import os | |
os.system('pip install /home/user/app/pyrender') | |
os.system('pip install pyglet==1.4.0a1') | |
os.system('pip install triangle==20220202') | |
import gradio as gr | |
import torch | |
import time | |
import numpy as np | |
import pytorch_lightning as pl | |
import subprocess | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from import build_data | |
from mGPT.models.build_model import build_model | |
from mGPT.config import parse_args | |
from transformers import WhisperProcessor, WhisperForConditionalGeneration | |
import librosa | |
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download | |
# Load model | |
cfg = parse_args(phase="webui") # parse config file | |
cfg.FOLDER = 'cache' | |
output_dir = Path(cfg.FOLDER) | |
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
pl.seed_everything(cfg.SEED_VALUE) | |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): | |
device = torch.device("cuda") | |
else: | |
device = torch.device("cpu") | |
model_path = snapshot_download(repo_id="bill-jiang/MotionGPT-base") | |
datamodule = build_data(cfg, phase="test") | |
model = build_model(cfg, datamodule) | |
state_dict = torch.load(f'{model_path}/motiongpt_s3_h3d.tar', | |
map_location="cpu")["state_dict"] | |
model.load_state_dict(state_dict) | | | |
audio_processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained(cfg.model.whisper_path) | |
audio_model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( | |
cfg.model.whisper_path).to(device) | |
forced_decoder_ids_zh = audio_processor.get_decoder_prompt_ids( | |
language="zh", task="translate") | |
forced_decoder_ids_en = audio_processor.get_decoder_prompt_ids( | |
language="en", task="translate") | |
# HTML Style | |
Video_Components = """ | |
<div class="side-video" style="position: relative;"> | |
<video width="340" autoplay loop> | |
<source src="file/{video_path}" type="video/mp4"> | |
</video> | |
<a class="videodl-button" href="file/{video_path}" download="{video_fname}" title="Download Video"> | |
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="lucide lucide-video"><path d="m22 8-6 4 6 4V8Z"/><rect width="14" height="12" x="2" y="6" rx="2" ry="2"/></svg> | |
</a> | |
<a class="npydl-button" href="file/{motion_path}" download="{motion_fname}" title="Download Motion"> | |
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="lucide lucide-file-box"><path d="M14.5 22H18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7.5L14.5 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4"/><polyline points="14 2 14 8 20 8"/><path d="M2.97 13.12c-.6.36-.97 1.02-.97 1.74v3.28c0 .72.37 1.38.97 1.74l3 1.83c.63.39 1.43.39 2.06 0l3-1.83c.6-.36.97-1.02.97-1.74v-3.28c0-.72-.37-1.38-.97-1.74l-3-1.83a1.97 1.97 0 0 0-2.06 0l-3 1.83Z"/><path d="m7 17-4.74-2.85"/><path d="m7 17 4.74-2.85"/><path d="M7 17v5"/></svg> | |
</a> | |
</div> | |
""" | |
Video_Components_example = """ | |
<div class="side-video" style="position: relative;"> | |
<video width="340" autoplay loop controls> | |
<source src="file/{video_path}" type="video/mp4"> | |
</video> | |
<a class="npydl-button" href="file/{video_path}" download="{video_fname}" title="Download Video"> | |
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="lucide lucide-video"><path d="m22 8-6 4 6 4V8Z"/><rect width="14" height="12" x="2" y="6" rx="2" ry="2"/></svg> | |
</a> | |
</div> | |
""" | |
Text_Components = """ | |
<h3 class="side-content" >{msg}</h3> | |
""" | |
def motion_token_to_string(motion_token, lengths, codebook_size=512): | |
motion_string = [] | |
for i in range(motion_token.shape[0]): | |
motion_i = motion_token[i].cpu( | |
) if motion_token.device.type == 'cuda' else motion_token[i] | |
motion_list = motion_i.tolist()[:lengths[i]] | |
motion_string.append( | |
(f'<motion_id_{codebook_size}>' + | |
''.join([f'<motion_id_{int(i)}>' for i in motion_list]) + | |
f'<motion_id_{codebook_size + 1}>')) | |
return motion_string | |
def render_motion(data, feats, method='fast'): | |
fname = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime( | |
time.time())) + str(np.random.randint(10000, 99999)) | |
video_fname = fname + '.mp4' | |
feats_fname = f"{fname}_feats" + '.npy' | |
data_fname = f"{fname}_joints" + '.npy' | |
output_npy_path = os.path.join(output_dir, feats_fname) | |
