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import re
class ChineseSentenceSplitter(object):
def merge_symmetry(self, sentences, symmetry=('“', '”')):
# '''合并对称符号,如双引号'''
effective_ = []
merged = True
for index in range(len(sentences)):
if symmetry[0] in sentences[index] and symmetry[1] not in sentences[index]:
merged = False
elif symmetry[1] in sentences[index] and not merged:
merged = True
effective_[-1] += sentences[index]
elif symmetry[0] not in sentences[index] and symmetry[1] not in sentences[index] and not merged:
effective_[-1] += sentences[index]
return [i.strip() for i in effective_ if len(i.strip()) > 0]
def to_sentences(self, paragraph):
# """由段落切分成句子"""
sentences = re.split(r"(?|。|[!]+|!|\…\…)", paragraph)
sentences = ["".join(i) for i in zip(sentences[0::2], sentences[1::2])]
sentences = [i.strip() for i in sentences if len(i.strip()) > 0]
for j in range(1, len(sentences)):
if sentences[j][0] == '”':
sentences[j-1] = sentences[j-1] + '”'
sentences[j] = sentences[j][1:]
return self.merge_symmetry(sentences)
def tokenize(self, text):
return self.to_sentences(text)