# =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== """ Gradio-based web app Agents that uses OpenAI API to generate a chat between collaborative agents. """ import argparse import os import re from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import gradio as gr import openai import tenacity from apps.agents.text_utils import split_markdown_code from camel.agents import TaskSpecifyAgent from camel.messages import BaseMessage from camel.societies import RolePlaying from camel.types import TaskType REPO_ROOT = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../..")) ChatBotHistory = List[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]] @dataclass class State: session: Optional[RolePlaying] max_messages: int chat: ChatBotHistory saved_assistant_msg: Optional[BaseMessage] @classmethod def empty(cls) -> 'State': return cls(None, 0, [], None) @staticmethod def construct_inplace(state: 'State', session: Optional[RolePlaying], max_messages: int, chat: ChatBotHistory, saved_assistant_msg: Optional[BaseMessage]) -> None: state.session = session state.max_messages = max_messages state.chat = chat state.saved_assistant_msg = saved_assistant_msg def parse_arguments(): """ Get command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Camel data explorer") parser.add_argument('--api-key', type=str, default=None, help='OpenAI API key') parser.add_argument('--share', type=bool, default=False, help='Expose the web UI to Gradio') parser.add_argument('--server-port', type=int, default=8080, help='Port ot run the web page on') parser.add_argument('--inbrowser', type=bool, default=False, help='Open the web UI in the default browser on lunch') parser.add_argument( '--concurrency-count', type=int, default=1, help='Number if concurrent threads at Gradio websocket queue. ' + 'Increase to serve more requests but keep an eye on RAM usage.') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() if len(unknown) > 0: print("Unknown args: ", unknown) return args def load_roles(path: str) -> List[str]: """ Load roles from list files. Args: path (str): Path to the TXT file. Returns: List[str]: List of roles. """ assert os.path.exists(path) roles = [] with open(path, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: match = re.search(r"^\d+\.\s*(.+)\n*$", line) if match: role = match.group(1) roles.append(role) else: print("Warning: no match") return roles def cleanup_on_launch(state) -> Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict]: """ Prepare the UI for a new session. Args: state (State): Role playing state. Returns: Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict]: - Updated state. - Chatbot window contents. - Start button state (disabled). """ # The line below breaks the every=N runner # `state = State.empty()` State.construct_inplace(state, None, 0, [], None) return state, [], gr.update(interactive=False) def role_playing_start( state, society_name: str, assistant: str, user: str, original_task: str, max_messages: float, with_task_specifier: bool, word_limit: int, language: str, ) -> Union[Dict, Tuple[State, str, Union[str, Dict], ChatBotHistory, Dict]]: """ Creates a role playing session. Args: state (State): Role playing state. society_name: assistant (str): Contents of the Assistant field. user (str): Contents of the User field. original_task (str): Original task field. with_task_specifier (bool): Enable/Disable task specifier. word_limit (int): Limit of words for task specifier. Returns: Union[Dict, Tuple[State, str, Union[str, Dict], ChatBotHistory, Dict]]: - Updated state. - Generated specified task. - Planned task (if any). - Chatbot window contents. - Progress bar contents. """ if state.session is not None: print("Double click") return {} # may fail if society_name not in {"AI Society", "Code"}: print(f"Error: unrecognezed society {society_name}") return {} meta_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] extend_sys_msg_meta_dicts: Optional[List[Dict]] task_type: TaskType if society_name == "AI Society": meta_dict = None extend_sys_msg_meta_dicts = None # Keep user and assistant intact task_type = TaskType.AI_SOCIETY else: # "Code" meta_dict = {"language": assistant, "domain": user} extend_sys_msg_meta_dicts = [meta_dict, meta_dict] assistant = f"{assistant} Programmer" user = f"Person working in {user}" task_type = TaskType.CODE try: task_specify_kwargs = dict(word_limit=word_limit) \ if with_task_specifier else None session = RolePlaying( assistant, user, task_prompt=original_task, with_task_specify=with_task_specifier, task_specify_agent_kwargs=task_specify_kwargs, with_task_planner=False, task_type=task_type, extend_sys_msg_meta_dicts=extend_sys_msg_meta_dicts, extend_task_specify_meta_dict=meta_dict, output_language=language, ) except (openai.error.RateLimitError, tenacity.RetryError, RuntimeError) as ex: print("OpenAI API exception 0 " + str(ex)) return (state, str(ex), "", [], gr.update()) # Can't re-create a state like below since it # breaks 'role_playing_chat_cont' runner