output_joints_path = os.path.join(output_dir, data_fname) | |
output_mp4_path = os.path.join(output_dir, video_fname) | |, feats) | |, data) | |
render_cmd = ["python", "-m", "render", "--joints_path", output_joints_path, "--method", method, "--output_mp4_path", output_mp4_path, "--smpl_model_path", cfg.RENDER.SMPL_MODEL_PATH] | |
os.system(" ".join(render_cmd)) | |
# | |
return output_mp4_path, video_fname, output_npy_path, feats_fname | |
def load_motion(motion_uploaded, method): | |
file = motion_uploaded['file'] | |
feats = torch.tensor(np.load(file), device=model.device) | |
if len(feats.shape) == 2: | |
feats = feats[None] | |
# feats = model.datamodule.normalize(feats) | |
# Motion tokens | |
motion_lengths = feats.shape[0] | |
motion_token, _ = model.vae.encode(feats) | |
motion_token_string = model.lm.motion_token_to_string( | |
motion_token, [motion_token.shape[1]])[0] | |
motion_token_length = motion_token.shape[1] | |
# Motion rendered | |
joints = model.datamodule.feats2joints(feats.cpu()).cpu().numpy() | |
output_mp4_path, video_fname, output_npy_path, joints_fname = render_motion( | |
joints, | |'cpu').numpy(), method) | |
motion_uploaded.update({ | |
"feats": feats, | |
"joints": joints, | |
"motion_video": output_mp4_path, | |
"motion_video_fname": video_fname, | |
"motion_joints": output_npy_path, | |
"motion_joints_fname": joints_fname, | |
"motion_lengths": motion_lengths, | |
"motion_token": motion_token, | |
"motion_token_string": motion_token_string, | |
"motion_token_length": motion_token_length, | |
}) | |
return motion_uploaded | |
def add_text(history, text, motion_uploaded, data_stored, method): | |
data_stored = data_stored + [{'user_input': text}] | |
text = f"""<h3>{text}</h3>""" | |
history = history + [(text, None)] | |
if 'file' in motion_uploaded.keys(): | |
motion_uploaded = load_motion(motion_uploaded, method) | |
output_mp4_path = motion_uploaded['motion_video'] | |
video_fname = motion_uploaded['motion_video_fname'] | |
output_npy_path = motion_uploaded['motion_joints'] | |
joints_fname = motion_uploaded['motion_joints_fname'] | |
history = history + [(Video_Components.format( | |
video_path=output_mp4_path, | |
video_fname=video_fname, | |
motion_path=output_npy_path, | |
motion_fname=joints_fname), None)] | |
return history, gr.update(value="", | |
interactive=False), motion_uploaded, data_stored | |
def add_audio(history, audio_path, data_stored, language='en'): | |
audio, sampling_rate = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=16000) | |
input_features = audio_processor( | |
audio, sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt" | |
).input_features # whisper training sampling rate, do not modify | |
input_features = torch.Tensor(input_features).to(device) | |
if language == 'English': | |
forced_decoder_ids = forced_decoder_ids_en | |
else: | |
forced_decoder_ids = forced_decoder_ids_zh | |
predicted_ids = audio_model.generate(input_features, | |
forced_decoder_ids=forced_decoder_ids) | |
text_input = audio_processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, | |
skip_special_tokens=True) | |
text_input = str(text_input).strip('[]"') | |
data_stored = data_stored + [{'user_input': text_input}] | |
gr.update(value=data_stored, interactive=False) | |
history = history + [(text_input, None)] | |
return history, data_stored | |
def add_file(history, file, txt, motion_uploaded): | |
motion_uploaded['file'] = | |
txt = txt.replace(" <Motion_Placeholder>", "") + " <Motion_Placeholder>" | |
return history, gr.update(value=txt, interactive=True), motion_uploaded | |
def bot(history, motion_uploaded, data_stored, method): | |
motion_length, motion_token_string = motion_uploaded[ | |
"motion_lengths"], motion_uploaded["motion_token_string"] | |
input = data_stored[-1]['user_input'] | |
prompt = model.lm.placeholder_fulfill(input, motion_length, | |
motion_token_string, "") | |
data_stored[-1]['model_input'] = prompt | |
batch = { | |
"length": [motion_length], | |
"text": [prompt], | |
} | |
outputs = model(batch, task="t2m") | |
out_feats = outputs["feats"][0] | |
out_lengths = outputs["length"][0] | |
out_joints = outputs["joints"][:out_lengths].detach().cpu().numpy() | |
out_texts = outputs["texts"][0] | |
