import os import gradio as gr import soundfile as sf import torch from gradio_client import Client from huggingface_hub import Repository from pandas import read_csv from transformers import pipeline # load the results file from the private repo USERNAMES_DATASET_ID = "huggingface-course/audio-course-u7-hands-on" HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") usernames_url = os.path.join("", USERNAMES_DATASET_ID) usernames_repo = Repository(local_dir="usernames", clone_from=usernames_url, use_auth_token=HF_TOKEN) usernames_repo.git_pull() CSV_RESULTS_FILE = os.path.join("usernames", "usernames.csv") all_results = read_csv(CSV_RESULTS_FILE) # load the LID checkpoint device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" pipe = pipeline("audio-classification", model="facebook/mms-lid-126", device=device) # define some constants TITLE = "🤗 Audio Transformers Course: Unit 7 Assessment" DESCRIPTION = """ Check that you have successfully completed the hands-on exercise for Unit 7 of the 🤗 Audio Transformers Course by submitting your demo to this Space. As a reminder, you should start with the template Space provided at [`course-demos/speech-to-speech-translation`](, and update the Space to translate from any language X to a **non-English** language Y. Your demo should take as input an audio file, and return as output another audio file, matching the signature of the [`speech_to_speech_translation`]( function in the template demo. To submit your demo for assessment, give the repo id or URL to your demo. For the template demo, this would be `course-demos/speech-to-speech-translation`. You should ensure that the visibility of your demo is set to **public**. This Space will submit a test file to your demo, and check that the output is non-English audio. If your demo successfully returns an audio file, and this audio file is classified as being non-English, you will pass the Unit and get a green tick next to your name on the overall [course progress space]( ✅ If you experience any issues with using this checker, [open an issue]( on this Space and tag [`@sanchit-gandhi`]( """ THRESHOLD = 0.5 PASS_MESSAGE = "Congratulations USER! Your demo passed the assessment!" def verify_demo(repo_id): if "/" not in repo_id: raise gr.Error(f"Ensure you pass a valid repo id to the assessor, got `{repo_id}`") split_repo_id = repo_id.split("/") user_name = split_repo_id[-2] if len(split_repo_id) > 2: repo_id = "/".join(split_repo_id[-2:]) if (all_results["username"] == user_name).any(): raise gr.Error(f"Username {user_name} has already passed the assessment!") try: client = Client(repo_id, hf_token=HF_TOKEN) except Exception as e: raise gr.Error(f"Error with loading Space: {e}") try: audio_file = client.predict("test_short.wav", api_name="/predict") except Exception as e: raise gr.Error( f"Error with querying Space, check that your Space takes an audio file as input and returns an audio as output: {e}" ) audio, sampling_rate = language_prediction = pipe({"array": audio, "sampling_rate": sampling_rate}) label_outputs = {} for pred in language_prediction: label_outputs[pred["label"]] = pred["score"] top_prediction = language_prediction[0] if top_prediction["score"] < THRESHOLD: raise gr.Error( f"Model made random predictions - predicted {top_prediction['label']} with probability {top_prediction['score']}" ) elif top_prediction["label"] == "eng": raise gr.Error( "Model generated an English audio - ensure the model is set to generate audio in a non-English langauge, e.g. Dutch" ) # save and upload new evaluated usernames all_results.loc[len(all_results)] = {"username": user_name} all_results.to_csv(CSV_RESULTS_FILE, index=False) usernames_repo.push_to_hub() message = PASS_MESSAGE.replace("USER", user_name) return message, "test_short.wav", (sampling_rate, audio), label_outputs demo = gr.Interface( fn=verify_demo, inputs=gr.Textbox(placeholder="course-demos/speech-to-speech-translation", label="Repo id or URL of your demo"), outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Status"), gr.Audio(label="Source Speech", type="filepath"), gr.Audio(label="Generated Speech", type="numpy"), gr.Label(label="Language prediction"), ], title=TITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, ) demo.launch()