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import miditoolkit
import numpy as np
class MIDIChord(object):
def __init__(self):
# define pitch classes
self.PITCH_CLASSES = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B']
# define chord maps (required)
self.CHORD_MAPS = {'maj': [0, 4],
'min': [0, 3],
'dim': [0, 3, 6],
'aug': [0, 4, 8],
'dom': [0, 4, 7, 10]}
# define chord insiders (+1)
self.CHORD_INSIDERS = {'maj': [7],
'min': [7],
'dim': [9],
'aug': [],
'dom': []}
# define chord outsiders (-1)
self.CHORD_OUTSIDERS_1 = {'maj': [2, 5, 9],
'min': [2, 5, 8],
'dim': [2, 5, 10],
'aug': [2, 5, 9],
'dom': [2, 5, 9]}
# define chord outsiders (-2)
self.CHORD_OUTSIDERS_2 = {'maj': [1, 3, 6, 8, 10],
'min': [1, 4, 6, 9, 11],
'dim': [1, 4, 7, 8, 11],
'aug': [1, 3, 6, 7, 10],
'dom': [1, 3, 6, 8, 11]}
def note2pianoroll(self, notes, max_tick, ticks_per_beat):
return miditoolkit.pianoroll.parser.notes2pianoroll(
def sequencing(self, chroma):
candidates = {}
for index in range(len(chroma)):
if chroma[index]:
root_note = index
_chroma = np.roll(chroma, -root_note)
sequence = np.where(_chroma == 1)[0]
candidates[root_note] = list(sequence)
return candidates
def scoring(self, candidates):
scores = {}
qualities = {}
for root_note, sequence in candidates.items():
if 3 not in sequence and 4 not in sequence:
scores[root_note] = -100
qualities[root_note] = 'None'
elif 3 in sequence and 4 in sequence:
scores[root_note] = -100
qualities[root_note] = 'None'
# decide quality
if 3 in sequence:
if 6 in sequence:
quality = 'dim'
quality = 'min'
elif 4 in sequence:
if 8 in sequence:
quality = 'aug'
if 7 in sequence and 10 in sequence:
quality = 'dom'
quality = 'maj'
# decide score
maps = self.CHORD_MAPS.get(quality)
_notes = [n for n in sequence if n not in maps]
score = 0
for n in _notes:
if n in self.CHORD_OUTSIDERS_1.get(quality):
score -= 1
elif n in self.CHORD_OUTSIDERS_2.get(quality):
score -= 2
elif n in self.CHORD_INSIDERS.get(quality):
score += 1
scores[root_note] = score
qualities[root_note] = quality
return scores, qualities
def find_chord(self, pianoroll):
chroma = miditoolkit.pianoroll.utils.tochroma(pianoroll=pianoroll)
chroma = np.sum(chroma, axis=0)
chroma = np.array([1 if c else 0 for c in chroma])
if np.sum(chroma) == 0:
return 'N', 'N', 'N', 0
candidates = self.sequencing(chroma=chroma)
scores, qualities = self.scoring(candidates=candidates)
# bass note
sorted_notes = []
for i, v in enumerate(np.sum(pianoroll, axis=0)):
if v > 0:
bass_note = sorted_notes[0]
# root note
__root_note = []
_max = max(scores.values())
for _root_note, score in scores.items():
if score == _max:
if len(__root_note) == 1:
root_note = __root_note[0]
#TODO: what should i do
for n in sorted_notes:
if n in __root_note:
root_note = n
# quality
quality = qualities.get(root_note)
sequence = candidates.get(root_note)
# score
score = scores.get(root_note)
return self.PITCH_CLASSES[root_note], quality, self.PITCH_CLASSES[bass_note], score
def greedy(self, candidates, max_tick, min_length):
chords = []
# start from 0
start_tick = 0
while start_tick < max_tick:
_candidates = candidates.get(start_tick)
_candidates = sorted(_candidates.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1][-1], x[0]))
# choose
end_tick, (root_note, quality, bass_note, _) = _candidates[-1]
if root_note == bass_note:
chord = '{}:{}'.format(root_note, quality)
chord = '{}:{}/{}'.format(root_note, quality, bass_note)
chords.append([start_tick, end_tick, chord])
start_tick = end_tick
# remove :None
temp = chords
while ':None' in temp[0][-1]:
temp[1][0] = temp[0][0]
del temp[0]
print('NO CHORD')
return []
temp2 = []
for chord in temp:
if ':None' not in chord[-1]:
temp2[-1][1] = chord[1]
return temp2
def extract(self, notes):
# read
max_tick = max([n.end for n in notes])
ticks_per_beat = 480
pianoroll = self.note2pianoroll(
# get lots of candidates
candidates = {}
# the shortest: 2 beat, longest: 4 beat
for interval in [4, 2]:
for start_tick in range(0, max_tick, ticks_per_beat):
# set target pianoroll
end_tick = int(ticks_per_beat * interval + start_tick)
if end_tick > max_tick:
end_tick = max_tick
_pianoroll = pianoroll[start_tick:end_tick, :]
# find chord
root_note, quality, bass_note, score = self.find_chord(pianoroll=_pianoroll)
# save
if start_tick not in candidates:
candidates[start_tick] = {}
candidates[start_tick][end_tick] = (root_note, quality, bass_note, score)
if end_tick not in candidates[start_tick]:
candidates[start_tick][end_tick] = (root_note, quality, bass_note, score)
# greedy
chords = self.greedy(candidates=candidates,
return chords