import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import streamlit as st |
import easyocr |
import PIL |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw |
from captcha.image import ImageCaptcha |
import random, string |
import utlis |
def rectangle(image, result): |
""" draw rectangles on image based on predicted coordinates""" |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) |
for res in result: |
top_left = tuple(res[0][0]) |
bottom_right = tuple(res[0][2]) |
draw.rectangle((top_left, bottom_right), outline="blue", width=2) |
st.image(image) |
length_captcha = 4 |
width = 200 |
height = 150 |
def captcha_control(): |
if 'controllo' not in st.session_state or st.session_state['controllo'] == False: |
st.title("Captcha Control on OCR") |
st.session_state['controllo'] = False |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
if 'Captcha' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['Captcha'] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=length_captcha)) |
print("the captcha is: ", st.session_state['Captcha']) |
image = ImageCaptcha(width=width, height=height) |
data = image.generate(st.session_state['Captcha']) |
col1.image(data) |
capta2_text = col2.text_area('Enter captcha text', height=30) |
if st.button("Verify the code"): |
print(capta2_text, st.session_state['Captcha']) |
capta2_text = capta2_text.replace(" ", "") |
if st.session_state['Captcha'].lower() == capta2_text.lower().strip(): |
del st.session_state['Captcha'] |
col1.empty() |
col2.empty() |
st.session_state['controllo'] = True |
st.experimental_rerun() |
else: |
st.error("🚨 Error on Captcha...") |
del st.session_state['Captcha'] |
del st.session_state['controllo'] |
st.experimental_rerun() |
else: |
st.stop() |
st.title("Get text from image with Persian and Arabic OCR") |
st.markdown("## Persian and Arabic OCR :") |
def main(): |
holder = st.empty() |
file = holder.file_uploader(label = "Upload Here", type=['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']) |
if file is not None: |
image = Image.open(file) |
w, h = image.size |
if w > 600 or h > 400: |
image = image.resize((600, 400)) |
st.image(image) |
holder.empty() |
reader = easyocr.Reader(['fa','ar'], gpu=False) |
result = reader.readtext(np.array(image)) |
extracted_text = utlis.get_raw_text(result) |
st.markdown('<p style="direction:rtl; text-align: right"> '+extracted_text+' </p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
textdic_easyocr = {} |
for idx in range(len(result)): |
pred_coor = result[idx][0] |
pred_text = result[idx][1] |
pred_confidence = result[idx][2] |
textdic_easyocr[pred_text] = {} |
textdic_easyocr[pred_text]['pred_confidence'] = pred_confidence |
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(textdic_easyocr).T |
st.table(df) |
rectangle(image, result) |
st.spinner(text="In progress...") |
else: |
st.write("Upload your image") |
if 'controllo' not in st.session_state or st.session_state['controllo'] == False: |
captcha_control() |
else: |
main() |