"""Examples of using pyrender for viewing and offscreen rendering. | |
""" | |
import pyglet | |
pyglet.options['shadow_window'] = False | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import trimesh | |
from pyrender import PerspectiveCamera,\ | |
DirectionalLight, SpotLight, PointLight,\ | |
MetallicRoughnessMaterial,\ | |
Primitive, Mesh, Node, Scene,\ | |
Viewer, OffscreenRenderer, RenderFlags | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Mesh creation | |
#============================================================================== | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# Creating textured meshes from trimeshes | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# Fuze trimesh | |
fuze_trimesh = trimesh.load('./models/fuze.obj') | |
fuze_mesh = Mesh.from_trimesh(fuze_trimesh) | |
# Drill trimesh | |
drill_trimesh = trimesh.load('./models/drill.obj') | |
drill_mesh = Mesh.from_trimesh(drill_trimesh) | |
drill_pose = np.eye(4) | |
drill_pose[0,3] = 0.1 | |
drill_pose[2,3] = -np.min(drill_trimesh.vertices[:,2]) | |
# Wood trimesh | |
wood_trimesh = trimesh.load('./models/wood.obj') | |
wood_mesh = Mesh.from_trimesh(wood_trimesh) | |
# Water bottle trimesh | |
bottle_gltf = trimesh.load('./models/WaterBottle.glb') | |
bottle_trimesh = bottle_gltf.geometry[list(bottle_gltf.geometry.keys())[0]] | |
bottle_mesh = Mesh.from_trimesh(bottle_trimesh) | |
bottle_pose = np.array([ | |
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1], | |
[0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -0.16], | |
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.13], | |
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], | |
]) | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# Creating meshes with per-vertex colors | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
boxv_trimesh =*np.ones(3)) | |
boxv_vertex_colors = np.random.uniform(size=(boxv_trimesh.vertices.shape)) | |
boxv_trimesh.visual.vertex_colors = boxv_vertex_colors | |
boxv_mesh = Mesh.from_trimesh(boxv_trimesh, smooth=False) | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# Creating meshes with per-face colors | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
boxf_trimesh =*np.ones(3)) | |
boxf_face_colors = np.random.uniform(size=boxf_trimesh.faces.shape) | |
boxf_trimesh.visual.face_colors = boxf_face_colors | |
boxf_mesh = Mesh.from_trimesh(boxf_trimesh, smooth=False) | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# Creating meshes from point clouds | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
points = trimesh.creation.icosphere(radius=0.05).vertices | |
point_colors = np.random.uniform(size=points.shape) | |
points_mesh = Mesh.from_points(points, colors=point_colors) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Light creation | |
#============================================================================== | |
direc_l = DirectionalLight(color=np.ones(3), intensity=1.0) | |
spot_l = SpotLight(color=np.ones(3), intensity=10.0, | |
innerConeAngle=np.pi/16, outerConeAngle=np.pi/6) | |
point_l = PointLight(color=np.ones(3), intensity=10.0) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Camera creation | |
#============================================================================== | |
cam = PerspectiveCamera(yfov=(np.pi / 3.0)) | |
cam_pose = np.array([ | |
[0.0, -np.sqrt(2)/2, np.sqrt(2)/2, 0.5], | |
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], | |
[0.0, np.sqrt(2)/2, np.sqrt(2)/2, 0.4], | |
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] | |
]) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Scene creation | |
#============================================================================== | |
scene = Scene(ambient_light=np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1.0])) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Adding objects to the scene | |
#============================================================================== | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# By manually creating nodes | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
fuze_node = Node(mesh=fuze_mesh, translation=np.array([0.1, 0.15, -np.min(fuze_trimesh.vertices[:,2])])) | |
scene.add_node(fuze_node) | |
boxv_node = Node(mesh=boxv_mesh, translation=np.array([-0.1, 0.10, 0.05])) | |
scene.add_node(boxv_node) | |
boxf_node = Node(mesh=boxf_mesh, translation=np.array([-0.1, -0.10, 0.05])) | |
scene.add_node(boxf_node) | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
# By using the add() utility function | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
drill_node = scene.add(drill_mesh, pose=drill_pose) | |
bottle_node = scene.add(bottle_mesh, pose=bottle_pose) | |
wood_node = scene.add(wood_mesh) | |
direc_l_node = scene.add(direc_l, pose=cam_pose) | |
spot_l_node = scene.add(spot_l, pose=cam_pose) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Using the viewer with a default camera | |
#============================================================================== | |
v = Viewer(scene, shadows=True) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Using the viewer with a pre-specified camera | |
#============================================================================== | |
cam_node = scene.add(cam, pose=cam_pose) | |
v = Viewer(scene, central_node=drill_node) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Rendering offscreen from that camera | |
#============================================================================== | |
r = OffscreenRenderer(viewport_width=640*2, viewport_height=480*2) | |
color, depth = r.render(scene) | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
plt.figure() | |
plt.imshow(color) | | | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Segmask rendering | |
#============================================================================== | |
nm = {node: 20*(i + 1) for i, node in enumerate(scene.mesh_nodes)} | |
seg = r.render(scene, RenderFlags.SEG, nm)[0] | |
plt.figure() | |
plt.imshow(seg) | | | |
r.delete() | |