optimus-metrics / app_trans_new.py
feat: Add tab for transaction visualizations in the dashboard
history blame
10.5 kB
import requests
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
import plotly.express as px
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
from web3 import Web3
import time
OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = 'https://opt-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/U5gnXPYxeyH43MJ9tP8ONBQHEDRav7H0'
BASE_RPC_URL = 'https://base-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/U5gnXPYxeyH43MJ9tP8ONBQHEDRav7H0'
ETH_RPC_URL = 'https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/U5gnXPYxeyH43MJ9tP8ONBQHEDRav7H0'
# Initialize Web3 instances
print("Initializing Web3 instances...")
web3_optimism = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL))
web3_base = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(BASE_RPC_URL))
web3_eth = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(ETH_RPC_URL))
# Contract addresses for service registries
contract_address_optimism = '0x3d77596beb0f130a4415df3D2D8232B3d3D31e44'
contract_address_base = '0x3C1fF68f5aa342D296d4DEe4Bb1cACCA912D95fE'
contract_address_eth = '0x48b6af7B12C71f09e2fC8aF4855De4Ff54e775cA'
# Load the ABI from a local JSON file
with open('service_registry_abi.json', 'r') as abi_file:
contract_abi = json.load(abi_file)
# Create the contract instances
service_registry_optimism = web3_optimism.eth.contract(address=contract_address_optimism, abi=contract_abi)
service_registry_base = web3_base.eth.contract(address=contract_address_base, abi=contract_abi)
service_registry_eth = web3_eth.eth.contract(address=contract_address_eth, abi=contract_abi)
print("Service registry contracts loaded.")
# Check if connection is successful
if not web3_optimism.is_connected():
raise Exception("Failed to connect to the Optimism network.")
if not web3_base.is_connected():
raise Exception("Failed to connect to the Base network.")
if not web3_eth.is_connected():
raise Exception("Failed to connect to the ETH network.")
print("Successfully connected to Ethereum, Optimism, and Base networks.")
def fetch_service_safes(web3, registry_contract):
print("\nFetching service safes...")
total_services = registry_contract.functions.totalSupply().call()
print(f"Total services: {total_services}")
service_safes = set()
for service_id in range(1, total_services + 1):
print(f"Processing service ID: {service_id}")
service = registry_contract.functions.getService(service_id).call()
agent_ids = service[-1] # Assuming the last element is the list of agent IDs
print(f"Agent IDs: {agent_ids}")
if 25 in agent_ids:
agent_address = registry_contract.functions.getAgentInstances(service_id).call()
service_safe = service[1]
print(f"Found agent_address: {agent_address}")
print(f"Found service safe: {service_safe}")
print(f"Total service safes found: {len(service_safes)}")
return service_safes
# Fetch service safes for each network
service_safes_optimism = fetch_service_safes(web3_optimism, service_registry_optimism)
service_safes_base = fetch_service_safes(web3_base, service_registry_base)
service_safes_eth = fetch_service_safes(web3_eth, service_registry_eth)
service_safes_eth = {safe for safe in service_safes_eth if safe.lower() != '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'}
def get_block_range_for_date(chain_id, date_str, api_key, base_url):
"""Get the block range for a specific date."""
target_date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d")
start_of_day = datetime.combine(target_date, datetime.min.time())
end_of_day = datetime.combine(target_date, datetime.max.time())
start_timestamp = int(start_of_day.timestamp())
end_timestamp = int(end_of_day.timestamp())
# Get start block
start_response = requests.get(
if start_response.status_code == 200:
start_data = start_response.json()
start_block = start_data.get('result')
print(f"Error fetching start block for {date_str} on chain {chain_id}")
return None, None
if start_block is None:
print(f"No start block found for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}")
return None, None
print(f"Start block for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}: {start_block}")
# Get end block
end_response = requests.get(
if end_response.status_code == 200:
end_data = end_response.json()
end_block = end_data.get('result')
print(f"Error fetching end block for {date_str} on chain {chain_id}")
return None, None
if end_block is None:
print(f"No end block found for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}")
return None, None
print(f"End block for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}: {end_block}")
return start_block, end_block
def get_transactions(api_keys, wallet_address, chain_name, start_block, end_block):
"""Retrieve transactions for the given wallet address, chain, and block range using the Etherscan or similar API."""
