Blending /
gokaygokay's picture
6424be8 verified
history blame
8.95 kB
import cv2
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splin
from numba import jit
import gradio as gr
def build_poisson_sparse_matrix(ys, xs, im2var, img_s, img_t, mask):
nnz = len(ys)
img_s_h, img_s_w = img_s.shape
A_data = np.zeros(16 * nnz, dtype=np.float64)
A_rows = np.zeros(16 * nnz, dtype=np.int32)
A_cols = np.zeros(16 * nnz, dtype=np.int32)
b = np.zeros(4 * nnz, dtype=np.float64)
offsets = np.array([(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)])
idx = 0
for n in range(nnz):
y, x = ys[n], xs[n]
for i in range(4):
dy, dx = offsets[i]
n_y, n_x = y + dy, x + dx
e = 4 * n + i
if 0 <= n_y < img_s_h and 0 <= n_x < img_s_w:
A_data[idx] = 1
A_rows[idx] = e
A_cols[idx] = im2var[y, x]
idx += 1
b[e] = img_s[y, x] - img_s[n_y, n_x]
if im2var[n_y, n_x] != -1:
A_data[idx] = -1
A_rows[idx] = e
A_cols[idx] = im2var[n_y, n_x]
idx += 1
b[e] += img_t[n_y, n_x]
return A_data[:idx], A_rows[:idx], A_cols[:idx], b
def poisson_blend_fast_jit(img_s: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, img_t: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
nnz = np.sum(mask > 0)
im2var = np.full(mask.shape, -1, dtype=np.int32)
im2var[mask > 0] = np.arange(nnz)
ys, xs = np.nonzero(mask)
A_data, A_rows, A_cols, b = build_poisson_sparse_matrix(ys, xs, im2var, img_s, img_t, mask)
A = sp.csr_matrix((A_data, (A_rows, A_cols)), shape=(4*nnz, nnz))
v = splin.lsqr(A, b)[0]
img_t_out = img_t.copy()
img_t_out[mask > 0] = v[im2var[mask > 0]]
return np.clip(img_t_out, 0, 1)
def neighbours(i: int, j: int, max_i: int, max_j: int):
pairs = []
for n in (-1, 1):
if 0 <= i+n <= max_i:
pairs.append((i+n, j))
if 0 <= j+n <= max_j:
pairs.append((i, j+n))
return pairs
def build_mixed_blend_sparse_matrix(ys, xs, im2var, img_s, img_t, mask):
nnz = len(ys)
img_s_h, img_s_w = img_s.shape
A_data = np.zeros(8 * nnz, dtype=np.float64)
A_rows = np.zeros(8 * nnz, dtype=np.int32)
A_cols = np.zeros(8 * nnz, dtype=np.int32)
b = np.zeros(4 * nnz, dtype=np.float64)
idx = 0
e = 0
for n in range(nnz):
y, x = ys[n], xs[n]
for n_y, n_x in neighbours(y, x, img_s_h-1, img_s_w-1):
ds = img_s[y, x] - img_s[n_y, n_x]
dt = img_t[y, x] - img_t[n_y, n_x]
d = ds if abs(ds) > abs(dt) else dt
A_data[idx] = 1
A_rows[idx] = e
A_cols[idx] = im2var[y, x]
idx += 1
b[e] = d
if im2var[n_y, n_x] != -1:
A_data[idx] = -1
A_rows[idx] = e
A_cols[idx] = im2var[n_y, n_x]
idx += 1
b[e] += img_t[n_y, n_x]
e += 1
return A_data[:idx], A_rows[:idx], A_cols[:idx], b[:e]
def mixed_blend_fast_jit(img_s: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, img_t: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
nnz = np.sum(mask > 0)
im2var = np.full(mask.shape, -1, dtype=np.int32)
im2var[mask > 0] = np.arange(nnz)
ys, xs = np.nonzero(mask)
A_data, A_rows, A_cols, b = build_mixed_blend_sparse_matrix(ys, xs, im2var, img_s, img_t, mask)
A = sp.csr_matrix((A_data, (A_rows, A_cols)), shape=(len(b), nnz))
v = splin.spsolve(A.T @ A, A.T @ b)
img_t_out = img_t.copy()
img_t_out[mask > 0] = v[im2var[mask > 0]]
return np.clip(img_t_out, 0, 1)
def _2d_gaussian(sigma: float) -> np.ndarray:
ksize = np.int64(np.ceil(sigma)*6+1)
gaussian_1d = cv2.getGaussianKernel(ksize, sigma)
return gaussian_1d * np.transpose(gaussian_1d)
def _low_pass_filter(img: np.ndarray, sigma: float) -> np.ndarray:
return cv2.filter2D(img, -1, _2d_gaussian(sigma))
def _high_pass_filter(img: np.ndarray, sigma: float) -> np.ndarray:
return img - _low_pass_filter(img, sigma)
def _gaus_pyramid(img: np.ndarray, depth: int, sigma: int):
_im = img.copy()
pyramid = []
for d in range(depth-1):
_im = _low_pass_filter(_im.copy(), sigma)
