# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import torch def calc_mean_invstddev(feature): if len(feature.size()) != 2: raise ValueError("We expect the input feature to be 2-D tensor") mean = feature.mean(0) var = feature.var(0) # avoid division by ~zero eps = 1e-8 if (var < eps).any(): return mean, 1.0 / (torch.sqrt(var) + eps) return mean, 1.0 / torch.sqrt(var) def apply_mv_norm(features): # If there is less than 2 spectrograms, the variance cannot be computed (is NaN) # and normalization is not possible, so return the item as it is if features.size(0) < 2: return features mean, invstddev = calc_mean_invstddev(features) res = (features - mean) * invstddev return res def lengths_to_encoder_padding_mask(lengths, batch_first: bool = False): """ convert lengths (a 1-D Long/Int tensor) to 2-D binary tensor Args: lengths: a (B, )-shaped tensor Return: max_length: maximum length of B sequences encoder_padding_mask: a (max_length, B) binary mask, where [t, b] = 0 for t < lengths[b] and 1 otherwise TODO: kernelize this function if benchmarking shows this function is slow """ max_lengths = torch.max(lengths).item() bsz = lengths.size(0) encoder_padding_mask = torch.arange( max_lengths ).to( # a (T, ) tensor with [0, ..., T-1] lengths.device ).view( # move to the right device 1, max_lengths ).expand( # reshape to (1, T)-shaped tensor bsz, -1 ) >= lengths.view( # expand to (B, T)-shaped tensor bsz, 1 ).expand( -1, max_lengths ) if not batch_first: return encoder_padding_mask.t(), max_lengths else: return encoder_padding_mask, max_lengths def encoder_padding_mask_to_lengths( encoder_padding_mask, max_lengths, batch_size, device ): """ convert encoder_padding_mask (2-D binary tensor) to a 1-D tensor Conventionally, encoder output contains a encoder_padding_mask, which is a 2-D mask in a shape (T, B), whose (t, b) element indicate whether encoder_out[t, b] is a valid output (=0) or not (=1). Occasionally, we need to convert this mask tensor to a 1-D tensor in shape (B, ), where [b] denotes the valid length of b-th sequence Args: encoder_padding_mask: a (T, B)-shaped binary tensor or None; if None, indicating all are valid Return: seq_lengths: a (B,)-shaped tensor, where its (b, )-th element is the number of valid elements of b-th sequence max_lengths: maximum length of all sequence, if encoder_padding_mask is not None, max_lengths must equal to encoder_padding_mask.size(0) batch_size: batch size; if encoder_padding_mask is not None, max_lengths must equal to encoder_padding_mask.size(1) device: which device to put the result on """ if encoder_padding_mask is None: return torch.Tensor([max_lengths] * batch_size).to(torch.int32).to(device) assert encoder_padding_mask.size(0) == max_lengths, "max_lengths does not match" assert encoder_padding_mask.size(1) == batch_size, "batch_size does not match" return max_lengths - torch.sum(encoder_padding_mask, dim=0)