CC / utils /
import json
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
from openai import OpenAI # 替换 AsyncOpenAI
from utils.api_utils import generate_from_openai_chat_completion
def construct_prompt_textonly(question: str, options: list, answer: str, answer_analysis: str) -> str:
optionized_list = [f"{chr(65 + i)}. {option}" for i, option in enumerate(options)]
optionized_str = "\n".join(optionized_list)
prompt = f"""
Generate a multiple-choice question with additional distractors that increase the complexity of answer selection. Follow these instructions:
1. **Retain Original Structure**: Retain the original question and options.
2. **Add Three Distractors**: Add three new distractors that are **plausible and maintain professional validity**. These should increase the difficulty but still be incorrect, based on the original question and answer analysis.
3. **Use Answer Analysis**: Reference the **correct answer analysis** when creating distractors to ensure they challenge **subject-matter experts**.
4. **Expert-Level Difficulty**: Keep the distractors **challenging and hard to distinguish** from the correct answer, requiring **advanced knowledge** to avoid the correct answer being too obvious.
5. **Balanced Length**: Ensure all options have **similar lengths** to prevent any one option from standing out.
6. **Distractors Analysis**: Provide a **distractor analysis in Chinese**, explaining why the distractors are **incorrect** but **challenging and hard to distinguish**, based on the question, options, and answer analysis.
Please output the result in valid JSON format using the structure below. Make sure there are no extra commas, missing commas, extra quotation marks or missing quotation marks:
"question": "{question}",
"options": {{
"A": "{options[0]}",
"B": "{options[1]}",
"C": "{options[2]}",
"D": "{options[3]}"
"distractors": {{
"E": "New distractor 1",
"F": "New distractor 2",
"G": "New distractor 3",
"analysis_of_distractors": "Use Chinese to explain why the distractors are **incorrect** but **challenging and hard to distinguish**, based on the question, options, and answer analysis.",
"correct_answer": "{answer}",
Question: {question}
Answer: {answer}
Answer Analysis: {answer_analysis}
return prompt
def prepare_q_text_input(query, prompt_func=construct_prompt_textonly):
question = query['question']
options = [query['option_1'], query['option_2'], query['option_3'], query['option_4']]
gt = query['answer']
answer_analysis = query['answer_analysis']
q_text_prompt = prompt_func(question=question, options=options, answer=gt, answer_analysis=answer_analysis)
return q_text_prompt
def prepare_q_inputs(queries):
messages = []
for i, query in enumerate(queries):
q_text_prompt = prepare_q_text_input(query)
prompt_message = [
"role": "user",
"content": q_text_prompt,
return messages
def generate_distractors(model_name: str,
queries: list,
n: int=1,
max_tokens: int=4096):
assert model_name in ["gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4-turbo", "gpt-4o", "gpt-4o-2024-08-06"], "Invalid model name"
# 改用同步版本的 OpenAI 客户端
client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"), base_url="")
messages = prepare_q_inputs(queries)
# 直接调用同步的 `generate_from_openai_chat_completion_sync`
responses = generate_from_openai_chat_completion(
for query, response in zip(queries, responses):
new_options = response
if new_options and "distractors" in new_options:
query["option_5"] = new_options["distractors"].get("E", "")
query["option_5"] = ""
if new_options and "distractors" in new_options:
query["option_6"] = new_options["distractors"].get("F", "")
query["option_6"] = ""
if new_options and "distractors" in new_options:
query["option_7"] = new_options["distractors"].get("G", "")
query["option_7"] = ""
if new_options and "distractors" in new_options:
query["distractor_analysis"] = new_options["distractors"].get("analysis_of_distractors", "")
query["distractor_analysis"] = ""
return queries