output_mp4_path, video_fname, output_npy_path, joints_fname = render_motion( | |
out_joints, | |'cpu').numpy(), method) | |
motion_uploaded = { | |
"feats": None, | |
"joints": None, | |
"motion_video": None, | |
"motion_lengths": 0, | |
"motion_token": None, | |
"motion_token_string": '', | |
"motion_token_length": 0, | |
} | |
data_stored[-1]['model_output'] = { | |
"feats": out_feats, | |
"joints": out_joints, | |
"length": out_lengths, | |
"texts": out_texts, | |
"motion_video": output_mp4_path, | |
"motion_video_fname": video_fname, | |
"motion_joints": output_npy_path, | |
"motion_joints_fname": joints_fname, | |
} | |
if '<Motion_Placeholder>' == out_texts: | |
response = [ | |
Video_Components.format(video_path=output_mp4_path, | |
video_fname=video_fname, | |
motion_path=output_npy_path, | |
motion_fname=joints_fname) | |
] | |
elif '<Motion_Placeholder>' in out_texts: | |
response = [ | |
Text_Components.format( | |
msg=out_texts.split("<Motion_Placeholder>")[0]), | |
Video_Components.format(video_path=output_mp4_path, | |
video_fname=video_fname, | |
motion_path=output_npy_path, | |
motion_fname=joints_fname), | |
Text_Components.format( | |
msg=out_texts.split("<Motion_Placeholder>")[1]), | |
] | |
else: | |
response = f"""<h3>{out_texts}</h3>""" | |
history[-1][1] = "" | |
for character in response: | |
history[-1][1] += character | |
time.sleep(0.02) | |
yield history, motion_uploaded, data_stored | |
def bot_example(history, responses): | |
history = history + responses | |
return history | |
with open("assets/css/custom.css", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
customCSS = | |
with gr.Blocks(css=customCSS) as demo: | |
# Examples | |
chat_instruct = gr.State([ | |
(None, | |
"👋 Hi, I'm MotionGPT! I can generate realistic human motion from text, or generate text from motion." | |
), | |
(None, | |
"💡 You can chat with me in pure text like generating human motion following your descriptions." | |
), | |
(None, | |
"💡 After generation, you can click the button in the top right of generation human motion result to download the human motion video or feature stored in .npy format." | |
), | |
(None, | |
"💡 With the human motion feature file downloaded or got from dataset, you are able to ask me to translate it!" | |
), | |
(None, | |
"💡 Of courser, you can also purely chat with me and let me give you human motion in text, here are some examples!" | |
), | |
(None, | |
"💡 We provide two motion visulization methods. The default fast method is skeleton line ploting which is like the examples below:" | |
), | |
(None, | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example0_fast.mp4", | |
video_fname="example0_fast.mp4")), | |
(None, | |
"💡 And the slow method is SMPL model rendering which is more realistic but slower." | |
), | |
(None, | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example0.mp4", | |
video_fname="example0.mp4")), | |
(None, | |
"💡 If you want to get the video in our paper and website like below, you can refer to the scirpt in our [github repo](" | |
), | |
(None, | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example0_blender.mp4", | |
video_fname="example0_blender.mp4")), | |
(None, "👉 Follow the examples and try yourself!"), | |
]) | |
chat_instruct_sum = gr.State([(None, ''' | |
👋 Hi, I'm MotionGPT! I can generate realistic human motion from text, or generate text from motion. | |
1. You can chat with me in pure text like generating human motion following your descriptions. | |
2. After generation, you can click the button in the top right of generation human motion result to download the human motion video or feature stored in .npy format. | |
3. With the human motion feature file downloaded or got from dataset, you are able to ask me to translate it! | |
4. Of course, you can also purely chat with me and let me give you human motion in text, here are some examples! | |
''')] + chat_instruct.value[-7:]) | |
t2m_examples = gr.State([ | |
(None, | |
"💡 You can chat with me in pure text, following are some examples of text-to-motion generation!" | |
), | |
("A person is walking forwards, but stumbles and steps back, then carries on forward.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example0.mp4", | |
video_fname="example0.mp4")), | |
