@echo off |
title Applio Installer |
::: _ _ _____ _ |
::: /\ | (_) | __ \ | | |
::: / \ _ __ _ __ | |_ ___ | |__) |___ ___ ___ __| | ___ |
::: / /\ \ | '_ \| '_ \| | |/ _ \ | _ // _ \/ __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ |
::: / ____ \| |_) | |_) | | | (_) | | | \ \ __/ (_| (_) | (_| | __/ |
::: /_/ \_\ .__/| .__/|_|_|\___/ |_| \_\___|\___\___/ \__,_|\___| |
::: | | | | |
::: |_| |_| |
::: |
::: |
setlocal |
set "branch=applio-recode" |
set "runtime=runtime-recode" |
set "repoUrl=https://github.com/IAHispano/Applio-RVC-Fork/archive/refs/heads/%branch%.zip" |
set "fixesFolder=fixes" |
set "localFixesPy=local_fixes.py" |
set "principal=%cd%" |
set "URL_BASE=https://huggingface.co./lj1995/VoiceConversionWebUI/resolve/main" |
set "URL_EXTRA=https://huggingface.co./IAHispano/applio/resolve/main" |
:menu |
for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ":::" "%~f0"') do @echo(%%A |
echo [1] Reinstall Applio |
echo [2] Update Applio |
echo [3] Update Applio + Runtime |
echo. |
set /p choice=Select an option: |
set choice=%choice: =% |
if "%choice%"=="1" ( |
cls |
echo Starting Applio Reinstaller... |
echo. |
goto reinstaller |
pause |
cls |
goto menu |
) |
if "%choice%"=="2" ( |
cls |
echo Starting Applio Updater... |
echo. |
goto updater |
pause |
cls |
goto menu |
) |
if "%choice%"=="3" ( |
cls |
echo Updating Applio + Runtime... |
echo. |
goto updaterRuntime |
pause |
cls |
goto menu |
) |
cls |
echo Invalid option. Please enter a number from 1 to 3. |
echo. |
echo Press 'Enter' to access the main menu... |
pause>nul |
cls |
goto menu |
:reinstaller |
echo WARNING: Remember to install Microsoft C++ Build Tools, Redistributable, Python, and Git before continuing. |
echo. |
echo Step-by-step guide: https://rentry.org/appliolocal |
echo Build Tools: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_BuildTools.exe |
echo Redistributable: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe |
echo Git: https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.42.0.windows.2/Git- |
echo Python: Add this route to the windows enviroment variables the user path variable: %principal%\runtime\Scripts |
echo. |
pause |
cls |
echo Downloading ZIP file... |
powershell -command "& { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%repoUrl%' -OutFile '%principal%\repo.zip' }" |
echo. |
echo Extracting ZIP file... |
powershell -command "& { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%principal%\repo.zip', '%principal%') }" |
echo. |
echo Copying folder and file structure from subdirectory to main directory... |
robocopy "%principal%\Applio-RVC-Fork-%branch%" "%principal%" /E |
echo. |
echo Deleting contents of subdirectory (files and folders)... |
rmdir "%principal%\Applio-RVC-Fork-%branch%" /S /Q |
echo. |
echo Cleaning up... |
del "%principal%\repo.zip" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Proceeding to download the models... |
echo. |
echo WARNING: At this point, it's recommended to disable antivirus or firewall, as errors might occur when downloading pretrained models. |
pause |
cls |
echo Downloading models in the assets folder... |
cd "assets" |
echo. |
echo Downloading the "pretrained" folder... |
cd "pretrained" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/D32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/D40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/D48k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/G32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/G40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/G48k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/f0D32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/f0D40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/f0D48k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/f0G32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/f0G40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained/f0G48k.pth" |
cd ".." |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the "pretrained_v2" folder... |
cd "pretrained_v2" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/D32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/D40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/D48k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/G32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/G40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/G48k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/f0D32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/f0D40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/f0D48k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/f0G32k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/f0G40k.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/pretrained_v2/f0G48k.pth" |