with every=N. # `state = State(session=session, max_messages=int(max_messages), chat=[],` # ` saved_assistant_msg=None)` State.construct_inplace(state, session, int(max_messages), [], None) specified_task_prompt = session.specified_task_prompt \ if session.specified_task_prompt is not None else "" planned_task_prompt = session.planned_task_prompt \ if session.planned_task_prompt is not None else "" planned_task_upd = gr.update( value=planned_task_prompt, visible=session.planned_task_prompt is not None) progress_update = gr.update(maximum=state.max_messages, value=1, visible=True) return (state, specified_task_prompt, planned_task_upd, state.chat, progress_update) def role_playing_chat_init(state) -> \ Union[Dict, Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict]]: """ Initialize role playing. Args: state (State): Role playing state. Returns: Union[Dict, Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict]]: - Updated state. - Chatbot window contents. - Progress bar contents. """ if state.session is None: print("Error: session is none on role_playing_chat_init call") return state, state.chat, gr.update() session: RolePlaying = state.session try: init_assistant_msg: BaseMessage init_assistant_msg = session.init_chat() except (openai.RateLimitError, tenacity.RetryError, RuntimeError) as ex: print("OpenAI API exception 1 " + str(ex)) state.session = None return state, state.chat, gr.update() state.saved_assistant_msg = init_assistant_msg progress_update = gr.update(maximum=state.max_messages, value=1, visible=True) return state, state.chat, progress_update # WORKAROUND: do not add type hints for session and chatbot_history def role_playing_chat_cont(state) -> \ Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict, Dict]: """ Produce a pair of messages by an assistant and a user. To be run multiple times. Args: state (State): Role playing state. Returns: Union[Dict, Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict]]: - Updated state. - Chatbot window contents. - Progress bar contents. - Start button state (to be eventually enabled). """ if state.session is None: return state, state.chat, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update() session: RolePlaying = state.session if state.saved_assistant_msg is None: return state, state.chat, gr.update(), gr.update() try: assistant_response, user_response = session.step( state.saved_assistant_msg) except (openai.RateLimitError, tenacity.RetryError, RuntimeError) as ex: print("OpenAI API exception 2 " + str(ex)) state.session = None return state, state.chat, gr.update(), gr.update() if len(user_response.msgs) != 1 or len(assistant_response.msgs) != 1: return state, state.chat, gr.update(), gr.update() u_msg = user_response.msg a_msg = assistant_response.msg state.saved_assistant_msg = a_msg state.chat.append((None, split_markdown_code(u_msg.content))) state.chat.append((split_markdown_code(a_msg.content), None)) if len(state.chat) >= state.max_messages: state.session = None if "CAMEL_TASK_DONE" in a_msg.content or \ "CAMEL_TASK_DONE" in u_msg.content: state.session = None progress_update = gr.update(maximum=state.max_messages, value=len(state.chat), visible=state.session is not None) start_bn_update = gr.update(interactive=state.session is None) return state, state.chat, progress_update, start_bn_update def stop_session(state) -> Tuple[State, Dict, Dict]: """ Finish the session and leave chat contents as an artefact. Args: state (State): Role playing state. Returns: Union[Dict, Tuple[State, ChatBotHistory, Dict]]: - Updated state. - Progress bar contents. - Start button state (to be eventually enabled). """ state.session = None return state, gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(interactive=True) def construct_ui(blocks, api_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Build Gradio UI and populate with topics. Args: api_key (str): OpenAI API key. Returns: None """ if api_key is not None: openai.api_key = api_key society_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for society_name in ("AI Society", "Code"): if society_name == "AI Society": assistant_role_subpath = "ai_society/assistant_roles.txt" user_role_subpath = "ai_society/user_roles.txt" assistant_role = "Python Programmer" user_role = "Stock Trader" default_task = "Develop a trading bot for the stock market" else: assistant_role_subpath = "code/languages.txt" user_role_subpath = "code/domains.txt" assistant_role = "JavaScript" user_role = "Sociology" default_task = "Develop a poll app" assistant_role_path = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, f"data/{assistant_role_subpath}") user_role_path = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, f"data/{user_role_subpath}") society_info = dict( assistant_roles=load_roles(assistant_role_path), user_roles=load_roles(user_role_path), assistant_role=assistant_role, user_role=user_role, default_task=default_task, ) society_dict[society_name] = society_info default_society = society_dict["AI Society"] def change_society(society_name: str) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, str]: society = society_dict[society_name] assistant_dd_update = gr.update(choices=society['assistant_roles'], value=society['assistant_role']) user_dd_update = gr.update(choices=society['user_roles'], value=society['user_role']) return assistant_dd_update, user_dd_update, society['default_task'] with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): society_dd = gr.Dropdown(["AI Society", "Code"], label="Choose the society", value="AI Society", interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=2): assistant_dd = gr.Dropdown(default_society['assistant_roles'], label="Example assistant roles", value=default_society['assistant_role'], interactive=True) assistant_ta = gr.TextArea(label="Assistant role (EDIT ME)", lines=1, interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=2): user_dd = gr.Dropdown(default_society['user_roles'], label="Example user roles", value=default_society['user_role'], interactive=True) user_ta = gr.TextArea(label="User role (EDIT ME)", lines=1, interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=2): gr.Markdown( "## CAMEL: Communicative Agents for \"Mind\" Exploration" " of Large Scale Language Model Society\n" "Github repo: [https://github.com/lightaime/camel]" "(https://github.com/lightaime/camel)" '
' 'Logo' '
') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=9): original_task_ta = gr.TextArea( label="Give me a preliminary idea (EDIT ME)", value=default_society['default_task'], lines=1, interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=1): universal_task_bn = gr.Button("Insert universal task") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): task_specifier_cb = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label="With task specifier") with gr.Row(): ts_word_limit_nb = gr.Number( value=TaskSpecifyAgent.DEFAULT_WORD_LIMIT, label="Word limit for task specifier", visible=task_specifier_cb.value) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): num_messages_sl = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=50, step=1, value=10, interactive=True, label="Messages to generate") with gr.Row(): language_ta = gr.TextArea(label="Language", value="English", lines=1, interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=2): with gr.Row(): start_bn = gr.Button("Make agents chat [takes time]", elem_id="start_button") with gr.Row(): clear_bn = gr.Button("Interrupt the current query") progress_sl = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=100, value=0, step=1, label="Progress", interactive=False, visible=False) specified_task_ta = gr.TextArea( label="Specified task prompt given to the role-playing session" " based on the original (simplistic) idea", lines=1, interactive=False) task_prompt_ta = gr.TextArea(label="Planned task prompt", lines=1, interactive=False, visible=False) chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="Chat between autonomous agents") empty_state = State.empty() session_state: gr.State = gr.State(empty_state) universal_task_bn.click(lambda: "Help me to do my job", None, original_task_ta) task_specifier_cb.change(lambda v: gr.update(visible=v), task_specifier_cb, ts_word_limit_nb) start_bn.click(cleanup_on_launch, session_state, [session_state, chatbot, start_bn], queue=False) \ .then(role_playing_start, [session_state, society_dd, assistant_ta, user_ta, original_task_ta, num_messages_sl, task_specifier_cb, ts_word_limit_nb, language_ta], [session_state, specified_task_ta, task_prompt_ta, chatbot, progress_sl], queue=False) \ .then(role_playing_chat_init, session_state, [session_state, chatbot, progress_sl], queue=False) blocks.load(role_playing_chat_cont, session_state, [session_state, chatbot, progress_sl, start_bn], every=0.5) clear_bn.click(stop_session, session_state, [session_state, progress_sl, start_bn]) society_dd.change(change_society, society_dd, [assistant_dd, user_dd, original_task_ta]) assistant_dd.change(lambda dd: dd, assistant_dd, assistant_ta) user_dd.change(lambda dd: dd, user_dd, user_ta) blocks.load(change_society, society_dd, [assistant_dd, user_dd, original_task_ta]) blocks.load(lambda dd: dd, assistant_dd, assistant_ta) blocks.load(lambda dd: dd, user_dd, user_ta) def construct_blocks(api_key: Optional[str]): """ Construct Agents app but do not launch it. Args: api_key (Optional[str]): OpenAI API key. Returns: gr.Blocks: Blocks instance. """ css_str = "#start_button {border: 3px solid #4CAF50; font-size: 20px;}" with gr.Blocks(css=css_str) as blocks: construct_ui(blocks, api_key) return blocks def main(): """ Entry point. """ args = parse_arguments() print("Getting Agents web server online...") blocks = construct_blocks(args.api_key) blocks.queue(args.concurrency_count) \ .launch(share=args.share, inbrowser=args.inbrowser, server_name="", server_port=args.server_port, debug=True) print("Exiting.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()