--- title: salad bowl (vampnet) emoji: 🥗 colorFrom: yellow colorTo: green sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.37.2 python_version: 3.9.17 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: cc-by-nc-4.0 --- # VampNet This repository contains recipes for training generative music models on top of the Descript Audio Codec. # Setting up **Requires Python 3.9**. you'll need a Python 3.9 environment to run VampNet. This is due to a [known issue with madmom](https://github.com/hugofloresgarcia/vampnet/issues/15). (for example, using conda) ```bash conda create -n vampnet python=3.9 conda activate vampnet ``` install VampNet ```bash git clone https://github.com/hugofloresgarcia/vampnet.git pip install -e ./vampnet ``` # Usage quick start! ```python import random import vampnet import audiotools as at # load the default vampnet model interface = vampnet.interface.Interface.default() # list available finetuned models finetuned_model_choices = interface.available_models() print(f"available finetuned models: {finetuned_model_choices}") # pick a random finetuned model model_choice = random.choice(finetuned_model_choices) print(f"choosing model: {model_choice}") # load a finetuned model interface.load_finetuned(model_choice) # load an example audio file signal = at.AudioSignal("assets/example.wav") # get the tokens for the audio codes = interface.encode(signal) # build a mask for the audio mask = interface.build_mask( codes, signal, periodic_prompt=7, upper_codebook_mask=3, ) # generate the output tokens output_tokens = interface.vamp( codes, mask, return_mask=False, temperature=1.0, typical_filtering=True, ) # convert them to a signal output_signal = interface.decode(output_tokens) # save the output signal output_signal.write("scratch/output.wav") ``` ## Launching the Gradio Interface You can launch a gradio UI to play with vampnet. ```bash python app.py --args.load conf/interface.yml --Interface.device cuda ``` # Training / Fine-tuning ## Training a model To train a model, run the following script: ```bash python scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/vampnet.yml --save_path /path/to/checkpoints ``` for multi-gpu training, use torchrun: ```bash torchrun --nproc_per_node gpu scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/vampnet.yml --save_path path/to/ckpt ``` You can edit `conf/vampnet.yml` to change the dataset paths or any training hyperparameters. For coarse2fine models, you can use `conf/c2f.yml` as a starting configuration. See `python scripts/exp/train.py -h` for a list of options. ## Debugging training To debug training, it's easier to debug with 1 gpu and 0 workers ```bash CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m pdb scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/vampnet.yml --save_path /path/to/checkpoints --num_workers 0 ``` ## Fine-tuning To fine-tune a model, use the script in `scripts/exp/fine_tune.py` to generate 3 configuration files: `c2f.yml`, `coarse.yml`, and `interface.yml`. The first two are used to fine-tune the coarse and fine models, respectively. The last one is used to launch the gradio interface. ```bash python scripts/exp/fine_tune.py "/path/to/audio1.mp3 /path/to/audio2/ /path/to/audio3.wav" ``` This will create a folder under `conf//` with the 3 configuration files. The save_paths will be set to `runs//coarse` and `runs//c2f`. launch the coarse job: ```bash python scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/generated//coarse.yml ``` this will save the coarse model to `runs//coarse/ckpt/best/`. launch the c2f job: ```bash python scripts/exp/train.py --args.load conf/generated//c2f.yml ``` ## A note on argbind This repository relies on [argbind](https://github.com/pseeth/argbind) to manage CLIs and config files. Config files are stored in the `conf/` folder. ### Take a look at the pretrained models All the pretrained models (trained by hugo) are stored here: https://huggingface.co./hugggof/vampnet ### Licensing for Pretrained Models: The weights for the models are licensed [`CC BY-NC-SA 4.0`](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.ml). Likewise, any VampNet models fine-tuned on the pretrained models are also licensed [`CC BY-NC-SA 4.0`](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.ml). Download the pretrained models from [this link](https://zenodo.org/record/8136629). Then, extract the models to the `models/` folder.