@echo off chcp 65001 set USE_MIRROR=true set PYTHONPATH=%~dp0 set PYTHON_CMD=python if exist "fishenv" ( set PYTHON_CMD=%cd%\fishenv\env\python ) set API_FLAG_PATH=%~dp0API_FLAGS.txt set KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "HF_ENDPOINT=https://huggingface.co." set "no_proxy=" if "%USE_MIRROR%" == "true" ( set "HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com" set "no_proxy=localhost,," ) echo "HF_ENDPOINT: !HF_ENDPOINT!" echo "NO_PROXY: !no_proxy!" echo "%CD%"| findstr /R /C:"[!#\$%&()\*+,;<=>?@\[\]\^`{|}~\u4E00-\u9FFF ] " >nul && ( echo. echo There are special characters in the current path, please make the path of fish-speech free of special characters before running. && ( goto end ) ) %PYTHON_CMD% .\tools\download_models.py set "API_FLAGS=" set "flags=" if exist "%API_FLAG_PATH%" ( for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in ("%API_FLAG_PATH%") do ( set "line=%%a" if not "!line:~0,1!"=="#" ( set "line=!line: =!" set "line=!line:\=!" set "line=!line:= !" if not "!line!"=="" ( set "API_FLAGS=!API_FLAGS!!line! " ) ) ) ) if not "!API_FLAGS!"=="" set "API_FLAGS=!API_FLAGS:~0,-1!" set "flags=" echo !API_FLAGS! | findstr /C:"--api" >nul 2>&1 if !errorlevel! equ 0 ( echo. echo Start HTTP API... set "mode=api" goto process_flags ) echo !API_FLAGS! | findstr /C:"--infer" >nul 2>&1 if !errorlevel! equ 0 ( echo. echo Start WebUI Inference... set "mode=infer" goto process_flags ) :process_flags for %%p in (!API_FLAGS!) do ( if not "%%p"=="--!mode!" ( set "flags=!flags! %%p" ) ) if not "!flags!"=="" set "flags=!flags:~1!" echo Debug: flags = !flags! if "!mode!"=="api" ( %PYTHON_CMD% -m tools.api_server !flags! ) else if "!mode!"=="infer" ( %PYTHON_CMD% -m tools.webui !flags! ) echo. echo Next launch the page... %PYTHON_CMD% fish_speech\webui\manage.py :end endlocal pause