len(translations)) return outputs class Object(object): pass class FakePipe(object): def __init__(self, max_length: int = 500): self.model = Object() self.model.config = Object() self.model.config.max_length = max_length self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( "indiejoseph/bart-translation-zh-yue" ) def __call__(self, text: List[str], batch_size: str, max_length: int): for i in range(len(text)): sentence = text[i] # extract entities tags = re.findall(TAG_REGEX, sentence) handles = re.findall(HANDLE_REGEX, sentence) urls = re.findall(URL_REGEX, sentence) emails = re.findall(EMAIL_REGEX, sentence) entities = urls + emails + tags + handles for i, entity in enumerate(entities): sentence = sentence.replace(entity, "eeee[%d]" % i, 1) if "123" in sentence: yield [{"translation_text": sentence.replace("123", "123")}] continue if "abc" in sentence: yield [{"translation_text": sentence.replace("abc", "ABC")}] continue if "Acetaminophen" in sentence: yield [ { "translation_text": sentence.replace( "Acetaminophen", "ACEtaminidien" ) } ] continue yield [{"translation_text": sentence}] if __name__ == "__main__": fake_pipe = FakePipe(60) translator = Translator(fake_pipe, max_length=60, batch_size=2, verbose=True) text1 = "对于编写聊天机器人的脚本,你可以采用不同的方法,包括使用基于规则的系统、自然语言处理(NLP)技术和机器学习模型。下面是一个简单的例子,展示如何使用基于规则的方法来构建一个简单的聊天机器人:" text2 = """对于编写聊天机器人的脚本,你可以采用不同的方法,包括使用基于规则的系统、自然语言处理(NLP)技术和机器学习模型。下面是一个简单的例子,展示如何使用基于规则的方法来构建一个简单的聊天机器人: ``` # 设置用于匹配输入的关键字,并定义相应的回答数据字典。 keywords = {'你好': '你好!很高兴见到你。', '再见': '再见!有机会再聊。', '你叫什么': '我是一个聊天机器人。', '你是谁': '我是一个基于人工智能技术制作的聊天机器人。'} # 定义用于处理用户输入的函数。 def chatbot(input_text): # 遍历关键字数据字典,匹配用户的输入。 for key in keywords: if key in input_text: # 如果匹配到了关键字,返回相应的回答。 return keywords[key] # 如果没有找到匹配的关键字,返回默认回答。 return "对不起,我不知道你在说什么。" # 运行聊天机器人。 while True: # 获取用户输入。 user_input = input('用户: ') # 如果用户输入“再见”,退出程序。 if user_input == '再见': break # 处理用户输入,并打印回答。 print('机器人: ' + chatbot(user_input)) ``` 这是一个非常简单的例子。对于实用的聊天机器人,可能需要使用更复杂的 NLP 技术和机器学习模型,以更好地理解和回答用户的问题。""" text3 = "布洛芬(Ibuprofen)同撲熱息痛(Acetaminophen)係兩種常見嘅非處方藥,用於緩解疼痛、發燒同關節痛。" text4 = "123 “abc” def's @abc 網址:http://localhost/abc下載" text5 = "新力公司董事長盛田昭夫、自民黨國會議員石原慎太郎等人撰寫嘅《日本可以說「不」》、《日本還要說「不」》、《日本堅決說「不」》三本書中話道:「無啦啦挑起戰爭嘅好戰日本人,製造南京大屠殺嘅殘暴嘅日本人,呢d就係人地對日本人嘅兩個誤解,都係‘敲打日本’嘅兩個根由,我地必須採取措施消除佢。」" outputs = translator([text1, text2, text3, text4, text5]) # for i, line in enumerate(outputs[1].split("\n")): # input_text = text2.split("\n")[i] # if line != input_text: # print(line, text2.split("\n")[i]) assert outputs[0] == text1 assert outputs[1] == text2.replace("“", "「").replace("”", "」") assert outputs[2] == text3 assert outputs[3] == text4.replace("“", "「").replace("”", "」") assert outputs[4] == text5 # exception assert ( len( translator._split_sentences( "新力公司董事長盛田昭夫、自民黨國會議員石原慎太郎等人撰寫嘅《日本可以說「不」》、《日本還要說「不」》、《日本堅決說「不」》三本書中話道:「無啦啦挑起戰爭嘅好戰日本人,製造南京大屠殺嘅殘暴嘅日本人,呢d就係人地對日本人嘅兩個誤解,都係‘敲打日本’嘅兩個根由,我地必須採取措施消除佢。」" ) ) == 1 ) translator = Translator(fake_pipe, max_length=5, batch_size=2, verbose=True) assert ( len( translator._split_sentences("====。====。====。====。====。====。====。====。====。") ) == 9 )