import streamlit as st import os import sys import subprocess import shlex from datetime import datetime def save(s: subprocess.CompletedProcess): if 'outputs' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['outputs'] = [] st.session_state['outputs'].append({ 'returned_at':, 'args': s.args, 'stdout': str(s.stdout), 'return_code': s.returncode, 'stderr': str(s.stderr), }) def list_files(startpath): l = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startpath): level = root.replace(startpath, '').count(os.sep) indent = ' ' * 4 * (level) l.append('{}{}/'.format(indent, os.path.basename(root))) subindent = ' ' * 4 * (level + 1) for f in files: l.append('{}{}'.format(subindent, f)) print('{}{}'.format(subindent, f)) return '\n'.join(l) st.title("🌐 Streamlit Shell 🌐") with st.expander("diagnostic"): st.code(list_files(os.getcwd())) st.code(f"sys.path: {sys.path}") st.code(f"sys.argv: {sys.argv}" ) st.code(f"sys.executable: {sys.executable}") st.code(f"sys.flags: {sys.flags}") cmd_txt = st.text_input("command input: ", help='This will call a simple The input is best effort parsed by shlex') if cmd_txt and cmd_txt != "": try: s =, capture_output=True) save(s) if s.returncode!= 0: st.warning(f'non-zero return: {s.returncode}', icon="⚠️") st.code(s.stdout.decode()) except Exception as inst: st.error(inst) if 'outputs' in st.session_state: st.caption('hint: double click on long outputs') st.dataframe(st.session_state['outputs'])