# Introduction In this example we have an idea to summerize whole day of an employee via GPT Computer Assistant. # Code ```console computerassistant --api ``` ```python from gpt_computer_assistant.remote import remote remote.profile("Screen Analysis") # We will loop for 5 minutes loop_results = [] for i in range(1000): remote.reset_memory() remote.just_screenshot() detailed_analyses = remote.input("What is in the scren, detailed analyses") app_name = remote.input("What is the app that the employee is using?") subject = remote.input("What is the subject of this usage of the app?") activity = remote.input("What is the employee doing now?") loop_results.append({"detailed_analyses": detailed_analyses, "app_name": app_name, "subject": subject, "activity": activity}) remote.wait(10) # Summery of the work day summery_results = [] remote.profile("Summerizer") remote.reset_memory() for i in loop_results: total_string = i["detailed_analyses"] + " " + i["app_name"] + " " + i["subject"] + " " + i["activity"] total_string = "Please summerize the work day" + total_string summerized = remote.input(total_string) summery_results.append(summerized) print("Summery: ", summery_results) ```