import json import logging import os import sys import cv2 import numpy as np # Add dust3r to the sys.path sys.path.append('src/dust3r_src') from import crop_resize_if_necessary, DUST3RSplattingDataset, DUST3RSplattingTestDataset from src.mast3r_src.dust3r.dust3r.utils.image import imread_cv2 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ScanNetPPData(): def __init__(self, root, stage): self.root = root self.stage = stage self.png_depth_scale = 1000.0 # Dictionaries to store the data for each scene self.color_paths = {} self.depth_paths = {} self.intrinsics = {} self.c2ws = {} # Fetch the sequences to use if stage == "train": sequence_file = os.path.join(self.root, "raw", "splits", "nvs_sem_train.txt") bad_scenes = ['303745abc7'] elif stage == "val" or stage == "test": sequence_file = os.path.join(self.root, "raw", "splits", "nvs_sem_val.txt") bad_scenes = ['cc5237fd77'] with open(sequence_file, "r") as f: self.sequences = # Remove scenes that have frames with no valid depths"Removing scenes that have frames with no valid depths: {bad_scenes}") self.sequences = [s for s in self.sequences if s not in bad_scenes] P = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] ).astype(np.float32) # Collect information for every sequence scenes_with_no_good_frames = [] for sequence in self.sequences: input_raw_folder = os.path.join(self.root, 'raw', 'data', sequence) input_processed_folder = os.path.join(self.root, 'processed', sequence) # Load Train & Test Splits frame_file = os.path.join(input_raw_folder, "dslr", "train_test_lists.json") with open(frame_file, "r") as f: train_test_list = json.load(f) # Camera Metadata cams_metadata_path = f"{input_processed_folder}/dslr/nerfstudio/transforms_undistorted.json" with open(cams_metadata_path, "r") as f: cams_metadata = json.load(f) # Load the nerfstudio/transforms.json file to check whether each image is blurry nerfstudio_transforms_path = f"{input_raw_folder}/dslr/nerfstudio/transforms.json" with open(nerfstudio_transforms_path, "r") as f: nerfstudio_transforms = json.load(f) # Create a reverse mapping from image name to the frame information and nerfstudio transform # (as transforms_undistorted.json does not store the frames in the same order as train_test_lists.json) file_path_to_frame_metadata = {} file_path_to_nerfstudio_transform = {} for frame in cams_metadata["frames"]: file_path_to_frame_metadata[frame["file_path"]] = frame for frame in nerfstudio_transforms["frames"]: file_path_to_nerfstudio_transform[frame["file_path"]] = frame # Fetch the pose for every frame sequence_color_paths = [] sequence_depth_paths = [] sequence_c2ws = [] for train_file_name in train_test_list["train"]: is_bad = file_path_to_nerfstudio_transform[train_file_name]["is_bad"] if is_bad: continue sequence_color_paths.append(f"{input_processed_folder}/dslr/undistorted_images/{train_file_name}") sequence_depth_paths.append(f"{input_processed_folder}/dslr/undistorted_depths/{train_file_name.replace('.JPG', '.png')}") frame_metadata = file_path_to_frame_metadata[train_file_name] c2w = np.array(frame_metadata["transform_matrix"], dtype=np.float32) c2w = P @ c2w @ P.T sequence_c2ws.append(c2w) if len(sequence_color_paths) == 0:"No good frames for sequence: {sequence}") scenes_with_no_good_frames.append(sequence) continue # Get the intrinsics data for the frame K = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) K[0, 0] = cams_metadata["fl_x"] K[1, 1] = cams_metadata["fl_y"] K[0, 2] = cams_metadata["cx"] K[1, 2] = cams_metadata["cy"] self.color_paths[sequence] = sequence_color_paths self.depth_paths[sequence] = sequence_depth_paths self.c2ws[sequence] = sequence_c2ws self.intrinsics[sequence] = K # Remove scenes with no good frames self.sequences = [s for s in self.sequences if s not in scenes_with_no_good_frames] def get_view(self, sequence, view_idx, resolution): # RGB Image rgb_path = self.color_paths[sequence][view_idx] rgb_image = imread_cv2(rgb_path) # Depthmap depth_path = self.depth_paths[sequence][view_idx] depthmap = imread_cv2(depth_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) depthmap = depthmap.astype(np.float32) depthmap = depthmap / self.png_depth_scale # C2W Pose c2w = self.c2ws[sequence][view_idx] # Camera Intrinsics intrinsics = self.intrinsics[sequence] # Resize rgb_image, depthmap, intrinsics = crop_resize_if_necessary( rgb_image, depthmap, intrinsics, resolution ) view = { 'original_img': rgb_image, 'depthmap': depthmap, 'camera_pose': c2w, 'camera_intrinsics': intrinsics, 'dataset': 'scannet++', 'label': f"scannet++/{sequence}", 'instance': f'{view_idx}', 'is_metric_scale': True, 'sky_mask': depthmap <= 0.0, } return view def get_scannet_dataset(root, stage, resolution, num_epochs_per_epoch=1): data = ScanNetPPData(root, stage) coverage = {} for sequence in data.sequences: with open(f'./data/scannetpp/coverage/{sequence}.json', 'r') as f: sequence_coverage = json.load(f) coverage[sequence] = sequence_coverage[sequence] dataset = DUST3RSplattingDataset( data, coverage, resolution, num_epochs_per_epoch=num_epochs_per_epoch, ) return dataset def get_scannet_test_dataset(root, alpha, beta, resolution, use_every_n_sample=100): data = ScanNetPPData(root, 'val') samples_file = f'data/scannetpp/test_set_{alpha}_{beta}.json' print(f"Loading samples from: {samples_file}") with open(samples_file, 'r') as f: samples = json.load(f) samples = samples[::use_every_n_sample] dataset = DUST3RSplattingTestDataset(data, samples, resolution) return dataset