import { Alert, Link, Typography } from "@mui/material"; import { HfInference } from "@huggingface/inference"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import Summarization from "./inference/summarization"; import { HighlightBox } from "../base/boxes"; import Code from "../base/code"; export type InferenceProps = { token?: string; model: string; }; export default function Huggingface() { return ( <> huggingface.js huggingface.js {" "} is a suite of JavaScript libraries that interact with the Hugging Face API. It enables the use of over 100,000 ML models or your own via the{" "} Inference API , and supports managing Hugging Face repositories. When you run into rate limits while using the components, make sure to add your 🤗 access token (optained via your{" "} account settings ) into `HF Access Token` under "Options". Summarization {``} ); }