TastyPiano / src /music /utilities /chord_structured.py
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""" Structured MIDI encoding method as using in the Piano Inpainting Application
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Optional
import numpy as np
from miditoolkit import Instrument, Note, TempoChange
from miditok import Structured
from miditok.midi_tokenizer_base import MIDITokenizer, Vocabulary, Event
from miditok.constants import *
from itertools import combinations
Cs = np.array([60 + oct for oct in range(-12*4, 12*5, 12)])
def get_chord_map():
my_chord_map = {#'octave': (0, 12),
#'power': (0, 7),
#'power_inv_1': (0, 5),
'min': (0, 3, 7),
'maj': (0, 4, 7),
'dim': (0, 3, 6),
'aug': (0, 4, 8),
'sus2': (0, 2, 7),
'sus4': (0, 5, 7),
'7dom': (0, 4, 7, 10),
'7min': (0, 3, 7, 10),
'7maj': (0, 4, 7, 11),
'7halfdim': (0, 3, 6, 10),
'7dim': (0, 3, 6, 9),
'7aug': (0, 4, 8, 11),
'9maj': (0, 4, 7, 10, 14),
'9min': (0, 4, 7, 10, 13)}
for k in list(my_chord_map.keys()).copy():
n_notes = len(my_chord_map[k])
if n_notes > 2:
if k not in ['7dim', 'aug', 'sus2', 'sus4']:
if '9' in k:
nb_invs = 3
nb_invs = n_notes
for i_inv in range(1, nb_invs):
shift = np.array([my_chord_map[k][(i + i_inv) % n_notes] for i in range(n_notes)])
shift[-i_inv:] += 12
pattern = [0]
for i in range(1, len(shift)):
pattern.append(shift[i] - shift[0])
my_chord_map[k + f'_inv_{i_inv}'] = tuple(pattern)
known = set()
for k in my_chord_map.keys():
assert my_chord_map[k] not in known
inverted_chord_map = dict()
for k, v in my_chord_map.items():
inverted_chord_map[v] = k
return my_chord_map, inverted_chord_map
def find_sub_pattern(pattern, candidate_patterns):
for i in np.arange(len(pattern) - 1, 0, -1):
patt_indexes = [(0,) + c for c in combinations(range(1, len(pattern)), i)]
for p_ind in patt_indexes:
sorted_pattern = np.sort(np.array(pattern)[np.array(p_ind)])
sorted_pattern = tuple(sorted_pattern - sorted_pattern[0])
if sorted_pattern in candidate_patterns:
return True, sorted_pattern, np.array(p_ind)
return False, None, None
# def find_sub_pattern(pattern, candidate_patterns, indexes, n_asserted=1):
# if len(candidate_patterns) == 0 or len(pattern) < 3:
# return False, None, None
# else:
# sorted_pattern = np.sort(pattern)
# sorted_pattern = tuple(sorted_pattern - sorted_pattern[0])
# if sorted_pattern in candidate_patterns:
# return True, sorted_pattern, indexes
# else:
# if n_asserted + 1 == len(pattern):
# return False, None, None
# else:
# # hypothesis that pattern is good up to n_asserted + 1
# asserted_pattern = pattern[:n_asserted + 1]
# len_asserted = len(asserted_pattern)
# # find candidate patterns matching that beginning
# sorted_asserted_pattern = np.sort(asserted_pattern)
# sorted_asserted_pattern = tuple(sorted_asserted_pattern - sorted_asserted_pattern[0])
# c_p = [cp for cp in candidate_patterns if cp[:len_asserted] == sorted_asserted_pattern]
# found, found_pattern, found_indexes = find_sub_pattern(pattern, c_p, indexes, n_asserted=n_asserted+1)
# if found:
# return True, found_pattern, found_indexes
# # if the pattern was not found, then we need to remove that note
# else:
# pattern2 = pattern[: n_asserted] + pattern[n_asserted + 1:]
# if pattern2 == pattern:
# stop = 1
# new_indexes = indexes.copy()
# new_indexes.pop(n_asserted)
# return find_sub_pattern(pattern2, candidate_patterns, new_indexes, n_asserted=n_asserted)
def filter_notes_find_chord_and_root(chord, inverted_chord_map):
known_chords = list(inverted_chord_map.keys())
found, chord_pattern, chord_indexes = find_sub_pattern(tuple(chord), known_chords)
if found:
chord_id = inverted_chord_map[chord_pattern].split('_')[0]
return False, None, None, None
# find root now :)
if 'inv' not in inverted_chord_map[chord_pattern]:
root_id = 0
inv_id = int(inverted_chord_map[chord_pattern].split('_')[-1])
n_notes = len(chord_pattern)
root_id = n_notes - inv_id
return True, chord_id, root_id, chord_indexes
class ChordStructured(MIDITokenizer):
""" Structured MIDI encoding method as using in the Piano Inpainting Application
The token types follows the specific pattern:
Pitch -> Velocity -> Duration -> Time Shift -> back to Pitch ...