_im = cv2.pyrDown(_im)
return pyramid
def _lap_pyramid(img: np.ndarray, depth: int, sigma: int):
_im = img.copy()
pyramid = []
for d in range(depth-1):
lap = _high_pass_filter(_im.copy(), sigma)
_im = cv2.pyrDown(_im)
return pyramid
def _blend(img1: np.ndarray, img2: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return img1 * mask + img2 * (1.0 - mask)
def laplacian_blend(img1: np.ndarray, img2: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, depth: int, sigma: int) -> np.ndarray:
mask_gaus_pyramid = _gaus_pyramid(mask, depth, sigma)
img1_lap_pyramid, img2_lap_pyramid = _lap_pyramid(img1, depth, sigma), _lap_pyramid(img2, depth, sigma)
blended = [_blend(obj, bg, mask) for obj, bg, mask in zip(img1_lap_pyramid, img2_lap_pyramid, mask_gaus_pyramid)][::-1]
h, w = blended[0].shape[:2]
img1 = cv2.resize(img1, (w, h))
img2 = cv2.resize(img2, (w, h))
mask = cv2.resize(mask, (w, h))
blanded_img = _blend(img1, img2, mask)
blanded_img = cv2.resize(blanded_img, blended[0].shape[:2])
imgs = []
for d in range(0, depth-1):
gaussian_img = _low_pass_filter(blanded_img.copy(), sigma)
reconstructed_img = cv2.add(blended[d], gaussian_img)
blanded_img = cv2.pyrUp(reconstructed_img)
return np.clip(imgs[-1], 0, 1)
def get_image(img_input, mask=False, scale=True):
if isinstance(img_input, dict):
img = img_input.get('composite') or img_input.get('background')
elif isinstance(img_input, np.ndarray):
img = img_input
elif isinstance(img_input, str):
img = cv2.imread(img_input)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
raise ValueError("Unsupported image input type")
if mask:
if len(img.shape) == 3:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
return np.where(img > 127, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8) # Threshold at 127 for the mask
if scale and img.dtype != np.float64:
return img.astype('float64') / 255.0
return img
def blend_images(bg_img, obj_img, mask_img, method):
bg_img = get_image(bg_img)
obj_img = get_image(obj_img)
if isinstance(mask_img, str):
mask_img = cv2.imread(mask_img, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
mask_img = get_image(mask_img, mask=True)
if method == "Poisson":
blend_img = np.zeros_like(bg_img)
for b in range(3):
blend_img[:,:,b] = poisson_blend_fast_jit(obj_img[:,:,b], mask_img, bg_img[:,:,b].copy())
elif method == "Mixed Gradient":
blend_img = np.zeros_like(bg_img)
for b in range(3):
blend_img[:,:,b] = mixed_blend_fast_jit(obj_img[:,:,b], mask_img, bg_img[:,:,b].copy())
elif method == "Laplacian":
mask_stack = np.stack((mask_img.astype(float),) * 3, axis=-1)
blend_img = laplacian_blend(obj_img, bg_img, mask_stack, 5, 25.0)
return (blend_img * 255).astype(np.uint8)
def predict(im):
return im["composite"]
with gr.Blocks(theme='bethecloud/storj_theme') as iface:
gr.HTML("<h1>Image Blending with Multiple Methods</h1>")
with gr.Row():
bg_img = gr.Image(label="Background Image", type="numpy")
obj_img = gr.Image(label="Object Image", type="numpy")
with gr.Row():
mask_img = gr.ImageEditor(
label="Mask Image",
mask_preview = gr.Image(label="Mask Preview")
method = gr.Radio(["Poisson", "Mixed Gradient", "Laplacian"], label="Blending Method", value="Poisson")
blend_button = gr.Button("Blend Images")
output_image = gr.Image(label="Blended Image")
mask_img.change(predict, outputs=mask_preview, inputs=mask_img, show_progress="hidden")
inputs=[bg_img, obj_img, mask_img, method],
["img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", "mask1.jpg", "Poisson"],
["img3.jpg", "img4.jpg", "mask2.jpg", "Mixed Gradient"],
["img6.jpg", "img9.jpg", "mask3.jpg", "Laplacian"]
inputs=[bg_img, obj_img, mask_img, method],