# Python cache files **/__pycache__/ *.pyc *.pyo *.pyd # Poetry-related files .poetry/ # Virtual environments **/.venv/ **/venv/ # Node.js dependencies **/node_modules/ # Mypy cache **/.mypy_cache/ # Pytest cache **/.pytest_cache/ # Ruff cache **/.ruff_cache/ # Coverage files **/.coverage **/coverage.xml # Development tools and IDE-specific files *.idea/ *.vscode/ **/.vscode/ .devcontainer/ .github/ # Exclude notebooks notebooks/ # Exclude test-related files and directories tests/ # Build and distribution artifacts **/build/ **/dist/ *.egg-info/ .eggs/ # Logs and temporary files *.log *.tmp *.swp *.swo # Site-related files (if applicable) **/site/ # Sensitive or configuration files .env *.pem *.key # Markdown and configuration files mkdocs.yml tox.ini pre-commit-config.yml codecove.yml .gitignore # Docker-related files (optional if Docker Compose is used locally but not in the image) docker-compose.yml