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"</s_(Rev.>": 57592,
"</s_1 Interest income>": 57636,
"</s_1 Wages, tips, other compensation>": 57692,
"</s_10 Dependent care benefits>": 57690,
"</s_10 Market discount>": 57634,
"</s_10 Noncash liquidation distributions>": 57590,
"</s_11 Bond premium>": 57632,
"</s_11 FATCA filing requirement>": 57588,
"</s_11 Nonqualified plans>": 57688,
"</s_12 Bond premium on Treasury obligations>": 57630,
"</s_12 Exempt-interest dividends>": 57586,
"</s_12a Deferred compensation>": 57724,
"</s_12a>": 57686,
"</s_12b>": 57684,
"</s_12c>": 57682,
"</s_12d>": 57680,
"</s_13 Bond premium on tax-exempt bond>": 57628,
"</s_13 For third-party sick pay use only>": 57722,
"</s_13 Specified private activity bond interest dividends>": 57584,
"</s_13 Statutory employee, Retirement plan, Third-party sick pay>": 57678,
"</s_14 Income tax withheld by payer of third-party sick pay>": 57720,
"</s_14 Other>": 57676,
"</s_14 State>": 57582,
"</s_14 Tax-exempt and tax credit bond CUSIP no.>": 57626,
"</s_15 State identification no.>": 57580,
"</s_15 State>": 57624,
"</s_16 State identification no.>": 57622,
"</s_16 State tax withheld>": 57578,
"</s_16 State wages, tips, etc. >": 57674,
"</s_16 State wages, tips, etc.>": 57718,
"</s_17 State income tax>": 57672,
"</s_17 State tax withheld>": 57620,
"</s_18 Local wages, tips, etc.>": 57670,
"</s_19 Local income tax>": 57668,
"</s_1a Total ordinary dividends>": 57576,
"</s_1b Qualified dividends>": 57574,
"</s_2 Early withdrawal penalty>": 57618,
"</s_2 Federal income tax withheld>": 57666,
"</s_20 Locality name>": 57664,
"</s_2a Total capital gain distr:>": 57572,
"</s_2b Unrecap. Sec: 1250 gain>": 57570,
"</s_2c Section 1202 gain>": 57568,
"</s_2d Collectibles (28%) gain>": 57566,
"</s_2e Section 897 ordinary dividends>": 57564,
"</s_2f Section 897 capital gain>": 57562,
"</s_3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations>": 57616,
"</s_3 Nondividend distributions>": 57560,
"</s_3 Social security wages>": 57662,
"</s_4 Federal income tax withheld>": 57558,
"</s_4 Social security tax withheld>": 57660,
"</s_5 Investment expenses>": 57614,
"</s_5 Medicare wages and tips>": 57658,
"</s_5 Section 199A dividends>": 57556,
"</s_6 Foreign tax paid>": 57612,
"</s_6 Investment expenses>": 57554,
"</s_6 Medicare tax withheld>": 57656,
"</s_7 Foreign country or U.S. possession>": 57610,
"</s_7 Foreign tax paid>": 57552,
"</s_7 Social security tips>": 57654,
"</s_8 Allocated tips>": 57652,
"</s_8 Foreign country or U.S. possession>": 57550,
"</s_8 Tax-exempt interest>": 57608,
"</s_9 Cash liquidation distributions>": 57548,
"</s_9 Specified private activity bond interest>": 57606,
"</s_Accoung number (see instructions)>": 57604,
"</s_Accoung number (see instructions}>": 57546,
"</s_City or town, state Or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code>": 57602,
"</s_City or town, state Or province; country, and ZIP or foreign postal code>": 57544,
"</s_Employer’s contact person>": 57716,
"</s_Employer’s email address>": 57714,
"</s_Employer’s fax number>": 57712,
"</s_Employer’s state ID number>": 57710,
"</s_Employer’s telephone number>": 57708,
"</s_FATCA filing requirement>": 57600,
"</s_For calendar year>": 57542,
"</s_Form>": 57540,
"</s_Last name>": 57650,
"</s_OMB No.>": 57538,
"</s_PAYER'S name, Street address, city or [OWI, Stale province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code; and telephone no_>": 57536,
"</s_PAYER'S name, Street address, city or town, State province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.>": 57598,
"</s_PAYERS TIN>": 57534,
"</s_Payer’s RTN (optional)>": 57596,
"</s_RECIPIENT'S name>": 57532,
"</s_RECIPIENTS TIN>": 57530,
"</s_Street address (including apt. no.)>": 57594,
"</s_Street address (including apt: no.)>": 57528,
"</s_a Control number>": 57706,
"</s_a Employee’s social security number>": 57648,
"</s_b Employer identification number (EIN)>": 57646,
"</s_c Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code>": 57644,
"</s_c Total number of Forms W-2>": 57704,
"</s_d Control number>": 57642,
"</s_d Establishment number>": 57702,
"</s_e Employee’s first name and initial>": 57640,
"</s_e Employer identification number (EIN)>": 57700,
"</s_f Employee’s address and ZIP code>": 57638,
"</s_f Employer’s name>": 57698,
"</s_g Employer’s address and ZIP code>": 57696,
"</s_h Other EIN used this year>": 57694,
