ply-to-splat /
initial commit
import math
import os
import struct
import gradio as gr
SH_C0 = 0.28209479177387814
def read_ply_header(fileobj, max_lines=50000):
header_lines = []
for _ in range(max_lines):
line_bytes = fileobj.readline()
if not line_bytes:
raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF while searching for end_header.")
line_str = line_bytes.decode("ascii", errors="replace")
if "end_header" in line_str:
raise ValueError(f"No 'end_header' found in the first {max_lines} header lines")
return header_lines
def parse_ply_header_lines(header_lines):
vertex_count = 0
prop_list = []
is_binary_le = False
in_vertex_element = False
for line in header_lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("format "):
if "binary_little_endian" in line:
is_binary_le = True
elif "ascii" in line:
raise ValueError("ASCII PLY is not supported by this example.")
raise ValueError("Only binary_little_endian PLY is handled here.")
elif line.startswith("element vertex"):
parts = line.split()
vertex_count = int(parts[2])
in_vertex_element = True
elif line.startswith("element ") and not line.startswith("element vertex"):
in_vertex_element = False
elif in_vertex_element and line.startswith("property "):
parts = line.split()
prop_type = parts[1]
prop_name = parts[2]
prop_list.append((prop_name, prop_type))
return vertex_count, prop_list, is_binary_le
def ply_to_splat(ply_path):
if not ply_path.endswith(".ply"):
raise ValueError("Input file must be a .ply file")
with open(ply_path, "rb") as f:
header_lines = read_ply_header(f)
vertex_count, properties, is_bin_le = parse_ply_header_lines(header_lines)
if not is_bin_le:
raise ValueError("PLY is not binary_little_endian; cannot continue.")
type_map = {
"float": ("f", 4),
"float32":("f", 4),
"double": ("d", 8),
"float64":("d", 8),
"int": ("i", 4),
"int32": ("i", 4),
"uint": ("I", 4),
"uint32": ("I", 4),
"short": ("h", 2),
"ushort": ("H", 2),
"int16": ("h", 2),
"uint16": ("H", 2),
"char": ("b", 1),
"uchar": ("B", 1),
"int8": ("b", 1),
"uint8": ("B", 1),
prop_structs = []
row_size = 0
for (name, ptype) in properties:
if ptype not in type_map:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported property type: {ptype}")
fmt, size = type_map[ptype]
prop_structs.append((name, fmt, size))
row_size += size
splat_data = bytearray(32 * vertex_count)
def clamp_byte(x):
return max(0, min(255, int(round(x))))
def write_float(offset, value):
struct.pack_into("<f", splat_data, offset, value)
total_vertex_bytes = row_size * vertex_count
vertex_block =
if len(vertex_block) < total_vertex_bytes:
raise ValueError("Not enough data for all vertices in the file.")
idx = 0
for i in range(vertex_count):
out_offset = i * 32
px, py, pz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
sx, sy, sz = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
cr, cg, cb, ca = 255, 255, 255, 255
rw, rx, ry, rz = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
prop_offset = 0
for (prop_name, prop_fmt, prop_size) in prop_structs:
raw_value = struct.unpack_from("<" + prop_fmt, vertex_block, idx + prop_offset)[0]
prop_offset += prop_size
if prop_name == "x":
px = float(raw_value)
elif prop_name == "y":
py = float(raw_value)
elif prop_name == "z":
pz = float(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["red", "r"]:
cr = clamp_byte(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["green", "g"]:
cg = clamp_byte(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["blue", "b"]:
cb = clamp_byte(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["alpha", "a"]:
ca = clamp_byte(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["f_dc_0", "features_0"]:
cr = clamp_byte((0.5 + SH_C0 * raw_value) * 255)
elif prop_name in ["f_dc_1", "features_1"]:
cg = clamp_byte((0.5 + SH_C0 * raw_value) * 255)
elif prop_name in ["f_dc_2", "features_2"]:
cb = clamp_byte((0.5 + SH_C0 * raw_value) * 255)
elif prop_name == "f_dc_3":
ca = clamp_byte((0.5 + SH_C0 * raw_value) * 255)
elif prop_name in ["scale_0","scaling_0"]:
sx = math.exp(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["scale_1","scaling_1"]:
sy = math.exp(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["scale_2","scaling_2"]:
sz = math.exp(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["opacity","opacity_0"]:
val = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-float(raw_value)))
ca = clamp_byte(val*255.0)
elif prop_name in ["rot_0","rotation_0"]:
rw = float(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["rot_1","rotation_1"]:
rx = float(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["rot_2","rotation_2"]:
ry = float(raw_value)
elif prop_name in ["rot_3","rotation_3"]:
rz = float(raw_value)
idx += row_size
length = math.sqrt(rw*rw + rx*rx + ry*ry + rz*rz)
if length > 1e-9:
rw /= length
rx /= length
ry /= length
rz /= length
rot0 = clamp_byte(rw * 128 + 128)
rot1 = clamp_byte(rx * 128 + 128)
rot2 = clamp_byte(ry * 128 + 128)
rot3 = clamp_byte(rz * 128 + 128)
write_float(out_offset + 0, px)
write_float(out_offset + 4, py)
write_float(out_offset + 8, pz)
write_float(out_offset + 12, sx)
write_float(out_offset + 16, sy)
write_float(out_offset + 20, sz)
splat_data[out_offset + 24] = cr
splat_data[out_offset + 25] = cg
splat_data[out_offset + 26] = cb
splat_data[out_offset + 27] = ca
splat_data[out_offset + 28] = rot0
splat_data[out_offset + 29] = rot1
splat_data[out_offset + 30] = rot2
splat_data[out_offset + 31] = rot3
base_dir = os.path.dirname(ply_path)
filename = os.path.basename(ply_path)
splat_path = os.path.join(base_dir, filename.replace(".ply", ".splat"))
with open(splat_path, "wb") as out:
return splat_path
app = gr.Interface(
title="PLY to SPLAT",
description="Convert a .ply gaussian splat file to a .splat file",
inputs=gr.Model3D(label="Input .ply file"),
outputs=gr.Model3D(label="Output .splat file"),
if __name__ == "__main__":