import streamlit as st from dotenv import load_dotenv from admin_utils import * def main(): load_dotenv() st.set_page_config(page_title="Dump PDF to Pinecone - Vector Store") st.title("Please upload your files here...📁 ") # Upload the pdf file... pdf = st.file_uploader("Only PDF files allowed", type=["pdf"]) # Extract the whole text from the uploaded pdf file if pdf is not None: with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): text=read_pdf_data(pdf) st.write("👉Reading PDF done") # Create chunks docs_chunks=split_data(text) #st.write(docs_chunks) st.write("👉Splitting data into chunks done") # Create the embeddings embeddings=create_embeddings_load_data() st.write("👉Creating embeddings instance done") # Build the vector store (Push the PDF data embeddings) #Recent changes by langchain team, expects ""PINECONE_API_KEY" environment variable for Pinecone usage! So we are creating it here push_to_pinecone(PINECONE_API_KEY,"us-east-1","tickets",embeddings,docs_chunks) st.success("Successfully pushed the embeddings to Pinecone") if __name__ == '__main__': main()