import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle # Define the name of the pickle file containing a pre-trained data preprocessing pipeline. pipeline_pkl = "full_pipeline.pkl" # Function to load data from a pickle file. def load_pickle(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) return data # Load the pre-processing pipeline from the pickle file. preprocessor = load_pickle(pipeline_pkl) # Function to create new columns in the training data. def create_new_columns(train_data): # Calculate 'Monthly Variations' column as the difference between 'TotalCharges' and the product of 'tenure' and 'MonthlyCharges'. train_data['Monthly Variations'] = (train_data.loc[:, 'TotalCharges']) -((train_data.loc[:, 'tenure'] * train_data.loc[:, 'MonthlyCharges'])) # Define labels for 'tenure_group' based on a range of values. labels =['{0}-{1}'.format(i, i+2) for i in range(0, 73, 3)] # Create a 'tenure_group' column by binning 'tenure' values into the specified labels. train_data['tenure_group'] = pd.cut(train_data['tenure'], bins=(range(0, 78, 3)), right=False, labels=labels) # Drop the 'tenure' column from the DataFrame. train_data.drop(columns=['tenure'], inplace=True) return train_data # Function to create a processed DataFrame from the processed data. def create_processed_dataframe(processed_data, train_data): # Select numerical columns from the training data. train_num_cols=train_data.select_dtypes(exclude=['object', 'category']).columns # Get feature names from the categorical encoder in the preprocessor. cat_features = preprocessor.named_transformers_['categorical']['cat_encoder'].get_feature_names() # Concatenate numerical and categorical feature names. labels = np.concatenate([train_num_cols, cat_features]) # Create a DataFrame from the processed data with the specified column labels. processed_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(processed_data.toarray(), columns=labels) return processed_dataframe