NOTE: this encoding uses only "Time Shifts" events to move in the time, and only
from one note to another. Hence it is suitable to encode continuous sequences of
notes without long periods of silence. If your dataset contains music with long
pauses, you might handle them with an appropriate "time shift" dictionary
(which values are made from the beat_res dict) or with a different encoding.
:param pitch_range: range of used MIDI pitches
:param beat_res: beat resolutions, with the form:
{(beat_x1, beat_x2): beat_res_1, (beat_x2, beat_x3): beat_res_2, ...}
The keys of the dict are tuples indicating a range of beats, ex 0 to 3 for the first bar
The values are the resolution, in samples per beat, of the given range, ex 8
:param nb_velocities: number of velocity bins
:param program_tokens: will add entries for MIDI programs in the dictionary, to use
in the case of multitrack generation for instance
:param sos_eos_tokens: Adds Start Of Sequence (SOS) and End Of Sequence (EOS) tokens to the vocabulary
:param params: can be a path to the parameter (json encoded) file or a dictionary
def __init__(self, pitch_range: range = PITCH_RANGE, beat_res: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = BEAT_RES,
nb_velocities: int = NB_VELOCITIES, program_tokens: bool = ADDITIONAL_TOKENS['Program'],
sos_eos_tokens: bool = False, params=None):
# No additional tokens
additional_tokens = {'Chord': False, 'Rest': False, 'Tempo': False, 'TimeSignature': False, 'Program': program_tokens}
self.pitch2octave_relative = dict()
self.octave_relative2pitch = dict()
for p in pitch_range:
self.pitch2octave_relative[p] = self.get_octave_and_relative(p)
self.octave_relative2pitch[self.pitch2octave_relative[p]] = p
self.chord_maps, self.inverted_chord_map = get_chord_map()
super().__init__(pitch_range, beat_res, nb_velocities, additional_tokens, sos_eos_tokens, params)
def get_octave_and_relative(self, pitch):
octave = np.argwhere(pitch - Cs >=0).flatten()[-1]
relative = pitch - Cs[octave]
return octave, relative
def get_note_events(self, note, dur_bins, next_note_start):
events = []
if isinstance(note.pitch, str): # it's a chord
chord_id = '_'.join(note.pitch.split('_')[:-1])
pitch = int(note.pitch.split('_')[-1])
else: # it's a note
chord_id = 'note'
pitch = note.pitch
# get octave and relative position of the pitch (root pitch for a chord)
octave, relative = self.pitch2octave_relative[pitch]
# Add chord/note event. A note is defined as Chord_note
events.append(Event(type_='Chord', time=note.start, value=chord_id, desc=note.pitch))
# Add octave of the root
events.append(Event(type_='OctavePitch', time=note.start, value=octave, desc=note.pitch))
# Add octave relative pitch of the root
events.append(Event(type_='RelativePitch', time=note.start, value=relative, desc=note.pitch))
# Velocity
events.append(Event(type_='Velocity', time=note.start, value=note.velocity, desc=f'{note.velocity}'))
# Duration
duration = note.end - note.start
index = np.argmin(np.abs(dur_bins - duration))
events.append(Event(type_='Duration', time=note.start, value='.'.join(map(str, self.durations[index])), desc=f'{duration} ticks'))
# Time-Shift
time_shift = next_note_start - note.start
assert time_shift >= 0 # this asserts that events are sorted
index = np.argmin(np.abs(dur_bins - time_shift))
events.append(Event(type_='Time-Shift', time=note.start, desc=f'{time_shift} ticks',
value='.'.join(map(str, self.durations[index])) if time_shift != 0 else '0.0.1'))
return events, time_shift
def track_to_tokens(self, track: Instrument) -> List[int]:
""" Converts a track (miditoolkit.Instrument object) into a sequence of tokens
:param track: MIDI track to convert
:return: sequence of corresponding tokens
# Make sure the notes are sorted first by their onset (start) times, second by pitch
# notes.sort(key=lambda x: (x.start, x.pitch)) # done in midi_to_tokens
events = []
dur_bins = self.durations_ticks[self.current_midi_metadata['time_division']]
