real-time-model / server /
Update README with comprehensive documentation for Real-Time Latent Consistency Model
from typing import Dict, Union
from uuid import UUID
import asyncio
from fastapi import WebSocket
from starlette.websockets import WebSocketState
import logging
from types import SimpleNamespace
Connections = Dict[UUID, Dict[str, Union[WebSocket, asyncio.Queue]]]
class ServerFullException(Exception):
"""Exception raised when the server is full."""
class ConnectionManager:
def __init__(self):
self.active_connections: Connections = {}
async def connect(
self, user_id: UUID, websocket: WebSocket, max_queue_size: int = 0
await websocket.accept()
user_count = self.get_user_count()
print(f"User count: {user_count}")
if max_queue_size > 0 and user_count >= max_queue_size:
print("Server is full")
await websocket.send_json({"status": "error", "message": "Server is full"})
await websocket.close()
raise ServerFullException("Server is full")
print(f"New user connected: {user_id}")
self.active_connections[user_id] = {
"websocket": websocket,
"queue": asyncio.Queue(),
await websocket.send_json(
{"status": "connected", "message": "Connected"},
await websocket.send_json({"status": "wait"})
await websocket.send_json({"status": "send_frame"})
def check_user(self, user_id: UUID) -> bool:
return user_id in self.active_connections
async def update_data(self, user_id: UUID, new_data: SimpleNamespace):
user_session = self.active_connections.get(user_id)
if user_session:
queue = user_session["queue"]
await queue.put(new_data)
async def get_latest_data(self, user_id: UUID) -> SimpleNamespace:
user_session = self.active_connections.get(user_id)
if user_session:
queue = user_session["queue"]
return await queue.get()
except asyncio.QueueEmpty:
return None
def delete_user(self, user_id: UUID):
user_session = self.active_connections.pop(user_id, None)
if user_session:
queue = user_session["queue"]
while not queue.empty():
except asyncio.QueueEmpty:
def get_user_count(self) -> int:
return len(self.active_connections)
def get_websocket(self, user_id: UUID) -> WebSocket:
user_session = self.active_connections.get(user_id)
if user_session:
websocket = user_session["websocket"]
if websocket.client_state == WebSocketState.CONNECTED:
return user_session["websocket"]
return None
async def disconnect(self, user_id: UUID):
websocket = self.get_websocket(user_id)
if websocket:
await websocket.close()
async def send_json(self, user_id: UUID, data: Dict):
websocket = self.get_websocket(user_id)
if websocket:
await websocket.send_json(data)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error: Send json: {e}")
async def receive_json(self, user_id: UUID) -> Dict:
websocket = self.get_websocket(user_id)
if websocket:
return await websocket.receive_json()
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error: Receive json: {e}")
async def receive_bytes(self, user_id: UUID) -> bytes:
websocket = self.get_websocket(user_id)
if websocket:
return await websocket.receive_bytes()
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error: Receive bytes: {e}")