type Author = "user" | "bot"; | |
type SendMessageOptions = { | |
conversationId?: string; | |
clientId?: string; | |
conversationSignature?: string; | |
invocationId?: string; | |
messageType?: string; | |
variant?: string; | |
locale?: string; | |
market?: string; | |
region?: string; | |
location?: { | |
lat: number | string; | |
lng: number | string; | |
re?: string; | |
}; | |
onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void; | |
}; | |
interface ChatMessage { | |
id: string; | |
text: string; | |
author: Author; | |
conversationId: string; | |
clientId: string; | |
conversationSignature: string; | |
conversationExpiryTime?: string; | |
invocationId?: string; | |
messageType?: string; | |
variant?: string; | |
detail?: ChatMessageFull | ChatMessagePartial; | |
} | |
interface ConversationResult { | |
conversationId: string; | |
clientId: string; | |
conversationSignature: string; | |
result: APIResult; | |
} | |
interface APIResult { | |
value: string; | |
message: null; | |
} | |
interface ChatUpdate { | |
type: 1; | |
target: string; | |
arguments: ChatUpdateArgument[]; | |
} | |
interface ChatUpdateArgument { | |
messages: ChatMessagePartial[]; | |
requestId: string; | |
result: null; | |
} | |
interface ChatMessagePartial { | |
text: string; | |
author: Author; | |
createdAt: string; | |
timestamp: string; | |
messageId: string; | |
offense: string; | |
adaptiveCards: AdaptiveCard[]; | |
sourceAttributions: any[]; | |
feedback: ChatMessageFeedback; | |
contentOrigin: string; | |
privacy?: null; | |
messageType?: string; | |
} | |
interface AdaptiveCard { | |
type: string; | |
version: string; | |
body: AdaptiveCardBody[]; | |
} | |
interface AdaptiveCardBody { | |
type: string; | |
text: string; | |
wrap: boolean; | |
} | |
interface ChatMessageFeedback { | |
tag: null; | |
updatedOn: null; | |
type: string; | |
} | |
interface ChatUpdateCompleteResponse { | |
type: 2; | |
invocationId: string; | |
item: ChatResponseItem; | |
} | |
interface ChatResponseItem { | |
messages: ChatMessageFull[]; | |
firstNewMessageIndex: number; | |
suggestedResponses: null; | |
conversationId: string; | |
requestId: string; | |
conversationExpiryTime: string; | |
telemetry: Telemetry; | |
result: ChatRequestResult; | |
} | |
interface ChatMessageFull { | |
text: string; | |
author: Author; | |
from?: ChatMessageFrom; | |
createdAt: string; | |
timestamp: string; | |
locale?: string; | |
market?: string; | |
region?: string; | |
location?: string; | |
locationHints?: LocationHint[]; | |
messageId: string; | |
requestId: string; | |
offense: string; | |
feedback: ChatMessageFeedback; | |
contentOrigin: string; | |
privacy?: null; | |
inputMethod?: string; | |
adaptiveCards?: AdaptiveCard[]; | |
sourceAttributions?: any[]; | |
suggestedResponses?: SuggestedResponse[]; | |
messageType?: string; | |
} | |
interface ChatMessageFrom { | |
id: string; | |
name: null; | |
} | |
interface LocationHint { | |
country: string; | |
countryConfidence: number; | |
state: string; | |
city: string; | |
cityConfidence: number; | |
zipCode: string; | |
timeZoneOffset: number; | |
dma: number; | |
sourceType: number; | |
center: Coords; | |
regionType: number; | |
} | |
interface Coords { | |
latitude: number; | |
longitude: number; | |
height: null; | |
} | |
interface SuggestedResponse { | |
text: string; | |
messageId: string; | |
messageType: string; | |
contentOrigin: string; | |
author?: Author; | |
createdAt?: string; | |
timestamp?: string; | |
offense?: string; | |
feedback?: ChatMessageFeedback; | |
privacy?: null; | |
} | |
interface ChatRequestResult { | |
value: string; | |
serviceVersion: string; | |
} | |
interface Telemetry { | |
metrics?: null; | |
startTime: string; | |
} | |
interface ChatRequest { | |
arguments: ChatRequestArgument[]; | |
invocationId: string; | |
target: string; | |
type: number; | |
} | |
interface ChatRequestArgument { | |
source: string; | |
optionsSets: string[]; | |
allowedMessageTypes: string[]; | |
sliceIds: any[]; | |
traceId: string; | |
isStartOfSession: boolean; | |
message: ChatRequestMessage; | |
conversationSignature: string; | |
participant: Participant; | |
conversationId: string; | |
previousMessages: PreviousMessage[]; | |
} | |
interface ChatRequestMessage { | |
locale: string; | |
market: string; | |
region?: string; | |
location?: string; | |
locationHints?: LocationHintChatRequestMessage[]; | |
timestamp: string; | |
author: Author; | |
inputMethod: string; | |
text: string; | |
messageType: string; | |
} | |
interface LocationHintChatRequestMessage { | |
country: string; | |
state: string; | |
city: string; | |
zipcode: string; | |
timezoneoffset: number; | |
dma: number; | |
countryConfidence: number; | |
cityConfidence: number; | |
Center: Center; | |
RegionType: number; | |
SourceType: number; | |
} | |
interface Center { | |
Latitude: number; | |
Longitude: number; | |
} | |
interface Participant { | |
id: string; | |
} | |
interface PreviousMessage { | |
text: string; | |
author: Author; | |
adaptiveCards: any[]; | |
suggestedResponses: SuggestedResponse[]; | |
messageId: string; | |
messageType: string; | |
} | |
declare class BingChat { | |
protected _cookie: string; | |
protected _debug: boolean; | |
constructor(opts: { | |
cookie: string | undefined; | |
/** @defaultValue `false` **/ | |
debug?: boolean; | |
}); | |
/** | |
* Sends a message to Bing Chat, waits for the response to resolve, and returns | |
* the response. | |
* | |
* If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`. | |
* | |
* @param message - The prompt message to send | |
* @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID) | |
* @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated | |
* | |
* @returns The response from Bing Chat | |
*/ | |
sendMessage(text: string, opts?: SendMessageOptions): Promise<ChatMessage>; | |
createConversation(): Promise<ConversationResult>; | |
} | |
export { | |
APIResult, | |
AdaptiveCard, | |
AdaptiveCardBody, | |
Author, | |
BingChat, | |
Center, | |
ChatMessage, | |
ChatMessageFeedback, | |
ChatMessageFrom, | |
ChatMessageFull, | |
ChatMessagePartial, | |
ChatRequest, | |
ChatRequestArgument, | |
ChatRequestMessage, | |
ChatRequestResult, | |
ChatResponseItem, | |
ChatUpdate, | |
ChatUpdateArgument, | |
ChatUpdateCompleteResponse, | |
ConversationResult, | |
Coords, | |
LocationHint, | |
LocationHintChatRequestMessage, | |
Participant, | |
PreviousMessage, | |
SendMessageOptions, | |
SuggestedResponse, | |
Telemetry, | |
}; | |