enzostvs's picture
enzostvs HF staff
use last generated image as a thumbnail
<script lang="ts">
import { clickoutside } from '@svelte-put/clickoutside';
import { goto, invalidate } from "$app/navigation";
import { page } from "$app/stores";
import { get } from "svelte/store";
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
import { modelStore } from "$lib/stores/use-model";
import UserIsLogged from '$lib/components/UserIsLogged.svelte';
import Comments from '$lib/components/models/drawer/comments/Comments.svelte';
import Image from '../image/Image.svelte';
let { open, model } = get(modelStore);
export let onSearch: (search: string) => void;
$: author = model?.id.split('/')[0];
$: repo = model?.id.split('/')[1];
modelStore.subscribe((value) => {
open = value?.open;
model = value?.model;
const handleClose = async () => {
modelStore.update((value) => {
return {
open: false,
await goto(`/models`);
await invalidate(url => url.pathname.includes("/api/models"));
const handleClickNext = () => {
const element = document.getElementById('gallery_examples');
left: 300,
behavior: 'smooth'
const handlePressEscape = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
const handleClickAuthor = async () => {
$page.url.searchParams.set('search', author as string);
onSearch(author as string);
class="w-full fixed top-0 left-0 h-full bg-black bg-opacity-50 z-0 backdrop-blur transition-all duration-100"
{#if open}
class="ml-auto w-full max-w-3xl bg-neutral-950 h-full border-l border-neutral-800 transition-all duration-200 flex flex-col justify-between"
use:clickoutside on:clickoutside={handleClose}
<div class="p-8 overflow-auto">
<header class="flex w-full justify-between items-start mb-6 pr-6 gap-3">
<div class="flex items-center justify-start gap-3 lg:gap-6 w-full">
<Image src={model?.image} generatedImage={model?.gallery?.[0]?.image} className="lg:w-16 lg:h-16 w-12 h-12 rounded-xl bg-neutral-800 object-cover" alt={model?.id} />
<div class="w-full truncate">
<p class="text-neutral-300 font-semibold text-lg lg:text-2xl mb-1 truncate w-full">
<button class="underline text-white" on:click={handleClickAuthor}>{author}</button>/{repo}
<a href="https://huggingface.co./{model?.id}" target="_blank" class="text-neutral-400 underline hover:text-neutral-300 flex items-center justify-start gap-1">
<Icon icon="iconamoon:link-external-fill" class="w-4 h-4" />
View on HuggingFace
<button on:click={handleClose}>
<Icon icon="carbon:close" class="w-6 h-6 text-white cursor-pointer" />
<main class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6">
<div class="justify-start items-center gap-4 flex">
class="bg-pink-500 hover:brightness-110 transition-all duration-200 border border-pink-500 md:px-4 md:py-2 px-3 py-1.5 rounded-full text-neutral-100 flex items-center justify-center gap-1 md:gap-2 font-medium text-sm md:text-base"
<Icon icon="fluent:glance-horizontal-sparkles-16-filled" class="lg:w-5 lg:h-5 w-4 h-4 text-white" />
Generate Image
<div class="bg-red-500 bg-opacity-20 border border-red-500 md:px-4 md:py-2 px-3 py-1.5 rounded-full text-neutral-100 flex items-center justify-center gap-1 md:gap-2 font-medium text-sm md:text-base">
<Icon icon="solar:heart-bold" class="lg:w-5 lg:h-5 w-4 h-4 text-red-500" />
{model?.likes ?? 0}
class="bg-blue-500 bg-opacity-20 border border-blue-500 hover:bg-opacity-60 transition-all duration-200 md:px-4 md:py-2 px-3 py-1.5 rounded-full text-neutral-100 flex items-center justify-center gap-1 md:gap-2 font-medium text-sm md:text-base"
<Icon icon="solar:download-square-bold" class="lg:w-5 lg:h-5 w-4 h-4 text-blue-500" />
View files
{#if model?.gallery && model?.gallery?.length > 0}
<div class="-mr-8 relative">
<p class="text-neutral-400 uppercase text-xs font-bold">
Generations made by the community
<div id="gallery_examples" class="w-full h-[300px] mt-2 flex flex-nowrap overflow-auto gap-5 relative">
{#each model?.gallery as example}
<a href="/api/images/{example.image}" class="w-[300px] min-w-[300px] h-full relative" target="_blank">
<img src="/api/images/{example.image}" class="w-full h-full bg-center bg-cover rounded-lg object-cover object-center bg-neutral-800" alt={example.prompt} />
<div class="w-[100px] h-full absolute right-0 top-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-transparent to-neutral-950 flex items-center justify-end pr-4">
class="w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-neutral-100/20 flex items-center justify-center text-neutral-100 hover:bg-neutral-100/40 transition-all duration-200"
<Icon icon="tabler:arrow-narrow-right" class="w-5 h-5" />
<div class="bg-neutral-900 rounded-lg p-8 text-center">
<p class="text-neutral-400 font-base">No generation examples available for this model</p>
<a href="/generate?model={model?.id}" class="text-neutral-100 underline">
Generate the first one
{#if model?.infos}
<div class="bg-neutral-900/70 rounded-lg border border-neutral-800/20">
<div class="border-b border-neutral-800/80 px-4 py-3">
<p class="text-neutral-400 uppercase text-[10px]">Instance Prompt</p>
<p class="text-neutral-100 font-medium text-base mt-0.5">{model?.instance_prompt ?? 'N/A'}</p>
<div class="border-b border-neutral-800/80 px-4 py-3">
<p class="text-neutral-400 uppercase text-[10px]">license</p>
<p class="text-neutral-100 font-medium text-base mt-0.5">{model?.infos?.license ?? 'N/A'}</p>
<div class="border-b border-neutral-800/80 px-4 py-3">
<p class="text-neutral-400 uppercase text-[10px]">tags</p>
<p class="text-neutral-100 font-medium text-base mt-0.5">{model?.infos?.tags?.join(', ')}</p>
<div class="px-4 py-3">
<p class="text-neutral-400 uppercase text-[10px]">base_model</p>
<p class="text-neutral-100 font-medium text-base mt-0.5">{model?.base_model ?? 'N/A'}</p>
<footer class="p-8 border-t border-neutral-900 bg-neutral-900/30 flex flex-col justify-between relative max-h-[80%] overflow-auto">
<p class="font-semibold text-neutral-100 text-base lg:text-lg mb-6">
Comment{(model?.comments?.length ?? 0) > 1 ? 's' : ''} ({model?.comments?.length ?? 0})
{#if model?.id}
<Comments comments={model?.comments} model={model} />
<svelte:window on:keydown={handlePressEscape} />