# Splatt3R: Zero-shot Gaussian Splatting from Uncalibarated Image Pairs Official implementation of `Zero-shot Gaussian Splatting from Uncalibarated Image Pairs` Links removed for anonymity: [Project Page](), [Splatt3R arXiv]() ## Installation 1. Clone Splatt3R ```bash git clone cd splatt3r ``` 2. Setup Anaconda Environment ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml pip install git+https://github.com/dcharatan/diff-gaussian-rasterization-modified ``` 3. (Optional) Compile the CUDA kernels for RoPE (as in MASt3R and CroCo v2) ```bash cd src/dust3r_src/croco/models/curope/ python setup.py build_ext --inplace cd ../../../../../ ``` ## Checkpoints We train our model using the pretrained `MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric` checkpoint from the MASt3R authors, available from [the MASt3R GitHub repo](https://github.com/naver/mast3r). This checkpoint is placed at the file path `checkpoints/MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric.pth`. A pretrained Splatt3R model can be downloaded [here]() (redacted link). ## Data We use ScanNet++ to train our model. We download the data from the [official ScanNet++ homepage](https://kaldir.vc.in.tum.de/scannetpp/) and process the data using SplaTAM's modified version of [the ScanNet++ toolkit](https://github.com/Nik-V9/scannetpp). We save the processed data to the 'processed' subfolder of the ScanNet++ root directory. Our generated test coverage files, and our training and testing splits, can be downloaded [here]() (redacted link), and placed in `data/scannetpp`. ## Demo The Gradio demo can be run using `python demo.py `, replacing `` with the trained network path. A checkpoint will be available for the public release of this code. This demo generates a `.ply` file that represents the scene, which can be downloaded and rendered using online 3D Gaussian Splatting viewers such as [here](https://projects.markkellogg.org/threejs/demo_gaussian_splats_3d.php?art=1&cu=0,-1,0&cp=0,1,0&cla=1,0,0&aa=false&2d=false&sh=0) or [here](https://playcanvas.com/supersplat/editor). ## Training Our training run can be recreated by running `python main.py configs/main.yaml`. Other configurations can be found in the `configs` folder. ## BibTeX Forthcoming arXiv citation