# assume first note is the beginning of the song, no time shift at first.
# Track chords. For each chord, insert a fake note that contains its info so that it can be converted to the proper event
if self.additional_tokens['Chord'] and not track.is_drum:
notes_and_chords = self.detect_chords(track.notes, self.current_midi_metadata['time_division'], self._first_beat_res)
notes_and_chords = track.notes
sum_shifts = 0
# Creates the Pitch, Velocity, Duration and Time Shift events
for n, note in enumerate(notes_and_chords):
if n == len(notes_and_chords) - 1:
next_note_start = note.start # add zero time shift at the end
next_note_start = notes_and_chords[n + 1].start
new_events, time_shift = self.get_note_events(note, dur_bins, next_note_start=next_note_start)
events += new_events
sum_shifts += time_shift
assert len(events) // 6 == len(notes_and_chords)
return self.events_to_tokens(events)
def tokens_to_track(self, tokens: List[int], time_division: Optional[int] = TIME_DIVISION,
program: Optional[Tuple[int, bool]] = (0, False)) -> Tuple[Instrument, List[TempoChange]]:
""" Converts a sequence of tokens into a track object
:param tokens: sequence of tokens to convert
:param time_division: MIDI time division / resolution, in ticks/beat (of the MIDI to create)
:param program: the MIDI program of the produced track and if it drum, (default (0, False), piano)
:return: the miditoolkit instrument object and a "Dummy" tempo change
events = self.tokens_to_events(tokens)
instrument = Instrument(program[0], is_drum=False, name=MIDI_INSTRUMENTS[program[0]]['name'])
current_tick = 0
count = 0
# start at first chord event
while count < len(events) and events[count].type != 'Chord':
count += 1
while count < len(events):
if events[count].type == 'Chord':
note_chord_events = [events[c] for c in range(count, count + 6)]
events_types = [c.type for c in note_chord_events]
if events_types[1:] == ['OctavePitch', 'RelativePitch', 'Velocity', 'Duration', 'Time-Shift']:
octave, relative = int(note_chord_events[1].value), int(note_chord_events[2].value)
duration = self._token_duration_to_ticks(note_chord_events[4].value, time_division)
vel = int(note_chord_events[3].value)
root_pitch = self.octave_relative2pitch[(octave, relative)]
if note_chord_events[0].value == "note":
# pass
instrument.notes.append(Note(vel, root_pitch, current_tick, current_tick + duration))
pitches = self.find_chord_pitches(root_pitch, note_chord_events[0].value)
for p in pitches:
instrument.notes.append(Note(vel, p, current_tick, current_tick + duration))
beat, pos, res = map(int, note_chord_events[5].value.split('.'))
current_tick += (beat * res + pos) * time_division // res # time shift
count += 6
count += 1
count += 1
return instrument, [TempoChange(TEMPO, 0)]
def find_chord_pitches(self, root_pitch, chord_name):
chord_map = self.chord_maps[chord_name]
if 'inv' not in chord_map:
root_position = 0
inv_id = int(chord_name.split('_')[-1])
n_notes = len(chord_map)
root_position = n_notes - inv_id
deltas = np.array(chord_map) - chord_map[root_position]
pitches = [root_pitch + d for d in deltas]
return pitches
def _create_vocabulary(self, sos_eos_tokens: bool = False) -> Vocabulary:
""" Creates the Vocabulary object of the tokenizer.
See the docstring of the Vocabulary class for more details about how to use it.
NOTE: token index 0 is often used as a padding index during training
:param sos_eos_tokens: will include Start Of Sequence (SOS) and End Of Sequence (tokens)
:return: the vocabulary object
vocab = Vocabulary({'PAD_None': 0})
if self.additional_tokens['Chord']:
vocab.add_event(f'Chord_{chord_quality}' for chord_quality in CHORD_MAPS)
vocab.add_event(f'OctavePitch_{i}' for i in range(8))
vocab.add_event(f'RelativePitch_{i}' for i in range(12))
# vocab.add_event(f'Pitch_{i}' for i in self.pitch_range)
vocab.add_event(f'Velocity_{i}' for i in self.velocities)
vocab.add_event(f'Duration_{".".join(map(str, duration))}' for duration in self.durations)
# TIME SHIFT (same as durations)
vocab.add_event('Time-Shift_0.0.1') # for a time shift of 0
vocab.add_event(f'Time-Shift_{".".join(map(str, duration))}' for duration in self.durations)
if self.additional_tokens['Program']:
vocab.add_event(f'Program_{program}' for program in range(-1, 128))
if sos_eos_tokens:
return vocab
def _create_token_types_graph(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
""" Returns a graph (as a dictionary) of the possible token
types successions.
