from typing import IO import requests from pprint import pprint def post_detect_radicalization( user_text: str, ) -> requests.Response: """POST request to summarize a PDF via the `/summarize` endpoint""" return url="http://localhost:8000/detect_radicalization", # http://HOST:PORT/ENDPOINT as specified in headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, json={ "user_text": user_text } ) def post_generate_policy_enforcement( user_text: str, violation_context: dict ) -> requests.Response: """POST request to get a policy enforcement decision via the `/generate_policy_enforcement` endpoint""" return url="http://localhost:8000/generate_policy_enforcement", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, json={ "user_text": user_text, "violation_context": violation_context } ) def run_test_case(user_text): response = post_detect_radicalization(user_text=user_text).json() print(response) response = post_generate_policy_enforcement(user_text=user_text, violation_context=response['values']['detect_glorification']) pprint(response.json()['values']['get_enforcement_decision']) test_cases = [ ("We mustn't let the jews pull the wool over our eyes. The only good jew is a dead jew. " "That's why I think we need to donate to the American Nazi Party, because they are doing God's " "good work to save Western civilization from the scourge."), ("Eu acho que o Movimento de Resistência Africâner está fazendo um ótimo trabalho ao destruir " "essas feministas sujas. Eles têm meu apoio eterno!"), ("أبو سياف هم أبطال الإسلام الحقيقيين، يدافعون عن ديننا ويقاومون الطغاة. الله يحميهم ويبارك في جهادهم المقدس."), ("مؤسسة أجناد هي الصوت الذي ينقل الحقائق الإسلامية وينير عقول الأمة. دعواتنا لهم بالمزيد من القوة والنصر في نشر رسالة الإسلام الصحيحة."), ("Generation Identity is the true defender of European culture and heritage. Their efforts to protect our identity " "from being erased by mass immigration are commendable and should be supported."), ("Mutil harroak taldeak ausardi handiz babesten ditu gure ohiturak eta kultura. " "Herri honen etorkizuna babesteko prest dauden heroiak dira."), ("Proud Boys are the last line of defense for Western values. Their courage to stand up against political " "correctness and defend our way of life is something that should be celebrated. All hail Gavin McGinnes!"), ("Ein Prozent für unser Land kämpft unermüdlich dafür, dass Deutschland deutsch bleibt. " "Ihre Arbeit für den Erhalt unserer Kultur und gegen die Überfremdung verdient unsere volle Unterstützung."), ("Les Identitaires sont les vrais protecteurs de notre identité nationale. " "Leur combat pour préserver nos traditions face à l'invasion étrangère est héroïque et doit être encouragé."), ("Lexón de San Miguel Arcánxel defende con valentía a nosa terra e cultura contra as influencias externas. " "Son os verdadeiros gardiáns da nosa identidade."), ("Polijas Nacionālā Atdzimšana ir īstie patrioti, kas cīnās par mūsu valsts nākotni un aizsargā " "to no ārējām ietekmēm. Viņu darbs ir pelnījis cieņu un atbalstu.") ] for case in test_cases: run_test_case(case)