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import random
import sys
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import supervision as sv
import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as T
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from PIL import Image
from segment_anything import SamPredictor
# segment anything
from groundingdino.models import build_model
from groundingdino.util.inference import Model as DinoModel
from groundingdino.util.slconfig import SLConfig
from groundingdino.util.utils import clean_state_dict
from tag2text.inference import inference as tag2text_inference
def load_model_hf(repo_id, filename, ckpt_config_filename, device="cpu"):
cache_config_file = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=ckpt_config_filename)
args = SLConfig.fromfile(cache_config_file)
args.device = device
model = build_model(args)
cache_file = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename)
checkpoint = torch.load(cache_file, map_location=device)
model.load_state_dict(clean_state_dict(checkpoint["model"]), strict=False)
return model
def download_file_hf(repo_id, filename, cache_dir="./cache"):
cache_file = hf_hub_download(
repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename, force_filename=filename, cache_dir=cache_dir
return cache_file
def transform_image_tag2text(image_pil: Image) -> torch.Tensor:
transform = T.Compose(
T.Resize((384, 384)),
T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
image = transform(image_pil) # 3, h, w
return image
def show_anns_sam(anns: List[Dict]):
"""Extracts the mask annotations from the Segment Anything model output and plots them.
anns (List[Dict]): Segment Anything model output.
(np.ndarray): Masked image.
(np.ndarray): annotation encoding from
if len(anns) == 0:
sorted_anns = sorted(anns, key=(lambda x: x["area"]), reverse=True)
full_img = None
# for ann in sorted_anns:
for i in range(len(sorted_anns)):
ann = anns[i]
m = ann["segmentation"]
if full_img is None:
full_img = np.zeros((m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3))
map = np.zeros((m.shape[0], m.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint16)
map[m != 0] = i + 1
color_mask = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0]
full_img[m != 0] = color_mask
full_img = full_img * 255
# anno encoding from
res = np.zeros((map.shape[0], map.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :, 0] = map % 256
res[:, :, 1] = map // 256
full_img = np.uint8(full_img)
return full_img, res
def show_anns_sv(detections: sv.Detections):
"""Extracts the mask annotations from the Supervision Detections object.
anns (sv.Detections): Containing information about the detections.
(np.ndarray): Masked image.
(np.ndarray): annotation encoding from
if detections.mask is None:
full_img = None
for i in np.flip(np.argsort(detections.area)):
m = detections.mask[i]
if full_img is None:
full_img = np.zeros((m.shape[0], m.shape[1], 3))
map = np.zeros((m.shape[0], m.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint16)
map[m != 0] = i + 1
color_mask = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0]
full_img[m != 0] = color_mask
full_img = full_img * 255
# anno encoding from
res = np.zeros((map.shape[0], map.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :, 0] = map % 256
res[:, :, 1] = map // 256
full_img = np.uint8(full_img)
return full_img, res
def generate_tags(tag2text_model, image, specified_tags, device="cpu"):
"""Generate image tags and caption using Tag2Text model.
tag2text_model (nn.Module): Tag2Text model to use for prediction.
image (np.ndarray): The image for calculating. Expects an
image in HWC uint8 format, with pixel values in [0, 255].
specified_tags(str): User input specified tags
(List[str]): Predicted image tags.
(str): Predicted image caption
image = transform_image_tag2text(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
res = tag2text_inference(image, tag2text_model, specified_tags)
tags = res[0].split(" | ")
caption = res[2]
return tags, caption
def detect(
grounding_dino_model: DinoModel,
image: np.ndarray,
caption: str,
box_threshold: float = 0.3,
text_threshold: float = 0.25,
iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
post_process: bool = True,
"""Detect bounding boxes for the given image, using the input caption.
grounding_dino_model (DinoModel): The model to use for detection.
image (np.ndarray): The image for calculating masks. Expects an
image in HWC uint8 format, with pixel values in [0, 255].
caption (str): Input caption contain object names to detect. To detect multiple objects, seperating each name with '.', like this: cat . dog . chair
box_threshold (float): Box confidence threshold
text_threshold (float): Text confidence threshold
iou_threshold (float): IOU score threshold for post processing
post_process (bool): If True, run NMS algorithm to remove duplicates segments.
(sv.Detections): Containing information about the detections in a video frame.
(str): Predicted phrases.
(List[str]): Predicted classes.
detections, phrases = grounding_dino_model.predict_with_caption(
classes = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), caption.split(".")))
detections.class_id = DinoModel.phrases2classes(phrases=phrases, classes=classes)
# NMS post process
if post_process:
# print(f"Before NMS: {len(detections.xyxy)} boxes")
nms_idx = (
phrases = [phrases[idx] for idx in nms_idx]
detections.xyxy = detections.xyxy[nms_idx]
detections.confidence = detections.confidence[nms_idx]
detections.class_id = detections.class_id[nms_idx]
# print(f"After NMS: {len(detections.xyxy)} boxes")
return detections, phrases, classes
def segment(sam_model: SamPredictor, image: np.ndarray, boxes: np.ndarray):
"""Predict masks for the given input boxes, using the currently set image.
sam_model (SamPredictor): The model to use for mask prediction.
image (np.ndarray): The image for calculating masks. Expects an
image in HWC uint8 format, with pixel values in [0, 255].
boxes (np.ndarray or None): A Bx4 array given a box prompt to the
model, in XYXY format.
return_logits (bool): If true, returns un-thresholded masks logits
instead of a binary mask.
(torch.Tensor): The output masks in BxCxHxW format, where C is the
number of masks, and (H, W) is the original image size.
(torch.Tensor): An array of shape BxC containing the model's
predictions for the quality of each mask.
(torch.Tensor): An array of shape BxCxHxW, where C is the number
of masks and H=W=256. These low res logits can be passed to
a subsequent iteration as mask input.
transformed_boxes = None
if boxes is not None:
boxes = torch.from_numpy(boxes)
transformed_boxes = sam_model.transform.apply_boxes_torch(, image.shape[:2]
masks, scores, _ = sam_model.predict_torch(
masks = masks[:, 0, :, :]
scores = scores[:, 0]
return masks.cpu().numpy(), scores.cpu().numpy()
def draw_mask(mask, draw, random_color=False):
if random_color:
color = (
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
color = (30, 144, 255, 153)
nonzero_coords = np.transpose(np.nonzero(mask))
for coord in nonzero_coords:
draw.point(coord[::-1], fill=color)