("Generate a man aggressively kicks an object to the left using his right foot.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example1.mp4", | |
video_fname="example1.mp4")), | |
("Generate a person lowers their arms, gets onto all fours, and crawls.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example2.mp4", | |
video_fname="example2.mp4")), | |
("Show me the video of a person bends over and picks things up with both hands individually, then walks forward.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example3.mp4", | |
video_fname="example3.mp4")), | |
("Imagine a person is practing balancing on one leg.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example5.mp4", | |
video_fname="example5.mp4")), | |
("Show me a person walks forward, stops, turns directly to their right, then walks forward again.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example6.mp4", | |
video_fname="example6.mp4")), | |
("I saw a person sits on the ledge of something then gets off and walks away.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example7.mp4", | |
video_fname="example7.mp4")), | |
("Show me a person is crouched down and walking around sneakily.", | |
Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example8.mp4", | |
video_fname="example8.mp4")), | |
]) | |
m2t_examples = gr.State([ | |
(None, | |
"💡 With the human motion feature file downloaded or got from dataset, you are able to ask me to translate it, here are some examples!" | |
), | |
("Please explain the movement shown in <Motion_Placeholder> using natural language.", | |
None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example0.mp4", | |
video_fname="example0.mp4"), | |
"The person was pushed but didn't fall down"), | |
("What kind of action is being represented in <Motion_Placeholder>? Explain it in text.", | |
None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example4.mp4", | |
video_fname="example4.mp4"), | |
"The figure has its hands curled at jaw level, steps onto its left foot and raises right leg with bent knee to kick forward and return to starting stance." | |
), | |
("Provide a summary of the motion demonstrated in <Motion_Placeholder> using words.", | |
None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example2.mp4", | |
video_fname="example2.mp4"), | |
"A person who is standing with his arms up and away from his sides bends over, gets down on his hands and then his knees and crawls forward." | |
), | |
("Generate text for <Motion_Placeholder>:", None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example5.mp4", | |
video_fname="example5.mp4"), | |
"The man tries to stand in a yoga tree pose and looses his balance."), | |
("Provide a summary of the motion depicted in <Motion_Placeholder> using language.", | |
None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example6.mp4", | |
video_fname="example6.mp4"), | |
"Person walks up some steps then leeps to the other side and goes up a few more steps and jumps dow" | |
), | |
("Describe the motion represented by <Motion_Placeholder> in plain English.", | |
None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example7.mp4", | |
video_fname="example7.mp4"), | |
"Person sits down, then stands up and walks forward. then the turns around 180 degrees and walks the opposite direction" | |
), | |
("Provide a description of the action in <Motion_Placeholder> using words.", | |
None), | |
(Video_Components_example.format( | |
video_path="assets/videos/example8.mp4", | |
video_fname="example8.mp4"), | |
"This man is bent forward and walks slowly around."), | |
]) | |
t2t_examples = gr.State([ | |
(None, | |
"💡 Of course, you can also purely chat with me and let me give you human motion in text, here are some examples!" | |
), | |
('Depict a motion as like you have seen it.', | |
"A person slowly walked forward in rigth direction while making the circle" | |
), | |
('Random say something about describing a human motion.', | |
"A man throws punches using his right hand."), | |
('Describe the motion of someone as you will.', | |
"Person is moving left to right in a dancing stance swaying hips, moving feet left to right with arms held out" | |
), | |
('Come up with a human motion caption.', | |
