optimus-metrics / app.py
feat: Add functionality to fetch and aggregate transactions
history blame
7.82 kB
import requests
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
import plotly.express as px
from datetime import datetime
import json
from web3 import Web3
OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = 'https://opt-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/U5gnXPYxeyH43MJ9tP8ONBQHEDRav7H0'
# Initialize a Web3 instance
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL))
# Check if connection is successful
if not web3.is_connected():
raise Exception("Failed to connect to the Optimism network.")
# Contract address
contract_address = '0x3d77596beb0f130a4415df3D2D8232B3d3D31e44'
# Load the ABI from the provided JSON file
with open('service_registry_abi.json', 'r') as abi_file:
contract_abi = json.load(abi_file)
# Now you can create the contract
service_registry = web3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=contract_abi)
def get_transfers(integrator: str, wallet: str) -> str:
url = f"https://li.quest/v1/analytics/transfers?integrator={integrator}&wallet={wallet}"
headers = {"accept": "application/json"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def fetch_and_aggregate_transactions():
total_services = service_registry.functions.totalSupply().call()
aggregated_transactions = []
for service_id in range(1, total_services + 1):
service = service_registry.functions.getService(service_id).call()
# Extract the list of agent IDs from the service data
agent_ids = service[-1] # Assuming the last element is the list of agent IDs
# Check if 25 is in the list of agent IDs
if 25 in agent_ids:
agent_address = service_registry.functions.getAgentInstances(service_id).call()[1][0]
response_transfers = get_transfers("valory", agent_address)
return aggregated_transactions
# Function to parse the transaction data and prepare it for visualization
def process_transactions(data):
transactions = data
# Convert the data into a pandas DataFrame for easy manipulation
rows = []
for tx in transactions:
# Normalize amounts
sending_amount = float(tx["sending"]["amount"]) / (10 ** tx["sending"]["token"]["decimals"])
receiving_amount = float(tx["receiving"]["amount"]) / (10 ** tx["receiving"]["token"]["decimals"])
# Convert timestamps to datetime objects
sending_timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx["sending"]["timestamp"])
receiving_timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx["receiving"]["timestamp"])
# Prepare row data
"transactionId": tx["transactionId"],
"from_address": tx["fromAddress"],
"to_address": tx["toAddress"],
"sending_chain": tx["sending"]["chainId"],
"receiving_chain": tx["receiving"]["chainId"],
"sending_token_symbol": tx["sending"]["token"]["symbol"],
"receiving_token_symbol": tx["receiving"]["token"]["symbol"],
"sending_amount": sending_amount,
"receiving_amount": receiving_amount,
"sending_amount_usd": float(tx["sending"]["amountUSD"]),
"receiving_amount_usd": float(tx["receiving"]["amountUSD"]),
"sending_gas_used": int(tx["sending"]["gasUsed"]),
"receiving_gas_used": int(tx["receiving"]["gasUsed"]),
"sending_timestamp": sending_timestamp,
"receiving_timestamp": receiving_timestamp,
"date": sending_timestamp.date(), # Group by day
"week": sending_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%W') # Group by week
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
return df
# Function to create visualizations based on the metrics
def create_visualizations():
transactions_data = fetch_and_aggregate_transactions()
df = process_transactions(transactions_data)
# Map chain IDs to chain names
chain_name_map = {
10: "Optimism",
8453: "Base",
1: "Ethereum"
df["sending_chain"] = df["sending_chain"].map(chain_name_map)
df["receiving_chain"] = df["receiving_chain"].map(chain_name_map)
# Ensure that chain IDs are strings for consistent grouping
df["sending_chain"] = df["sending_chain"].astype(str)
df["receiving_chain"] = df["receiving_chain"].astype(str)
# 1. Chain Daily Activity: Transactions
tx_per_chain_agent = df.groupby(["date", "sending_chain"]).size().reset_index(name="transaction_count")
fig_tx_chain_agent = px.bar(
title="Chain Daily Activity: Transactions",
labels={"transaction_count": "Daily Transaction Nr"},
# 2. Number of Opportunities Taken per Agent per Day
opportunities_per_agent = df.groupby(["date", "from_address"]).size().reset_index(name="opportunities_taken")
fig_opportunities_agent = px.bar(opportunities_per_agent, x="date", y="opportunities_taken", color="from_address",
title="Number of Opportunities Taken per Agent per Day")
# 3. Amount of Investment in Pools Daily per Agent (Note: Assuming sending_amount_usd as investment)
# Since we might not have explicit data about pool investments, we'll use sending_amount_usd
investment_per_agent = df.groupby(["date", "from_address"])["sending_amount_usd"].sum().reset_index()
fig_investment_agent = px.bar(investment_per_agent, x="date", y="sending_amount_usd", color="from_address",
title="Amount of Investment (USD) per Agent per Day")
# 4. Number of Swaps per Day
df["is_swap"] = df.apply(lambda x: x["sending_token_symbol"] != x["receiving_token_symbol"], axis=1)
swaps_per_day = df[df["is_swap"]].groupby("date").size().reset_index(name="swap_count")
fig_swaps_per_day = px.bar(swaps_per_day, x="date", y="swap_count", title="Number of Swaps per Day")
# 5. Aggregated Metrics over All Traders
amount_usd = df["sending_amount_usd"]
stats = {
"Total": amount_usd.sum(),
"Average": amount_usd.mean(),
"Min": amount_usd.min(),
"Max": amount_usd.max(),
"25th Percentile": amount_usd.quantile(0.25),
"50th Percentile (Median)": amount_usd.median(),
"75th Percentile": amount_usd.quantile(0.75),
stats_df = pd.DataFrame(list(stats.items()), columns=["Metric", "Value"])
# Visualization for Aggregated Metrics
fig_stats = px.bar(stats_df, x="Metric", y="Value", title="Aggregated Transaction Amount Metrics (USD)")
return fig_tx_chain_agent, fig_opportunities_agent, fig_investment_agent, fig_swaps_per_day, fig_stats
# Gradio interface
def dashboard():
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("# Valory Transactions Dashboard")
# Fetch and display visualizations
with gr.Tab("Transactions per Chain per Agent"):
fig_tx_chain_agent, _, _, _, _ = create_visualizations()
with gr.Tab("Opportunities per Agent"):
_, fig_opportunities_agent, _, _, _ = create_visualizations()
with gr.Tab("Investment per Agent"):
_, _, fig_investment_agent, _, _ = create_visualizations()
with gr.Tab("Swaps per Day"):
_, _, _, fig_swaps_per_day, _ = create_visualizations()
with gr.Tab("Aggregated Metrics"):
_, _, _, _, fig_stats = create_visualizations()
return demo
# Launch the dashboard
if __name__ == "__main__":