NOTE: Program type is not referenced here, you can add it manually by
modifying the tokens_types_graph class attribute following your strategy.
:return: the token types transitions dictionary
dic = {'Pitch': ['Velocity'], 'Velocity': ['Duration'], 'Duration': ['Time-Shift'], 'Time-Shift': ['Pitch']}
return dic
def token_types_errors(self, tokens: List[int], consider_pad: bool = False) -> float:
""" Checks if a sequence of tokens is constituted of good token types
successions and returns the error ratio (lower is better).
The Pitch values are also analyzed:
- a pitch token should not be present if the same pitch is already played at the time
:param tokens: sequence of tokens to check
:param consider_pad: if True will continue the error detection after the first PAD token (default: False)
:return: the error ratio (lower is better)
err = 0
previous_type = self.vocab.token_type(tokens[0])
current_pitches = []
def check(tok: int):
nonlocal err
nonlocal previous_type
nonlocal current_pitches
token_type, token_value = self.vocab.token_to_event[tok].split('_')
# Good token type
if token_type in self.tokens_types_graph[previous_type]:
if token_type == 'Pitch':
if int(token_value) in current_pitches:
err += 1 # pitch already played at current position
elif token_type == 'Time-Shift':
if self._token_duration_to_ticks(token_value, 48) > 0:
current_pitches = [] # moving in time, list reset
# Bad token type
err += 1
previous_type = token_type
if consider_pad:
for token in tokens[1:]:
for token in tokens[1:]:
if previous_type == 'PAD':
return err / len(tokens)
def detect_chords(self, list_notes: List[Note], time_division: int, beat_res: int = 4, onset_offset: int = 1,
only_known_chord: bool = False, simul_notes_limit: int = 20, verbose=False) -> List[Event]:
""" Chord detection method.
NOTE: make sure to sort notes by start time then pitch before: notes.sort(key=lambda x: (x.start, x.pitch))
NOTE2: on very large tracks with high note density this method can be very slow !
If you plan to use it with the Maestro or GiantMIDI datasets, it can take up to
hundreds of seconds per MIDI depending on your cpu.
One time step at a time, it will analyse the notes played together
and detect possible chords.
:param notes: notes to analyse (sorted by starting time, them pitch)
:param time_division: MIDI time division / resolution, in ticks/beat (of the MIDI being parsed)
:param beat_res: beat resolution, i.e. nb of samples per beat (default 4)
:param onset_offset: maximum offset (in samples) ∈ N separating notes starts to consider them
starting at the same time / onset (default is 1)
:param only_known_chord: will select only known chords. If set to False, non recognized chords of
n notes will give a chord_n event (default False)
:param simul_notes_limit: nb of simultaneous notes being processed when looking for a chord
this parameter allows to speed up the chord detection (default 20)
:return: the detected chords as Event objects
assert simul_notes_limit >= 5, 'simul_notes_limit must be higher than 5, chords can be made up to 5 notes'
tuples = []
for note in list_notes:
tuples.append((note.pitch, int(note.start), int(note.end), int(note.velocity)))
notes = np.asarray(tuples)
time_div_half = time_division // 2
onset_offset = time_division * onset_offset / beat_res
count = 0
previous_tick = -1
detected_chords = []
note_belong_to_chord_id = dict()
while count < len(notes):
# Checks we moved in time after last step, otherwise discard this tick
if notes[count, 1] == previous_tick:
count += 1
# Gathers the notes around the same time step
# Reduce the scope of the search
notes_to_consider = notes[count:count + simul_notes_limit].copy()
old_true_notes_indexes = np.arange(count, count + simul_notes_limit) # keep track of true note indexes
# Take notes withing onset_offset samples of the first note
indexes_valid = np.where(notes_to_consider[:, 1] <= notes_to_consider[0, 1] + onset_offset)
true_notes_indexes = old_true_notes_indexes[indexes_valid]
onset_notes = notes_to_consider[indexes_valid]
# Take notes that end close to the first note's end
indexes_valid = np.where(np.abs(onset_notes[:, 2] - onset_notes[0, 2]) < time_div_half)
true_notes_indexes = true_notes_indexes[indexes_valid]
onset_notes = onset_notes[indexes_valid]
# if there are at least 3 notes, try to find the chord
if len(onset_notes) >= 3:
found, chord_name, root_id, chord_notes_indexes = filter_notes_find_chord_and_root(onset_notes[:, 0], self.inverted_chord_map)
# if found:
# found, chord_name, root_id, chord_notes_indexes = filter_notes_find_chord_and_root(notes_to_consider[:, 0], self.inverted_chord_map)
if found:
detected_chord_id = len(detected_chords)
# get the indexes of the notes in the chord wrt the onset_notes array
relative_indexes_chord_notes_in_onset_notes = np.array(chord_notes_indexes)
# get true indexes of the notes in the chord (indexes of the note stream)
true_indexes = true_notes_indexes[relative_indexes_chord_notes_in_onset_notes]
# for each note, track the chords it belongs to in note_belong_to_chord_id
for i in true_indexes:
if i not in note_belong_to_chord_id.keys():
note_belong_to_chord_id[i] = [detected_chord_id]
# save the info of the detected chord
root_position_in_sorted_onset = chord_notes_indexes[root_id]
root_pitch = onset_notes[root_position_in_sorted_onset, 0]
onset = np.min([notes[i, 1] for i in true_indexes])
offset = int(np.mean([notes[i, 2] for i in true_indexes]))
velocity = self.velocities[int(np.argmin(np.abs(self.velocities - int(np.mean([notes[i, 3] for i in true_indexes])))))] # quantize velocity
detected_chords.append((chord_name, true_indexes, root_pitch, onset, offset, velocity))
if verbose: print(f'New chord detected: {chord_name}, root {root_pitch} with notes: {true_indexes}, onset: {onset}, offset: {offset}, velocity: {velocity}')
count += 1
# now we need to delete some the redundant detected chords to have just one chord per note
indexes_chords_to_remove = []
for note, chord_ids in note_belong_to_chord_id.copy().items():
# remove chords that were already filtered
chord_ids = sorted(set(chord_ids) - set(indexes_chords_to_remove))
if len(chord_ids) == 0: # if not remaining chords, then the note should be removed
del note_belong_to_chord_id[note]
note_belong_to_chord_id[note] = chord_ids # update the chord_ids
if len(chord_ids) > 1: # if several, we need to filter by the number of notes in the chords
chords = [detected_chords[i] for i in chord_ids]
selected_chord = np.argmax([len(c[1]) for c in chords])
note_belong_to_chord_id[note] = [chord_ids[selected_chord]]
for i_c, c in enumerate(chord_ids):
if i_c != selected_chord:
for note, chord_ids in note_belong_to_chord_id.copy().items():
chord_ids = sorted(set(chord_ids) - set(indexes_chords_to_remove))
if len(chord_ids) == 0: # if not remaining chords, then the note should be removed
del note_belong_to_chord_id[note]
note_belong_to_chord_id[note] = chord_ids # update the chord_ids
selected_chords = [detected_chords[i] for i in range(len(detected_chords)) if i not in indexes_chords_to_remove]
selected_chords_ids = [i for i in range(len(detected_chords)) if i not in indexes_chords_to_remove]
# check that all notes are used just once
all_chord_notes = []
for c in selected_chords:
all_chord_notes += list(c[1])
assert len(all_chord_notes) == len(set(all_chord_notes))
# format new stream of notes, removing chord notes from them, and inserting "chord" to be able to track timeshifts
new_list_notes = []
note_dict_keys = list(note_belong_to_chord_id.keys())
inserted_chords = []
count_added = 0
for i in range(len(list_notes)):
if i not in note_dict_keys:
assert len(note_belong_to_chord_id[i]) == 1
chord_id = note_belong_to_chord_id[i][0]
if chord_id not in inserted_chords:
count_added += 1
chord_id, _, root_pitch, onset, offset, velocity = detected_chords[chord_id]
new_list_notes.append(Note(velocity=velocity, start=onset, end=offset, pitch=chord_id + '_' + str(root_pitch)))
# check the new count of notes (all previous notes - the number of notes in the chords + the number of chords)
assert len(new_list_notes) == (len(list_notes) - len(all_chord_notes) + len(selected_chords))
return new_list_notes
if __name__ == '__main__':
from miditoolkit import MidiFile
pitch_range = range(21, 109)
beat_res = {(0, 4): 8, (4, 12): 4}
nb_velocities = 32
tokenizer_structured = ChordStructured(pitch_range, beat_res, nb_velocities)
# tokenizer_structured = Structured(pitch_range, beat_res, nb_velocities)
path = '/home/cedric/Documents/pianocktail/data/music/processed/vkgoeswild_processed/ac_dc_hells_bells_vkgoeswild_piano_cover_processed.mid'
midi = MidiFile(path)
tokens = tokenizer_structured.midi_to_tokens(midi)
midi = tokenizer_structured.tokens_to_midi(tokens)