cd ".." |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the hubert_base.pt file... |
cd "hubert" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/hubert_base.pt" |
cd ".." |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the rmvpe.pt file... |
cd "rmvpe" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/rmvpe.pt" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the rmvpe.onnx file... |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/rmvpe.onnx" |
cd ".." |
cd ".." |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the rest of the large files |
echo Downloading the "uvr5_weights" folder... |
cd "uvr5_weights" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/uvr5_weights/HP2_all_vocals.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/uvr5_weights/HP3_all_vocals.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/uvr5_weights/HP5_only_main_vocal.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/uvr5_weights/VR-DeEchoAggressive.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/uvr5_weights/VR-DeEchoDeReverb.pth" |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/uvr5_weights/VR-DeEchoNormal.pth" |
cd ".." |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the ffmpeg.exe file... |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/ffmpeg.exe" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the ffprobe.exe file... |
curl -LJO "%URL_BASE%/ffprobe.exe" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the runtime.zip file... |
curl -LJO "%URL_EXTRA%/%runtime%.zip" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Extracting the runtime.zip file, this might take a while... |
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path '%runtime%.zip' -DestinationPath '.'" |
del %runtime%.zip |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloads completed! |
echo. |
echo Checking if the local_fixes.py file exists in the Fixes folder... |
if exist "%fixesFolder%\%localFixesPy%" ( |
echo Running the file... |
runtime\python.exe "%fixesFolder%\%localFixesPy%" |
) else ( |
echo The "%localFixesPy%" file was not found in the "Fixes" folder. |
) |
echo. |
echo Fixes Applied! |
echo. |
echo Applio has been reinstalled! |
echo. |
echo Press 'Enter' to access the main menu... |
pause>nul |
cls |
goto menu |
:updater |
echo Downloading the ZIP file... |
powershell -command "& { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%repoUrl%' -OutFile '%principal%\repo.zip' }" |
echo. |
echo Extracting ZIP file... |
powershell -command "& { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%principal%\repo.zip', '%principal%') }" |
echo. |
echo Copying folder and file structure from subdirectory to main directory... |
robocopy "%principal%\Applio-RVC-Fork-%branch%" "%principal%" /E |
echo. |
echo Deleting contents of the subdirectory (files and folders)... |
rmdir "%principal%\Applio-RVC-Fork-%branch%" /S /Q |
echo. |
echo Cleaning up... |
del "%principal%\repo.zip" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Verifying if the local_fixes.py file exists in the Fixes folder... |
if exist "%fixesFolder%\%localFixesPy%" ( |
echo Running the file... |
runtime\python.exe "%fixesFolder%\%localFixesPy%" |
) else ( |
echo The file "%localFixesPy%" was not found in the "Fixes" folder. |
) |
echo. |
echo Applio has been updated! |
echo. |
echo Press 'Enter' to access the main menu... |
pause>nul |
cls |
goto menu |
:updaterRuntime |
echo Downloading the ZIP file... |
powershell -command "& { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%repoUrl%' -OutFile '%principal%\repo.zip' }" |
echo. |
echo Extracting ZIP file... |
powershell -command "& { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%principal%\repo.zip', '%principal%') }" |
echo. |
echo Copying folder and file structure from subdirectory to main directory... |
robocopy "%principal%\Applio-RVC-Fork-%branch%" "%principal%" /E |
echo. |
echo Deleting contents of the subdirectory (files and folders)... |
rmdir "%principal%\Applio-RVC-Fork-%branch%" /S /Q |
echo. |
echo Cleaning up... |
del "%principal%\repo.zip" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Downloading the runtime.zip file... |
curl -LJO "%URL_EXTRA%/%runtime%.zip" |
echo. |
cls |
echo Extracting the runtime.zip file, this might take a while... |
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path '%runtime%.zip' -DestinationPath '.'" |
del runtime.zip |
echo. |
cls |
echo Verifying if the local_fixes.py file exists in the Fixes folder... |
if exist "%fixesFolder%\%localFixesPy%" ( |
echo Running the file... |
runtime\python.exe "%fixesFolder%\%localFixesPy%" |
) else ( |
echo The file "%localFixesPy%" was not found in the "Fixes" folder. |
) |
echo. |
echo Applio has been updated! |
echo. |
echo Press 'Enter' to access the main menu... |
pause>nul |
cls |
goto menu |