"A person is walking in a counter counterclockwise motion."), | |
('Write a sentence about how someone might dance.', | |
"A person with his hands down by his sides reaches down for something with his right hand, uses the object to make a stirring motion, then places the item back down." | |
), | |
('Depict a motion as like you have seen it.', | |
"A person is walking forward a few feet, then turns around, walks back, and continues walking." | |
) | |
]) | |
Init_chatbot = chat_instruct.value[: | |
1] + t2m_examples.value[: | |
3] + m2t_examples.value[:3] + t2t_examples.value[:2] + chat_instruct.value[ | |
-7:] | |
# Variables | |
motion_uploaded = gr.State({ | |
"feats": None, | |
"joints": None, | |
"motion_video": None, | |
"motion_lengths": 0, | |
"motion_token": None, | |
"motion_token_string": '', | |
"motion_token_length": 0, | |
}) | |
data_stored = gr.State([]) | |
gr.Markdown(''' | |
# MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language | |
<div> | |
<a style="display:inline-block" href=""><img src=''></a> | |
<a style="display:inline-block; margin-left: .5em" href=""><img src=";base64,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"></a> | |
<a style="display:inline-block; margin-left: .5em" href=''><img src=''/></a> | |
<a style="display:inline-block; margin-left: .5em" href=""><img src="" alt="Citation"> </a> | |
</div> | |
''') | |
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(Init_chatbot, | |
elem_id="mGPT", | |
height=600, | |
label="MotionGPT", | |
avatar_images=(None, | |
("assets/images/avatar_bot.jpg")), | |
bubble_full_width=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(scale=0.85): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
txt = gr.Textbox( | |
label="Text", | |
show_label=False, | |
elem_id="textbox", | |
placeholder= | |
"Enter text and press ENTER or speak to input. You can also upload motion.", | |
container=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
aud = gr.Audio(source="microphone", | |
label="Speak input", | |
type='filepath') | |
btn = gr.UploadButton("📁 Upload motion", | |
elem_id="upload", | |
file_types=["file"]) | |
# regen = gr.Button("🔄 Regenerate", elem_id="regen") | |
clear = gr.ClearButton([txt, chatbot, aud], value='🗑️ Clear') | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gr.Markdown(''' | |
### You can get more examples (pre-generated for faster response) by clicking the buttons below: | |
''') | |
with gr.Row(): | |
instruct_eg = gr.Button("Instructions", elem_id="instruct") | |
t2m_eg = gr.Button("Text-to-Motion", elem_id="t2m") | |
m2t_eg = gr.Button("Motion-to-Text", elem_id="m2t") | |
t2t_eg = gr.Button("Random description", elem_id="t2t") | |
with gr.Column(scale=0.15, min_width=150): | |
method = gr.Dropdown(["slow", "fast"], | |
label="Visulization method", | |
interactive=True, | |
elem_id="method", | |
value="slow") | |
language = gr.Dropdown(["English", "中文"], | |
label="Speech language", | |
interactive=True, | |
elem_id="language", | |
value="English") | |
txt_msg = txt.submit( | |
add_text, [chatbot, txt, motion_uploaded, data_stored, method], | |
[chatbot, txt, motion_uploaded, data_stored], | |
queue=False).then(bot, [chatbot, motion_uploaded, data_stored, method], | |
[chatbot, motion_uploaded, data_stored]) | |
txt_msg.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [txt], queue=False) | |
file_msg = btn.upload(add_file, [chatbot, btn, txt, motion_uploaded], | |
[chatbot, txt, motion_uploaded], | |
queue=False) | |
aud_msg = aud.stop_recording( | |
add_audio, [chatbot, aud, data_stored, language], | |
[chatbot, data_stored], | |
queue=False).then(bot, [chatbot, motion_uploaded, data_stored, method], | |
[chatbot, motion_uploaded, data_stored]) | |
# regen_msg =, | |
# [chatbot, motion_uploaded, data_stored, method], | |
# [chatbot, motion_uploaded, data_stored], | |
# queue=False) | |
instruct_msg =, [chatbot, chat_instruct_sum], | |
[chatbot], | |
queue=False) | |
t2m_eg_msg =, [chatbot, t2m_examples], [chatbot], | |
queue=False) | |
m2t_eg_msg =, [chatbot, m2t_examples], [chatbot], | |
queue=False) | |
t2t_eg_msg =, [chatbot, t2t_examples], [chatbot], | |
queue=False) | |
chatbot.change(scroll_to_output=True) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
demo.launch(debug=True) | |