from typing import List import torch import torch.nn as nn from .clip_explainability import load from .clip import tokenize from torch import device import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as nnf import itertools def zeroshot_classifier(clip_model, classnames, templates, device): with torch.no_grad(): texts = list( itertools.chain( *[ [template.format(classname) for template in templates] for classname in classnames ] ) ) # format with class texts = tokenize(texts).to(device) # tokenize class_embeddings = clip_model.encode_text(texts) class_embeddings = class_embeddings.view(len(classnames), len(templates), -1) class_embeddings /= class_embeddings.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) zeroshot_weights = class_embeddings.mean(dim=1) return zeroshot_weights.T # shape: [dim, n classes] class ClipGradcam(nn.Module): def __init__( self, clip_model_name: str, classes: List[str], templates: List[str], device: device, num_layers=10, positive_attn_only=False, **kwargs ): super(ClipGradcam, self).__init__() self.clip_model_name = clip_model_name self.model, self.preprocess = load(clip_model_name, device=device, **kwargs) self.templates = templates self.device = device self.target_classes = None self.set_classes(classes) self.num_layers = num_layers self.positive_attn_only = positive_attn_only self.num_res_attn_blocks = { "ViT-B/32": 12, "ViT-B/16": 12, "ViT-L/14": 16, "ViT-L/14@336px": 16, }[clip_model_name] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, o: List[str]): """ non-standard hack around an nn, really should be more principled here """ image_features = self.model.encode_image( image_features = image_features / image_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) zeroshot_weights = [self.class_to_language_feature[prompt] for prompt in o], dim=1 ) logits_per_image = 100.0 * image_features @ zeroshot_weights return self.interpret(logits_per_image, self.model, self.device) def interpret(self, logits_per_image, model, device): # modified from: batch_size = logits_per_image.shape[0] num_prompts = logits_per_image.shape[1] one_hot = [logit for logit in logits_per_image.sum(dim=0)] model.zero_grad() image_attn_blocks = list( dict(model.visual.transformer.resblocks.named_children()).values() ) num_tokens = image_attn_blocks[0].attn_probs.shape[-1] R = torch.eye( num_tokens, num_tokens, dtype=image_attn_blocks[0].attn_probs.dtype ).to(device) R = R[None, None, :, :].repeat(num_prompts, batch_size, 1, 1) for i, block in enumerate(image_attn_blocks): if i <= self.num_layers: continue # TODO try scaling block.attn_probs by value magnitude # TODO actual parallelized prompt gradients grad = torch.stack( [ torch.autograd.grad(logit, [block.attn_probs], retain_graph=True)[ 0 ].detach() for logit in one_hot ] ) grad = grad.view( num_prompts, batch_size, self.num_res_attn_blocks, num_tokens, num_tokens, ) cam = ( block.attn_probs.view( 1, batch_size, self.num_res_attn_blocks, num_tokens, num_tokens ) .detach() .repeat(num_prompts, 1, 1, 1, 1) ) cam = cam.reshape(num_prompts, batch_size, -1, cam.shape[-1], cam.shape[-1]) grad = grad.reshape( num_prompts, batch_size, -1, grad.shape[-1], grad.shape[-1] ) cam = grad * cam cam = cam.reshape( num_prompts * batch_size, -1, cam.shape[-1], cam.shape[-1] ) if self.positive_attn_only: cam = cam.clamp(min=0) # average of all heads cam = cam.mean(dim=-3) R = R + torch.bmm( cam, R.view(num_prompts * batch_size, num_tokens, num_tokens) ).view(num_prompts, batch_size, num_tokens, num_tokens) image_relevance = R[:, :, 0, 1:] img_dim = int(np.sqrt(num_tokens - 1)) image_relevance = image_relevance.reshape( num_prompts, batch_size, img_dim, img_dim ) return image_relevance def set_classes(self, classes): self.target_classes = classes language_features = zeroshot_classifier( self.model, self.target_classes, self.templates, self.device ) self.class_to_language_feature = {} for i, c in enumerate(self.target_classes): self.class_to_language_feature[c] = language_features[:, [i]]