import os import re import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import List, Dict from meteofrance_api import MeteoFranceClient METEOFRANCE_API_URL = '' METEO_FRANCE_TOKEN = os.getenv('METEO_FRANCE_API_TOKEN') def get_massifs_meteo_france() -> List[Dict]: """ Fetch the list of massifs from Meteo France API. Returns: List[Dict]: List of massifs with their details. """ url = METEOFRANCE_API_URL + 'liste-massifs' headers = {'apikey': METEO_FRANCE_TOKEN, 'accept': '*/*'} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response = response.json() liste_massifs = [] for massif in response['features']: liste_massifs.append({ "id": massif['properties']['code'], "nom": massif['properties']['title'], "groupe": massif['properties']['Departemen'], }) return liste_massifs def extraire_texte(element: ET.Element) -> str: """ Extract all text from an XML element recursively. Args: element (ET.Element): XML element. Returns: str: Extracted text. """ texte = element.text or "" for enfant in element: texte += extraire_texte(enfant) texte += element.tail or "" return texte def get_massif_conditions(massif_id: str) -> str: """ Fetch the weather conditions for a given massif. Args: massif_id (str): ID of the massif. Returns: str: Weather conditions in plain text. """ url = METEOFRANCE_API_URL + 'massif/BRA' headers = {'apikey': METEO_FRANCE_TOKEN, 'accept': '*/*'} params = {'id-massif': massif_id, "format": "xml"} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) xml_text = response.text root = ET.fromstring(xml_text) text = extraire_texte(root) #remove file names text = re.sub(r'\b[\w\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\b', '', text).strip() return text def get_forecast(latitude, longitude): client = MeteoFranceClient(METEO_FRANCE_TOKEN) forecast = client.get_forecast(latitude, longitude)