{"code": "# Write a quick sort function\n", "langauge": "Python"} {"code": "// 帮我写一个冒泡排序函数\n", "langauge": "C++"} {"code": "// 写一个二叉树的类\npublic class", "langauge": "Java"} {"code": "\n", "langauge": "HTML"} {"code": "// Write a binary search function\n", "langauge": "Rust"} {"code": "-- Search all the records from the table CodeGeeX\n-- Delete iterms with odd indices\n", "langauge": "SQL"} {"code": "! Write a function that returns the sum of the numbers from 1 to n.\n! For example, if n is 5, then the function should return 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5.\n\n! Use the following header:\n! module sum_numbers\n! end\nmodule sum_numbers", "langauge": "Fortran"}