"</s_items>": 57526,
"<s_(Rev.>": 57591,
"<s_1 Interest income>": 57635,
"<s_1 Wages, tips, other compensation>": 57691,
"<s_10 Dependent care benefits>": 57689,
"<s_10 Market discount>": 57633,
"<s_10 Noncash liquidation distributions>": 57589,
"<s_11 Bond premium>": 57631,
"<s_11 FATCA filing requirement>": 57587,
"<s_11 Nonqualified plans>": 57687,
"<s_12 Bond premium on Treasury obligations>": 57629,
"<s_12 Exempt-interest dividends>": 57585,
"<s_12a Deferred compensation>": 57723,
"<s_12a>": 57685,
"<s_12b>": 57683,
"<s_12c>": 57681,
"<s_12d>": 57679,
"<s_13 Bond premium on tax-exempt bond>": 57627,
"<s_13 For third-party sick pay use only>": 57721,
"<s_13 Specified private activity bond interest dividends>": 57583,
"<s_13 Statutory employee, Retirement plan, Third-party sick pay>": 57677,
"<s_14 Income tax withheld by payer of third-party sick pay>": 57719,
"<s_14 Other>": 57675,
"<s_14 State>": 57581,
"<s_14 Tax-exempt and tax credit bond CUSIP no.>": 57625,
"<s_15 State identification no.>": 57579,
"<s_15 State>": 57623,
"<s_16 State identification no.>": 57621,
"<s_16 State tax withheld>": 57577,
"<s_16 State wages, tips, etc. >": 57673,
"<s_16 State wages, tips, etc.>": 57717,
"<s_17 State income tax>": 57671,
"<s_17 State tax withheld>": 57619,
"<s_18 Local wages, tips, etc.>": 57669,
"<s_19 Local income tax>": 57667,
"<s_1a Total ordinary dividends>": 57575,
"<s_1b Qualified dividends>": 57573,
"<s_2 Early withdrawal penalty>": 57617,
"<s_2 Federal income tax withheld>": 57665,
"<s_20 Locality name>": 57663,
"<s_2a Total capital gain distr:>": 57571,
"<s_2b Unrecap. Sec: 1250 gain>": 57569,
"<s_2c Section 1202 gain>": 57567,
"<s_2d Collectibles (28%) gain>": 57565,
"<s_2e Section 897 ordinary dividends>": 57563,
"<s_2f Section 897 capital gain>": 57561,
"<s_3 Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds and Treasury obligations>": 57615,
"<s_3 Nondividend distributions>": 57559,
"<s_3 Social security wages>": 57661,
"<s_4 Federal income tax withheld>": 57557,
"<s_4 Social security tax withheld>": 57659,
"<s_5 Investment expenses>": 57613,
"<s_5 Medicare wages and tips>": 57657,
"<s_5 Section 199A dividends>": 57555,
"<s_6 Foreign tax paid>": 57611,
"<s_6 Investment expenses>": 57553,
"<s_6 Medicare tax withheld>": 57655,
"<s_7 Foreign country or U.S. possession>": 57609,
"<s_7 Foreign tax paid>": 57551,
"<s_7 Social security tips>": 57653,
"<s_8 Allocated tips>": 57651,
"<s_8 Foreign country or U.S. possession>": 57549,
"<s_8 Tax-exempt interest>": 57607,
"<s_9 Cash liquidation distributions>": 57547,
"<s_9 Specified private activity bond interest>": 57605,
"<s_Accoung number (see instructions)>": 57603,
"<s_Accoung number (see instructions}>": 57545,
"<s_City or town, state Or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code>": 57601,
"<s_City or town, state Or province; country, and ZIP or foreign postal code>": 57543,
"<s_Employer’s contact person>": 57715,
"<s_Employer’s email address>": 57713,
"<s_Employer’s fax number>": 57711,
"<s_Employer’s state ID number>": 57709,
"<s_Employer’s telephone number>": 57707,
"<s_FATCA filing requirement>": 57599,
"<s_For calendar year>": 57541,
"<s_Form>": 57539,
"<s_Last name>": 57649,
"<s_OMB No.>": 57537,
"<s_PAYER'S name, Street address, city or [OWI, Stale province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code; and telephone no_>": 57535,
"<s_PAYER'S name, Street address, city or town, State province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no.>": 57597,
"<s_PAYERS TIN>": 57533,
"<s_Payer’s RTN (optional)>": 57595,
"<s_RECIPIENT'S name>": 57531,
"<s_RECIPIENTS TIN>": 57529,
"<s_Street address (including apt. no.)>": 57593,
"<s_Street address (including apt: no.)>": 57527,
"<s_a Control number>": 57705,
"<s_a Employee’s social security number>": 57647,
"<s_b Employer identification number (EIN)>": 57645,
"<s_c Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code>": 57643,
"<s_c Total number of Forms W-2>": 57703,
"<s_d Control number>": 57641,
"<s_d Establishment number>": 57701,
"<s_e Employee’s first name and initial>": 57639,
"<s_e Employer identification number (EIN)>": 57699,
"<s_f Employee’s address and ZIP code>": 57637,
"<s_f Employer’s name>": 57697,
"<s_g Employer’s address and ZIP code>": 57695,
"<s_h Other EIN used this year>": 57693,
"<s_iitcdip>": 57523,
"<s_items>": 57525,
"<s_synthdog>": 57524,
"<sep/>": 57522