from home import read_markdown_file import streamlit as st def app(): st.title("Examples & Applications") st.write( """ Even though we trained the Italian CLIP model on way less examples than the original OpenAI's CLIP, our training choices and quality datasets led to impressive results! Here, we present some of **the most impressive text-image associations** learned by our model. Remember you can head to the **Text to Image** section of the demo at any time to test your own🤌 Italian queries! """ ) st.markdown("### 1. Actors in Scenes") st.markdown("These examples were taken from the CC dataset") st.subheader("una coppia") st.markdown("*a couple*") st.image("static/img/examples/couple_0.jpeg") col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col1.subheader("una coppia con il tramonto sullo sfondo") col1.markdown("*a couple with the sunset in the background*") col1.image("static/img/examples/couple_1.jpeg") col2.subheader("una coppia che passeggia sulla spiaggia") col2.markdown("*a couple walking on the beach*") col2.image("static/img/examples/couple_2.jpeg") st.subheader("una coppia che passeggia sulla spiaggia al tramonto") st.markdown("*a couple walking on the beach at sunset*") st.image("static/img/examples/couple_3.jpeg") st.markdown("### 2. Dresses") st.markdown("These examples were taken from the Unsplash dataset") col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col1.subheader("un vestito primavrile") col1.markdown("*a dress for the spring*") col1.image("static/img/examples/vestito1.png") col2.subheader("un vestito autunnale") col2.markdown("*a dress for the autumn*") col2.image("static/img/examples/vestito_autunnale.png") #st.markdown("## Image Classification") st.markdown("