base_url = {
'optimism': "https://api-optimistic.etherscan.io/api",
'base': "https://api.basescan.org/api",
'ethereum': "https://api.etherscan.io/api"
if not base_url:
print(f"Invalid chain name: {chain_name}")
return []
params = {
'module': 'account',
'action': 'txlist',
'address': wallet_address,
'startblock': start_block,
'endblock': end_block,
'sort': 'asc',
'apikey': api_keys.get(chain_name)
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
data = response.json()
if data['status'] != '1':
print(f"Error: {data['message']}")
return []
valid_transactions = [tx for tx in data['result'] if tx['isError'] == '0']
return valid_transactions
def date_range(start_date, end_date):
"""Generates a range of dates from start_date to end_date inclusive."""
start_dt = datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
end_dt = datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
delta = timedelta(days=1)
current_dt = start_dt
while current_dt <= end_dt:
yield current_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
current_dt += delta
def fetch_transactions():
# User inputs
api_keys = {
'optimism': 'XQ72JA5XZ51QC7TG1W295AAIF4KTV92K1K',
'base': '4BFQMVW1QUKEPVDA4VW711CF4462682CY8',
base_urls = {
10: "https://api-optimistic.etherscan.io/api",
8453: "https://api.basescan.org/api",
1: "https://api.etherscan.io/api"
start_date = '2024-09-19' # Starting date
current_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Till present date
chains = {
10: ('optimism', service_safes_optimism), # Optimism chain ID and service safes
8453: ('base', service_safes_base), # Base chain ID and service safes
1: ('ethereum', service_safes_eth) # Ethereum mainnet chain ID and service safes
all_transactions = [] # List to hold all transactions
for chain_id, (chain_name, service_safes) in chains.items():
base_url = base_urls[chain_id]
api_key = api_keys[chain_name]
for safe_address in service_safes:
print(f"\nProcessing {chain_name.capitalize()} for safe address {safe_address}...")
for single_date in date_range(start_date, current_date):
start_block, end_block = get_block_range_for_date(chain_id, single_date, api_key, base_url)
if start_block is None or end_block is None:
print(f"Skipping date {single_date} for chain {chain_name} due to missing block data.")
print(f"Start Block: {start_block}, End Block: {end_block} for date {single_date}")
transactions = get_transactions(api_keys, safe_address, chain_name, start_block, end_block)
if transactions:
print(f"Found {len(transactions)} transactions on {single_date} for {chain_name.capitalize()} safe address {safe_address}:")
for tx in transactions:
tx_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(tx['timeStamp']))
'chain': chain_name,
'safe_address': safe_address,
'date': single_date,
'transaction_hash': tx['hash'],
'timestamp': tx_time,
'from': tx['from'],
'to': tx['to'],
'value_eth': int(tx['value']) / 1e18 # Convert value to ETH
print(f"No transactions found for safe address {safe_address} on {single_date} on {chain_name.capitalize()}.")
# Convert the collected transactions into a DataFrame
df_transactions_new = pd.DataFrame(all_transactions)
return df_transactions_new
def create_transcation_visualizations():
df_transactions_new = fetch_transactions()
df_transactions_new.to_csv('daily_transactions_new.csv', index=False)
df_transactions_new['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df_transactions_new['timestamp'])
# Group by date and chain, count transactions
daily_counts = df_transactions_new.groupby([df_transactions_new['timestamp'].dt.date, 'chain']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
# Set up the plot
fig_tx_chain = px.bar(
title="Chain Daily Activity: Transactions"
yaxis_title="Daily Transaction Nr",
legend_title="Transaction Chain",
return fig_tx_chain
# Gradio interface
def dashboard():
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("# Valory Transactions Dashboard")
# Fetch and display visualizations
with gr.Tab("Transactions"):
fig_tx_chain = create_transcation_visualizations()
# Add more tabs as needed...
return demo
# Launch the dashboard
if __name__ == "__main__":